Roxicodone vs percocet 10/325? (2024)

Question posted by painnotaddict on 27 March 2014

Last updated on 2 October 2021

My dr recently changed my script to roxicodone from percocet bc she felt the DEA would come down one her for writing too many percocet. First, why do I feel so different on the roxicodone? I have a sedative effect vs feeling a bit more energetic on the percocet. And second, does anyone know what the DEA limits are for how many percocet she could write? She was writing it for 135 pills and now I get 90 roxicodone. Should be the same thing, but I feel completely different on the roxicodone. Anyone have this happen?

14 Answers


NLStewartRN3 17 July 2019

The difference in the percocet vs the Roxy is the percocet has tylenol in them and the Roxy's do not. Also the Roxy's are stronger than the percocet so you should require less. I think as far as your Dr saying he/she has a limit on the pain medication prescriptions he/she can write, I think they are only allowed to write so many a month per the DEA at least thats what I've been told. Thats why they usually have a limit on how many pain patients they see in their clinic. Sure hope this helps. God Bless


Krista Wright 17 July 2019

If I’m allergic to Tylenol and have severe pain what would be a good pain relief to tell my sr I need can’t take hydrocodone I throw up


Cyndiva 9 Nov 2017

Enough already! My pharmacy fills my generic 10mg Percocet (oxycodone) with generic 10mg Roxicodone. It is the little pink pill. I understand that Percocet has Tylenol and the Roxicodone does not. Why does the pharnacy substitute Oxycodone without the tylenol? I understand I can take tylenol with my Oxycodone. It is not the same with OR without!!! PLEASE HEAR THIS!! I may not be a physician, a pharmacist or the spouse of a pharmacist but I have taken my meds long enough to know what gives me the greatest pain relief. I don't have more energy with Percocet, I have better pain relief. It is NOT in my mind!!! My pain management doctor agrees with me. He told me the pharmacy probably switched my meds as they get a better deal on the "little pink pill". All your years of schooling is impressive, but I believe each patient knows what works better for their own body and we have the expertise to state our opinion.


10+ years of pain meds beats your years of schooling!! You have no right to belittle someone explaining the equivalence of oxycodone in a manner that judges that person. Maybe the provider is the difference. I like milk. I like cocolate milk. Adding Hershey syrup to milk is not the same!!! And some brands are better than others. Please do not give me almond milk or some other substitute. Please listen and respond with kindness when someone who has lived with chronic pain for years expresses a concern about how a certain pain medicine works for them. DO NOT JUDGE US!!! Is it too much to ask to prescribe the med that works best for each individual??? Are we not the experts here? I wish I didn't need anything for pain but do not judge me if you haven't walked in my shoes!!! It should not be so hard to understand. I have never replied to a site such as this and don't frequent such sites. I 'joined' just to reply to this post. I went to another drug store but they said they were not taking any more pain patients!! BTW, I have been much more constipated on the Roxicodone and it is NOT in my mind!!! Hope I don't need to be more specific!!!


Kelly Hamblen 17 Sep 2017

One more thing I would like to ask. Is your Dr in pain management or just a regular Dr. That is something they ma
y have concern's about. If you have to have a prescription to say like your 135, they believe you should be going to pain management. Anyway, didn't mean to take up more space for my second thought. Smiles...


Myprettyfish 31 Jan 2017

OK... Enough already. Lol
I am a healthcare professional. The Roxicodone is identical to what's in Percocets just minus the Tylenol. The Roxy is instant release just like the percocets. (Only oxyCONTIN are timed release and this is a whole different drug) If the dose is the same of oxycodone in either pill than you will have the same effects. The only solution for you is to think that it is remotely possible that u have a stimulating reaction to Tylenol and that's why you had more energy with the Percocets. Take a 325 Tylenol with your Roxicodone and you will have the exact combo. I am not saying that your concern is invalid because I myself have taken a Tylenol when prescribed Roxy to help it kick in.
Good luck to you!!


