Rock Band Metal Track Pack - Walkthrough overview
Welcome to Rock Band Metal Track Pack! This is the fifth game in the Track Pack mini-series from Harmonix. The game comes with 20 new “Metal” songs (a couple of them not really Metal but fun nonetheless). The setlist is quite enjoyable, in my opinion, and all relevant decades of the genre are somewhat represented here. The game should offer at least some enjoyment for most Rock Band enthusiasts, even if Metal it a tad too loud for your taste.
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Rock Band Metal Track Pack - Skill requirements to complete the game
There will be further detail and tips for meeting each requirement for all the separate achievements in the next few pages.
As with most Music Games, skill is a huge factor in being able to obtain achievements, and this game is no exception. If you are half decent on EXPERT difficulty in other Music games then you will have no trouble with the single player achievements. I outlined the bottom line on what you will need to be able to do to complete the game. The order in which you play does not matter and you can always come back later if you are stuck.
- 100% ANY song on Bass, on ANY difficulty.
- 100% “In This Moment - Forever” on Vocals, on ANY difficulty.
- 5 STAR “Hawkwind - Master of the Universe” on EXPERT, solo or band.
- Beat “Evile - Thrasher” on EXPERT Drums, solo or band. Or own two Drum Kits.
- Beat all songs MEDIUM or higher, as a band.
- Beat “Killed by Death” EXPERT BAND without anyone failing, min 2 players.
- 4 STAR “Queens of the Stone Age - 3’s and 7’s” as FULL BAND, ANY difficulty.
- Beat “Blue Oyster Cult - Transmaniacon MC” as FULL BAND, HARD difficulty.
If you are able to meet these requirements then you are definitely able to complete the game.
I’ve sorted these requirements by difficulty for the average player but your situation may vary. If you are a veteran Music game player, then you will feel right at home. The most difficult part mostly lies in finding other players because you cannot play the game online. Outside the full band achievement this game is one of the easier ones from the Track Pack series. Beating “Thrasher” on EXPERT Drums is pretty hard but there are two different strategies to make this achievement a lot easier, which I will detail further into the walkthrough. On the next pages, we will go through a step by step plan to obtain as many achievements as possible.
Rock Band Metal Track Pack - Tour Mode
First up, Tour mode. You will both have to play the Solo and the Band Tour. You do NOT have to play on EXPERT to obtain all the Tour related achievements. Only MEDIUM difficulty is required for the Band Tour. For Solo Tour, it doesn’t matter what difficulty you play on so I recommend you pick whatever you feel most comfortable on.
Essentially the tour is split into four tiers of five songs. You will have to beat all songs from a single tier to advance to the next tier and you complete the tour once you have beaten all songs.
Note that in SOLO Tour once you start on an instrument you have to play all the songs on that specific instrument. You have to beat all the songs on the same instrument! Make sure you are on a comfortable difficulty.
Let’s start with the SOLO Tour. Play through the songs on your favorite instrument. You have the option to play the career on Guitar, Drums or Vocals. Sadly, Bass career is not available on the old Rock Band engine. You do not have to beat the Tour because the only achievement we are going for requires you to play three specific songs. There are four song tiers in total however you will have the three songs needed for the achievement available by tier three.
The songs you need to beat are: "D.O.A.", "Laid to Rest," and "Hair of the Dog". Once you have beaten the final song of the three you will unlock:
Play "D.O.A.", "Laid to Rest," and "Hair of the Dog" in Solo Tour
1 guide
There is one other Solo Tour related achievement and it requires you to 5 STAR “Red Devil” on Vocals. If you were playing on Vocals for the previous achievement then you will have already unlocked the following achievement previously. The song we have to play appears on the first tier so we do not have to play any other songs to unlock it.
Start your career on vocals and pick the lowest difficulty to make it easy for yourself. The song is not hard at all and you will definitely 5 STAR it in less than 3 tries as you start memorizing the lyrics.
