Regarding the affect of different generic brands? (2024)

Question posted by Frank M on 28 July 2010

Last updated on 2 October 2019

I was in a severe aircraft accident crash have many physical problems including shattered discs 6 fractured lumbars broken shoulder and ankle and the list goes on. I have been taking 10mg Norco and 10mg Zydone finding Zydone relieves the pain much more than Norco. Since I have been building a tolerance they don't work as well as before. Doctor starting prescribing Percocet 10/325 and does work much better generic Endocet this time the pharmacy gave me generic made by Mallinckrodt would like to know if anybody has had the different brands and could tell in your opinion if you think one brand works better than the other would appreciate your comments if you have tried the different brands both Oxycodone and Acetaminophen 10/325. Do you think one works better than the other? Would appreciate some feedback. Thank You.

Added 21 Sep 2010:

Today the pharmacy pulled another switch on the generic 10/325 Percocet first I got Endocet then Mallinckrodt now today I got Amneal never heard of this brand before. Has anybody tried these different brands if so can you tell the difference? I know there are many different generic brands but also know that some relieve pain better than others I believe it's quality control,so far I believe Endocet was the best for relief of pain Mallinckrodt was okay also there are even more generic brands. If you have tried different brands I would appreciate your input on which brand worked best for you. As you know medication is expensive and don't like paying about the same price for a less quality brand when you can get a better brand for a few dollars more. Thank You, Frank M.

21 Answers


Hurtback247 21 April 2019

I have been having the same , even changed pharmacies but still the same. Yes there is a huge difference in the generic brands. I've been on pain medication for 12 years and probably the rest of my life with back issues that started at birth. What works for me is Percocet/oxycodone 10/325 ,oval yellow w/ T 194 on them,they work great. Haven't been able to get them in 4 months. I've been given Malinqrodt brand, and another brand, first 1 made me sick, 2nd one makes me sleep niether one helps my pain. I go in for refills at the end of the month, I hope to get some sort of help.


okiebug65 27 Dec 2018

I just got a new script filled this month from CVS with Rhodes pharmaceuticals... they don’t work worth a darn! I asked the pharmacist and they said that they are using them now and all CVS pharmacy’s are using them... I have a co tract with my pain doc... can I get it filled at Walmart or somewhere else?


wendysoules 1 Nov 2018

I just got percocet from a different pharmacy this time. They are different generic brands and yes there is a difference. Too bad I can't take them back and go back to the other store.


Pbird66 15 Oct 2018

Yes I do! In fact, I KNOW that some generics work much better than others while some hardly work at all. That's why I stick with my same ol' faithful pharmacy. Also, to receive pain management, I had to sign an agreement stating that I would use the same pharmacy every single time. That was ok with me since I'd already learned that mine usually gets the best generics anyway. I won't say their name, but they do have a bad reputation for having higher prices than the others, but so what. What's the use of paying less for nothing? If it has RP on it ... not too good. I don't know what all the RP company makes, but with percocets, they suck. Don't even know or care what the name of the the company is that makes those RP percocets, but if my pharmacy ever uses anything made by them I'm going to assume that they aren't going to be good quality either & I'll sure let them know.


I'm too old for all that nonsense. Anyway, I hope I helped answer your question. It definately wasn't your imagination. I'll pray for you to be relieved from all that pain you've got. Seriously, I will. I'm old. You're not. I'm supposed to hurt, but I'm not going to let pain stop me. That's what pain meds are for.


Master1128 31 July 2018

I have found that drugs that come from the German manufactory called mallinckrodt, I may have misspelled, but that company drugs are less effective or what my daughter called watered down. My oxycodone 15 from that company I have to take 2 and a half to equal 1 of another brand.


Richie48 15 June 2018

Yes there is a big difference between different generic drugs


Lori Something 1 June 2018

I have found that the manufacturer Mallinckrodt is not good for me. I am suffering with increased pain because this brand seems to be weaker or the different ingredients in it aren’t helping with my pain at all. It is also causing me to itch everywhere kinda like I’m having a major allergic reaction but it’s not really an allergy issue it’s just itching from the top of my head to my toes & is considered a “side affect”. So now I’m taking Benadryl for the itching and between the Benadryl and this new brand all I want to do is sleep but I keep waking up from the pain and the itching. The manufacturer that I have been taking for years is ACTAVIS, IT WORKS SO MUCH BETTER it’s like night and day. It has never caused me to be sleepy or itch and has definitely helped relieve the pain.