Jodym 9 Feb 2016

These are the exact same drug. I often here this story. I feel different in this one than I do on the other one. Roxicodone is a generic Percocet. Oxycodone is a generic Percocet. The only time you should be able to tell the difference is if the change your dosage amount. 10 mg 20 mg or 30mg some of these also comes mixed with actemiohine


firedog38 11 Feb 2016

Just wanted to make something clear that you may be misunderstanding. Please i mean have no malicious intent by say you know nothing about your medications but Roxicodone in not generic brand for Percocet. Now they do have similarities both contain oxycodone. Roxicodone is a step up cause it is a more pure for of the opioid oxycodone and has no acetaminophen and very little fillers in it at all which why there so small and powerful. Percocet does contain acetaminophen and known by names of Percocet, Percocet 5/325, Percocet 10/325, Endocet ,oxycodone 5/325,oxycodone 7.5/325,oxycodone 10/325. Now the oxycodone with no acetaminophen we know as Roxicodone, OxyIR, Percolone and the purest form of all oxycodone OxyContin. The other oxycodone systemic names are Percodan, Roxiprin, Endodan, Percodan-Demi they contain/aspirin. Combunox is oxycodone Ibuprofen and Targiniq ER oxycodone/naloxone and is extended release.


To sum it all up yes close to same but Roxicodone is not a generic for percocet. Roxicodone is 1and 1/2 times stronger than percocet. I am not a doctor but my wife was a pharmacist so please do not use any of my information as i say again i am no health care professional. See and talk with you doctor or local pharmacist on how to use these medications!!!


daba1958 5 April 2016

My Dr just changed my oxycodone 10/325 to oxycontin 10 MG and it is horrible, my pain will not go away as it did with the oxycodone why is that?


Kes1992 22 July 2016

OxyContin is continuous(hence CONTIN) relief which means it is time released. It's more pure than Oxycodone which means it doesn't have the acetaminophen(Tylenol). That's why you're experiencing a difference.

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umpsey 11 Jan 2016

I have had 23 operations on my body it like let cut her open agsin I had bac surgery 2014 doctor let some one learning operate on me back got mess up bad. Now I have got back stem put in me for chronic pain not working I saw lady surgent she said something is wrong leads are no in right. Now what at the Pharmacy changed what I take to Roxicet now what was wrote up for me. He said they put in new order so why did one of the helper give me this it not working at all jus got back stem put in less than 3 months ago 2 large cut in my back which I knew noithing about till it was over. Are Doctors sopose to let other doctors operate on you without you knowing about.


Chrispychristina 18 Nov 2015


As this is a commonly prescribed DRUG in the instance of pain management, I see this is daily. The issuance of PERCOCET being the 'go to' DRUG for most pain management offices, isn't unusual. In fact, I am quite surprised to hear that your Dr./PA/PAC, has prescribed you Roxicidone INSTEAD of the PERCOCET. In my experience, it is the EXACT opposite. Roxicidone DOES NOT contain acetaminophen, unlike PERCOCET, which generally produces a ',pleasant high', or 'energy', as you've described. Count yourself ',LUCKY' that you have received the Roxicidone script, they not only control pain BETTER, you don't have to take as many pills as you once did on the PERCOCET. Note that they come in a 30mg strength as well, which enables you to cut them in half, if so desired. Take good care of yourself. I recommend adding ACTIVIA to your diet. You may NEED the added probiotic benefits for regularity.


Bci092212 17 Nov 2015

I don't know about any limits. One guy below said there was a limit on how many percocets a doctor could write on a 30 day supply. My doctor gives me 180 10 mg each month. Guess it depends on the state.


daba1958 5 April 2016

I get 180 per month also

Pain management doctor are only allowed to write up to 4 pain pills of a kind period a day. There's a 200 point system not mg it's points. Have your pain doctor explain it to you. Most of them don't care to explain it.


Jbow52 7 May 2017

I realize this is an old thread but I was researching and it came up. My PM doctor gave me 150 vicoprofen for several years. I now (May 2017) am getting 135 10/325 Norco a month and will likely increase that soon. This 120 a month rule is not true and my pharmacy has no problem. If my insurance runs through, they fill. Normally every 28 days. I'm glad I don't have these problems. I think maybe some doctors and pharmacies are lying. I know I tried CVS once and they would not fill before 30 days, I left there and went back to the supermarket pharmacy.