After the song you will unlock:
The Fifth Circle
5-star "Red Devil" as a Vocalist in Solo Tour
1 guide
Now grab a friend or two (or three) and start the BAND Tour. The same story applies here only now you can select your difficulty per song. For the achievement however you do have to complete every song on at least MEDIUM difficulty. Higher difficulties are not a problem as long as the player on the lowest difficulty is playing on at least MEDIUM. The number of players does not matter and every profile signed into an instrument will get the achievement. It takes under 2 hours to complete the full tour so tell your friend that they don’t have to play Bass the whole day just to help you out. After beating the final song you will unlock:
Resign Your Souls to Metal
Complete Band Tour on Medium difficulty or greater
1 guide
Rock Band Metal Track Pack - Solo misc achievements
We will start with the achievements you can unlock on EASY difficulty. For the first achievement you will need to “Hit 100% as a Bassist on "Closer," up-strums only”. Normal down strumming voids the achievement but since you can play on EASY this won’t be much of a nuisance. However if you are having trouble you can always turn on Lefty Flip and set up a mirror in front of your TV. When you look into the mirror your notes will in the same order as when you normally play the game because you are on Lefty Flip, however your down strums will be up strums to the game. You can now down strum every note to obtain the achievement. If you normally play on Lefty Flip then turn it off for the same effect.
The song is very easy, especially when playing on EASY so you won’t have much trouble. Make sure you play on bass! After the song ends you will unlock:
Closer Closer
Hit 100% as a Bassist on "Closer," up-strums only
2 guides
Now switch to Vocals. You will need to “Score 100% as a Vocalist playing "Forever"”. Again play on EASY. The song is about medium difficulty and you most likely won’t have much trouble. However if you suck at Rock Band Vocals I have a few tips:
- You can sing all notes in ANY octave so sing in your best range. Most people are most accurate in their falsetto voice (your high pitched voice) so it’s probably best to stick to that even if it sounds the most ridiculous.
- It’s only the pitch that counts so don’t sing the lyrics and stick to humming to preserve your voice and breath.
- Sing ahead of the sentence that is coming up and match your cursor with the first word to get a good head start.
After the song you will unlock:
In the Moment
Score 100% as a Vocalist playing "Forever"
1 guide
I knew you could do it!
For the next achievement you will need to play on EXPERT difficulty. You will need to “5 star "Master of the Universe" with any instrument on Expert”. Note that this achievement is also obtainable as a band which might be a better option if you and your friend are mediocre on EXPERT. However in most cases it will be most suitable to attempt it solo. Note that you can play on ANY INSTRUMENT. I have linked a video of the song being full combo’d by a full band for you to decide which of the four instruments suits you best:
Credit to Team Aftermath for the video.
Bass is probably the easiest path here with Guitar being only slightly more complex. I would not recommend doing this on vocals since you barely have any notes and for the 5 STAR you will have to rely on the Tambourine mini game which is not the most accurate. Another option is to have a second player play the bass pedal for you on Drums while you focus on hitting the pads. The song is a lot less complex if you factor out the Kick notes.
Overall the song is very straightforward and one of the easier ones in the game. EXPERT is challenging for the new player but if you are new to Rock Band then you are really better of by playing one of the main games from the series first to get familiar with the concept. However with just moderate experience you will definitely be able to unlock this achievement with one of the mentioned methods above:
Master of Master of the Universe
5 star "Master of the Universe" with any instrument on Expert
1 guide
Now the next achievement is one of THE HARDEST achievements in any Rock Band game. You will need to “5-Star "Blinded by Fear" on any instrument... WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED”! You can play on EASY difficulty but still you will need to memorize the whole song and hit almost all the notes or else you won’t be able to 5 STAR it.
However after hours of brainstorming and extended testing I have come up with a hidden glitch which makes this achievement very easy! The strategy here is where you normally keep your eyes closed you instead keep them open so you can actually see the notes coming. Play the song on EASY difficulty and you won’t have any trouble 5 STARRING it. This can be done on ANY instrument so pick any you like.