Unfortunately now I am stuck with a months supply of medicine that is causing negative side effects and not relieving my pain but i’m not able to get a new prescription and then hunt for a pharmacy that has the Actavis brand. I’m sorry but I feel this is very unfair and that the pharmacy should take responsibility and exchange the remainder of my medicine for the brand that does not cause me negative side effects. I honestly think that it would cost them less than $20 to replace my prescription with the original manufacturer but instead I’m supposed to deal with it and that’s just not right..


bobsy 23 April 2019

As of 2019 TEVA bought out or acquired Activis. So probably in the near future, you will no longer see Actavis meds in the marketplace or being available meds at pharmacies. Personally, I have tried TEVA meds and I feel that TEVA makes very good medications, especially benzos and pain meds.


Ves911 22 May 2018

I was also in an accident that damaged C4-C6. I've been on pain management for about 2 years. Im on Oxycodone 15mg mfg by Actavis. A few days ago I picked up my script from Walgreens and they changed mfg to Mallinckrodt. Day 2 of taking my prescribed amount and I can tell you the Mallinckrodt are horrible. Not only do they not relieve my pain like the other mfg, but I'm dizzy, nauseous, sour taste in my throat and they make my mouth burn :( I don't understand how the same mg can be so different from mfg to mfg. I'm not sure what to do. I'm going to call my pain mgmt dr. Has anyone had problems with Mallinckrodt


Jdb914 19 April 2018

Hello Frank,
First off there are about 30 different generic makers of oxycodone, it would be very difficult to have your exact brand. But you are so right, the effects are different from pill to pill. I was just getting one for about 6 months that made me sick to my stomach and nervous! I hated it, but I have no control over what brand happens to be on sale for the pharmacy from month to month. Another interesting thing is the lack of oxycodone in the meds. If you read the insert that comes with the meds, the one from the manufacture not the pharmacy, you will see that each tablet only has 8.257 milligrams of OxyContin, NOT 10. So far for me they all have had less than 10. In a way we are paying for 10 and getting 8.2. I think no one has challenged them on that. Doesn't seem right. But yes, each new brand has a different effect. Some make me so constapatied I have to drink prune juice and Metamucil everyday or it gets really bad.


Some don't affect me at all! Who knows. If we can't ask the pharmacy for another brand, we have to buy it at another pharmacy... but that's not right either. I'm really going to look into this and press the issue as a consumer.


Jdb914 31 Oct 2017

YES, YES, YES!! I have been waiting a long time for this question from somebody that is getting different effects from the exact same medicine, but different manufactures. Why is it that some of the meds are stronger than others? Some make you nauseated and some do not? Some of them make it harder to breath? Some make you itch much more than others? We are getting a lot of different ingredients or the opium from different parts of the world is acting different in our bodies??? Someone must have a real idea as to why these same oxycodone 10/325 tablets all have different effects on a person's body. The FDA could not answer my question, and 5 higher managers said they really didn't care as long as no one was dying!!! Can you frigging believe that! Senator, here I come.


LumbarFUBAR 19 April 2018

The FDA requires the *active* ingredient to be the same in generics as in the brand name medication. But the inactive ingredients do NOT have to be the same as the brand med. The FDA has a list of approved inactive ingredients for generic manufacturers; as long as the manufacturers stick to that list, and the bioavailability of the generic medication is the same as the brand, it's acceptable to the FDA. There can be different dyes, binders, and starches, etc. in the generics, as well lactose and gluten. I'm lactose intolerant as well as a diagnosed celiac (gluten intolerance), so I have to be VERY careful about what's in my generic medications. Plus there are some generics I can't take because they make me feel sick, or don't give me any pain relief. It's ridiculous.


Inactive 8 Oct 2017

Me too, with pharmacy guidelines, it is up to McKesson or who ever is the pharmacy's carrier. It is about profits, not us, and in my case, I have my doctor specify "endocet 10-325, but never have I once got that brand, which is the original generic of PERCICET, brand. It costs in the ball park area of $5,000 for 180 ct. See the pharmaceuticals b.s.? Don't know at this time what else to say. I also been getting Anneal, now Rhodes. Anneal is little better.