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Lymefighter 10 Nov 2015

I feel exactly the same. Your not alone on this and I think maybe it is because it is slow release so your not getting it all at once you get a little over time. Unlike percocet that releases it all at once. I have been in so much more pain with no relief even though it is a higher dose. Now I know that it is the meds making me zapped of energy and no relief from pain i thought my lyme was just getting worse. Picked up my script today I had them put me back down to 10 thinking I would get the percocet back but didn't. I thought when I had went up to the 15s that it was just the way the higher dose was without Tylenol didn't realize till today it was a total different medication. This sucks.


Mgayler34 7 May 2017

Roxycodone is rapidly release not over time if it was over time it would be oxycotin! That's what oxycodone released over time is .


Oineros 29 May 2018

No, Roxy is generally thought to release slightly slower than percocet(with Tylenol). Part of this is likely because the Tylenol helps it metabolize caster


rholland321 23 Sep 2020

Roxicodone ir is instant release. However the brand is the only one that works well. Most of the generic brands aren't worth a darn. Brand Roxicodone cost 1200.00 dollars and up.
Most won't cover it so the generic is dispensed.

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Kurt F 19 Nov 2014

Obviously I feel different too which is why I searched this question. All of a sudden my Doctor changes my 7.5/325 Percosets to these 15mg oxycodone pills. He wrote less and tells me to cut them in half. He refused to write my original script which works well for me. These Oxycodon make me tired while the perc gave me energy. Has to be something different in these and not the tylernol portion. I took tylernol with it. Been taking these 10 years due to 6 spine surgeries and 2 spinal cord stimulators implanted. In pain the rest of my life and just wanna be comfortable. Why do they have to change this?


kaismama 19 Nov 2014

Percent really aren't good to use long term because of the tylenol. I'm sorry but you're not listening. You are now getting twice the of oxy so you are more sedated. The tylenol is the only difference. The mind. Is a powerful thing.


Kurt F 19 Nov 2014

I am listening to you and clearly understand what you are saying. Mathematically it is double what I was taking. But I cut the 15 mg in half so now that is even. What I am trying to say is the former Percosets brand pill gave me energy and the same strength at 7.5 of the plain Oxy is making me tired and no energy. Now I am back to doing less in managing my pain. Make sense?


kaismama 15 June 2015

There is nothing in percocets that should give you energy. Generally sedation is the problem.


djtonyb 7 July 2015

Perks make me feel up and good the Roxey make me feek crappy


Lyndie1 28 Sep 2015

The Only difference between Roxicodone and Percocet Is Acetaminophen (Tylenol ), otherwise they are both Oxicodone. Now, Percocet has Tylenol already in it but Roxicodone does not, it is simply Oxicodone. So the pill is smaller and the milligrams is also smaller Because it is condensed as just the narcotic with no Acetaminophen in it. With less other ingredients comprising the makeup of the pill, it's smaller in size and doseage. In other words, you're getting More narcotic and none if the non-narcotic. This is why you have more sedation, lethargy and even a "hangover" effect. So computing this is like, "Percocet 10/325" which is 10 MG Oxicodone to 325mg Acetaminophen, "Roxicodone 15mg" is exactly 15mg Oxicodone and No acetaminophen. This means you're getting 15mg of Oxicodone instead of the 10Mg you Were getting. You aren't being given any of these meds for that "rush of energy & hyperalertness" that you felt before.


But fir relief of pain Only. If that's what you need to feel as well as pain relief, you need to speak with your doc again, also seek someone to help with depression. A good advice is Acupuncture, Massage & Aquatherapy. Helps aid pain medication and relief


LJW311 4 April 2016

I understand completely, I had a double fusion "cage" surgery. When I got injured the first time I took Ultram and ultimately went to 6 15mg rocicodone and 2 20mg OxyContin per day. I can attest that when I went from 3 10mg Percocet to 3 15mg roxicodone I felt as if the Roxicodone did not work as well. I was just at Pain Clinic and I'm weining off some of my meds, I'm going from 5 15mg Roxicodone per day to 5 10mg Percocet per day. The lady working there even said that there is a difference between Roxicodone and and Percocet other than Tylenol, it may just be how the body processes it but there is something different (not a major difference but something) it affects me different and it's not energy level bc my energy level was fine when taking Roxy and Oxycontin. I prefer the Percocet 10mg

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Saddness 5 Oct 2014

I have the EXACT SAME THING happen to me with the percets I had pain relief and ton of energy plus a good attitude I was taking 10/325 they switched me to small pink roxicodone and now all I feel is tired and zoney everyone bodies chemistry is different wish I could get the other ones back


kaismama 15 June 2015

So take a tylenol with it. Its the same thing


LLov 1 Aug 2016

I know what you mean I have chrons


DONTMATTER16 15 Nov 2016

Yep, the same gives me the exact results when getting regular 10mgs of oxycodone opposed to Percocet or even Norco 10mgs.
You would think the only difference being the Tylenol mixed with them, would not make that difference in being tired opposed to not feeling like sleeping all the time.


karen1954 8 March 2018

My husband takes Tylenol with his. He stays alert.

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DzooBaby 27 March 2014

Kaismama is correct. Percocet is oxycodone plus acetaminophen (otherwise known as Tylenol) Roxicodone is just plain oxycodone. Did she put you on Roxicodone 15mg? If so that is probably why you feel more sedated. The 15mg Roxicodone has more oxycodone than Percocet 10/325 which only have 10mg oxycodone. This way she can give you 1350mg of oxycodone a month but in less pills. (90 of the Roxicodone 15mg = 1350mg oxycodone per month, 30 days, and 135 of the Percocet 10/325 is 1350mg of oxycodone per month since it is the 10 part that indicates the strength of the oxycodone-the 325 is acetaminophen) So she is giving you a bit more oxycodone in each pill but giving you fewer pills per day. This little increase is causing you to feel a little more sedated. You can always cut them in half for 7.5mg oxycodone and take a Tylenol tab with them. If you choose to take the full 15mg, the sedation will get better very soon. The body becomes tolerant to oxycodone pretty quickly.


You would probably do well on an extended release form like Oxycontin (OMG dont say that word though!) and taking 20mg in AM and 20mg in PM and you'd be on 60 pills per month with better pain coverage. Unfortunately Oxycontin has been vilified and Oxycontin has become a bad word! It is no more scary than any oxycodone when used properly.


painnotaddict 28 March 2014

Please excuse the way I am responding to all of you, I'm new to this and not terribly tech savvy, hopefully I am doing it correctly! :) But thank you all for your answers. The increase in dosage helps to make sense of some of my experience with this new drug. However, I don't understand why the roxicodone feels so different, even at half dosages. I wish the limits weren't like they are. I was doing fine on the percocet. It was nice to get my pain relieved as well as the extra alertness. As we all know, pain can keep you inactive and that in turn causes depression, a vicious cycle. I also have serious gait issues and some medications can cause my balance and what is referred to as 'clonus' or uncontrollable tremors in my legs, to worsen. It seems as the roxicodone is wearing off, these issues get worse. It's bad enough getting treated like a drug seeker, but having to change medications due to quantity per month, frustrates me to no end.


I would prefer 120 of the 10's. Why should I have to sacrifice my quality of life bc these morons making laws about schedule II drugs thought limiting quantity was going to keep people from abusing them? But thank you all for your thoughtful replies!


kaismama 19 Nov 2014

While there are no government ants there is a recommended. Amt of tylenol a day. You're much better off without the tylenol.


impulse_troy 3 Jan 2015

It is never a good idea to cut any of your meds in half... after Perdue was sued over the whole oxycodone campaign for safer opioids, it continued to sell the exact same drug under a slow release tab called oxyneo... cutting one in half essentially breaks the time release on these pills.oxycocet 5/325 do not have these "anti-tamper" features. My sudjestion on how to properly use your "roxy's" is to insure you keep a daily regiment where you dose yourself properly for all day pain relief atleist 2hrs before you want to do your daily regiment, then possibly a pm dose as a "maintaining" dose for when you wake up. Ut us very important to keep daily dosages closely regulatedm


kaismama 15 June 2015

Where did the extended release oxy enter the picture? We aren't talking about that. regular oxy can be cut.