Babyjgirl79 27 May 2017

Amneal brand is absolutely horrible! I've been on percs for years and this is the only brand that made me itch like crazy and it did not take away the pain! Rhodes is the best there are little tiny round pills with imprint RP / 10. 325


Lisa Jen 29 Jan 2017

I have been taking generic Percocet (5mg) for four years now from Amneal Pharm. ( the round white pill labeled ip203) just 2 days ago I got my script filled at the same pharmacy that I have always used and didn't realize until I got home that my pills were switched to another brand marked 512 on the pill. I called the pharmacy and was told they were the same and to take them as prescribed. I did that and felt dizzy and drowsy and lightheaded and NOBODY IS GOING TO CONVINCE ME THAT THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE AMOUNG THE MANUFACTURERS!!! so now I am stuck with a month supply of pills that I cant take. It is the customer's responsibility to check your meds before you leave the store. If you prefer one brand over another, request that brand. I learned the hard way.


Tmbridges 29 June 2018

I've been on the Mellinckodt 512 for about a year it works best for me. It took me a few times to figure which one was best going through different pharmaceutical companies the mellinckodt worked the best for me. I have Multiple Sclerosis along with severe arthritis in both knees along with shoulders and spine. The MS aggravates everything down to the common cold makes things ache. The autoimmune diseases effect things causing massive pain kinda all over. So yes mellinckodt was best for me, sorry if it didn't work well for you. But a change look like that and not knowing is not good. But I now check all prescriptions before I walk away from the counter.
Thank you for reading


thetunerguy 10 March 2013

For those of you that are in daily pain, at any level,,, I have been dealing with Multiple Myaloma ( bone marrow cancer ) since 2008. Before they discovered it, I was in neckpain I can't describe. My only peace was sleeping. My vertibra fell apart and shorted out my spinal cord. I just say this to let you know where the pain is. Total bone pain, but really bad neck, shoulders, and back. I can walk now, jazz drummer, etc.

I don't care what is said, each 10/325 brand hs it's own "personality". They must have had a national give-a-way at Amneal. All of a sudden it shows up out of nowhere and for me, it is horrible. All I can do is sleep and wobble around.

How can the FDA they say they are the same, and time release, when one is as hard as a rock and one almost disolves before you can get it swallowed ?


Amneal, for me, is horrible. All I do is sleep and that is far from "me". My friends can't believe how much I can do. I only had Websters once and they were horrible, for me. All the rest are fine. I prefer hard pills, as, while they take a while to engage, they seem to be a bit less intense and last longer and smoother. My Rx is written for Endocet 10/325, but they are tough to get. I called every Rite Aid in Delaware 2 months and 100% of the stores had either nothing or Amneal.

I swore I read something about generics were allowed to vary up to 20%. I look for input on that.

I guess we all hope to fine the ones that work. If they are not, ask you doc, go on line, etc.

As for one that has been on the same dose for 4+ years, I am hear to tell anyone they are NOT all the same.

Sorry for writing a book here. Boo Amneal and Boo Webster in my camp.


Bamagsx 2 May 2013

I'm new here and just wanted to share my input.I have back problems and have to use one pharmacy according to my pain contract.I was lucky to find a small town pharmacy that will work with me to supply me with the best generic pain medications.The pharmacist i go to was honest and told me that some generic pain medicines are poorly made.He also said that if you call a pharmacy and ask what generic brand they carry that by law they are able to tell you what brand they carry and if they say they can't tell you that they are full of it


4Sheryl4 4 March 2013

I just was started on the Watson brand and haven't tested out any other generics. The doctor knew my aversion to generics just from problems with other generic versions of drugs in the past but the pharmacist said the brand was $560 for 90 pills of Percocet. The generic was $5. How in the world does a pharmacy sell their product at this price with the alternatives being so low? It makes no sense to me. You would think they don't want to sell their brand drug. Does anyone have an answer to that?

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percocet 10/325, generic

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Regarding the affect of different generic brands? (2024)
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