watsono1 6 Sep 2015

Tylenol and Ibuprofen are both very bad for kidneys and liver. I have had 4 back surgeries, 2 kidney stone operations, breast cancer, and currently throat and neck cancer. I take 10 mg of oxycodone, as it is the best for my body. I'm so thankful that I get relief. My drug that worked the best, but is not good for me is 5 to 7.5 vicodin.



Lymefighter 10 Nov 2015

Don't worry you are not alone. I feel the same way. I started taking roxicodone was on percocet and I have had zero energy and don't feel love me they take the pain away at all. Yes I did go from 10mg to 15 but that has been two years and never felt sedated just no energy at all and no relief from pain. Have taken Tylenol with it and don't change anything. I thought my lyme disease had just gotten worse and that's why it wasn't working and I have been so tired. With the lower dose of percocet I was getting some relief. I just had her drop the dose back down thinking I would get the percocet back I didn't know it was an entirely different med that I was taking. And as for the roxicodone my Dr told me it is a slow release tab so it is a lot different because when you take the percocet it releases it all at one time. But I am so glad I found your comment because now I know what is causing me to be so rundown. I liked the energy the percocet gave me even if it didn't last the entire day.


Lymefighter 10 Nov 2015

The roxicodone is slow released and minus the Tylenol That is how it is different from percocet.

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kaismama 27 March 2014

Sorry I don't get that one. The DEA could care less about the tylenol and that's the only difference between roxicodone and percocet. Unless shes increased the dose of the oxycodone from 10mg. If she did then that is why you are feeling sedated and it will pass rapidly.


bobsy 28 March 2014

With all the new federal regulations on scheduled controlled drugs, then yes now the DEA is closely monitoring doctors on how many pills they prescribe of Scheduled meds, especially those in the Schedule II category. Percocet and Roxycodone contain oxycodone which is a Schedule II controlled med. The limit a doctor is allowed to write for Percocet is 120 tabs for a 30 day supply. Percocets only come in strenghts of 5, 7.5, and 10 mg oxycodone plus 325 mg of acetaminophen. Roxicodone has no acetaminphen in it. Look on the pill bottle and it will tell you the strength of oxycodone in the Roxicodone tablet. I suspect you have 15 mg of oxycodone in the Roxycodone tablets. So you are getting a stronger pill in the Roxys. Your doctor has a right to be worried though, as the DEA will question doctors who are prescribing more than 120 tabs of Percocet for a 30 day supply.


Since you are now taking 15 mg of oxycodone with the Roxy pills vs the 10 mg of oxycodone you were used to taking with the Percocets, then you will feel sedated for awhile until you 'get used' due to the higher amount of oxycodone you are now taking in the Roxcodone tablets.


Debbies21 8 April 2014

My dr used to proscribe 100 percocet 5/325 or 7.5/325 now the most the pharmacy will fill is 60.

I'm now on 10/325 that I break in half and take the 2nd half if I need.

I was in a car accident and had multiple operations and of course different docs proscribe different pain meds. But I always return to percocet. I find that it relieves my pain. If I take a generic it's like taking aspirin. We use an independant pharmacy. Last week my hubby filled a script for 40 10/325 and my bill was $400. Since there is a generic we were on the hook for the full amt. needless to say my husband had a fit. He works for a hospital & can have it filled much cheaper but only the generic. I get no relief from the generic & find I take more because I get no relief or only 10 min of relief.

Am I crazy in demanding only the brand and insist I get no relief from the generic. Am I the only one that feels certain manufacturers will give you better results.


NorwegianMermaid 7 Nov 2014


Have you tried Activis? That brand has been the most effective for me personally. You can also ask your physician to make a request for the generic to your insurance company. :)


kaismama 19 Nov 2014

It would surprise you both to know that the DEA does not state a specific amt of meds prescribed. Read the controlled substance act.


Jefcarbk 8 May 2015

Not sure where you two got your info but unless it's a State by State thing the doctors can write a prescription for well over 120. I was getting 270 percocets a month and then my Dr and I decided to change to Roxicodone 15mg (210 per month). I have severe pain and a very high tolerance. They are dispersed as 2 tablets every 4-6 hours which would allow me to take seven a day(only on really rough days). In order to get those quantities you would probably have to go to a physical medicine and rehab or pain management(usually give injections and such) doctor. My Dr trusts me as I have never taken more than prescribed and I always talk to him if I am having extra pain. We actually prefer to get the higher quantity so there is no breaking in half or quarters depending on my need. If you have a trusting pain doctor and you don't run out ahead of time along with lowering the strength when times are better there shouldn't be an issue getting a higher quantity.


Your family practice Dr will probably never prescribe these quantities but a specialist is a different story.

Now that I have explained my situation, I would ALWAYS TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR before believing things you read from random people with absolutely no clue what they speak of. Don't even trust my comment. Confirm with your doctor.

I wish you all the best of luck and hopefully we all can get to a place where we have no need for these types of meds.


kaismama 8 May 2015

I just figured I"d keep my mouth shut, since its not pertinent to the question. A pharmacy can refuse to fill over an amount, no matter what the dr says. So be careful there. There are no specific laws that say he cannot prescribe this or that, there are guidelines. If a dr continually breaks the guidelines he will be investigated.


Carebear307 14 June 2015

I am on Percocet also and I use to get the Watson brand. They worked great! Took all my pain away for hours. Now Watson was bought out by a foreign drug company. I have had many generic brands since and none of them help. Most make me sleepy or very little pain relief. They are junk! I can not even get the brand name here in Ohio because none of the pharmacy carry brand name .


Cat7206 7 July 2017



Red82 29 July 2017

To "Cat7206"
Was your comment really necessary? Mrs. Debbies21 was just needing some advice to help her with her issue, not a grammar nazi correcting her spelling. Did you ever think that maybe that's just how her phone spelled it, or maybe she thinks that is how the word she typed is actually spelled? Not to mention, her comment that u rudely replied to is 3 years old.


lurchey 12 Sep 2017

I get 150 Percocets each month with no problems.


Mamason1 24 Nov 2017

My doctor had me on 10/325 6 a day (180) plus 100 mg Gabapinton TIDplus Tramadol 100 TID plus tizanidine 4mg 6 Times a day for5 years. Finally Percocet. Stopped working and nowhere changed the percoset.


karen1954 8 March 2018

I demand a specific brand also. The cheap brands do me no good. For example . i take Percocet 10/325 .I only rabble Enforcer brand. The white ones absolutely do good. I also have a friend that takes Oxycodone 15 mg. They have him a cheaper bereaved . He was sick all month. Ago the next month We had to hunt his.brand be likes. They try to say they are all the same but they are not. I feel same way..


karen1954 8 March 2018

I demand a specific brand also. The cheap brands do me no good. For example . i take Percocet 10/325 .I only take Endocet brand. The white ones absolutely do good. I also have a friend that takes Oxycodone 15 mg. They have him a cheaper brand. He was sick all month. Ago the next month We had to hunt his.brand be likes. They try to say they are all the same but they are not. I feel same way..


karen1954 8 March 2018

I demand a specific brand also. The cheap brands do me no good. For example . i take Percocet 10/325 .I only take Endocet brand. The white ones absolutely do good. I also have a friend that takes Oxycodone 15 mg. They have him a cheaper brand. He was sick all month. Ago the next month We had to hunt his.brand be likes. They try to say they are all the same but they are not. I feel same way..


lynnebailey 2 Oct 2021

These new opioid regulations are good absolutely nothing. I’ve got advanced rheumatoid Arthritis. It’s a continuing fight for chronic pain patients. We must speak out. The fb group of Don’t punish pain patients is making headway but it is slow going. You deserve to be treated! You might enjoy the fb group. Sent a prayer for you.

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percocet, percocet 10/325, roxicodone

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