You will unlock the achievement after the song:
Enter the Gates
5-Star "Blinded by Fear" on any instrument... with your eyes closed
1 guide
Now onto the final misc achievement. This one is actually not that simple unlike the previous achievement (if you use the eye glitch I mentioned).
You will need to “Finish "Thrasher" as an Expert Drummer”. This song is extremely difficult on EXPERT Drums! Attempting this solo will ask a lot of skill and strength from your body and I do not recommend it. Three tips I can give you to make this achievement a lot easier:
- Let another person play the Kick pedal for you. This will take the stress off by a significant amount since the song has this very fast alternating pattern between Hits and Kicks. Only having to focus on one at the time is a lot easier than having to play both at the time.
- If you manage to save up half a bar of Overdrive, don’t use it. Some of the hardest parts(the fills) will be covered up by Overdrive Activation so you don’t have to worry about those anymore while also providing precious seconds for your stamina to come back up.
- You can have as many bandmates as you want. Have and EXPERT Bass player join in on and make them save Overdrive(Star Power). When the Drummer is about to fail the song let the Bassist activate their overdrive to increase the Rock Meter amount back to full. An added benefit playing as a band is that the drummer can fail out twice and the song can still be completed. Use this to your advantage.
All I can say from here is good luck! If you manage you will unlock:
Bow Down
Finish "Thrasher" as an Expert Drummer
5 guides
Rock Band Metal Track Pack - Versus & band achievements
On the last page, I mentioned that if you own two Drum kits you skip the guide for beating Thrasher. This is because there is a very simple alternative method that will also unlock the achievement. Go into Multiplayer and select Versus, then Tug of War. Make sure you have two Drum Kits connected and select EXPERT difficulty. You cannot fail out in Versus mode but you will still unlock the achievement!:
Bow Down
Finish "Thrasher" as an Expert Drummer
5 guides
Now go into Versus again but this time pick Score Duel. Pick the song “Screaming for Vengeance” on ANY difficulty. After the song ends you will unlock:
Double Crossed
Play "Screaming for Vengeance" in a Score Duel
1 guide
Now we are heading back to quickplay. For this next achievement, you will need to “Complete "Killed by Death" on Expert without a band member failing”. This has to be done as a Band, so at least two players. Instruments do not matter as long as EVERYONE IS ON EXPERT. You only have to beat the song so save your Overdrive for when someone is about to fail the song and activate it so save them from failing. The general difficulty tips I mentioned earlier also apply here. Pick whatever you are most comfortable on. I have linked a video of a full band full combo to help you decide what instruments it’s best to go for:
Credit to EliteRhythmGaming2 for the video.
After the song you will unlock:
Escaped Death
Complete "Killed by Death" on Expert without a band member failing
1 guide
Now the next and final two achievements are the most annoying achievements in the game to get. Not because they are very hard but they absolutely require you to play as a full band of four players.
Let’s start with the easier of the two. You will need to score either 4 or 5 STARS on the song “3’s and 7’s” as a full band. Since everyone can play on EASY your only real challenge is to gather a full band. If one player can play vocals and Guitar/Bass at the same time then you would only need three people total so that might be your best bet. Make sure that all players active Overdrive simultaneously and you will definitely score at least 4 STARS. after the song you will unlock:
4s and 5s
Get 4 stars or better playing "3s and 7s" with a full band
1 guide
The final achievement is basically the same deal only you only have to pass the song. However, you will need to play on either HARD or EXPERT difficulty or any combination of the two. The song is called “Transmaniacon MC” and overall it is not that intense other than on Drums which has a lot of Kick Drum notes.
Put your most capable player on Drums and try to get someone to sing and play Guitar/Bass at the same time to reduce the number of total players needed or to free up a player to help with the Kick notes. Your hardest challenge will be to find semi-decent players that can scrape through on HARD difficulty. I have linked another video here for you to get a feeling for the difficulty of the song. Note that here every player is on EXPERT but it still gives a general idea of the difficulty of the song:
Credit to EliteRhythmGaming2 for the video.
General tips apply to save up Overdrive to save a band member when they are about to fail. After beating the song every account that has been signed in will receive:
Transmaniacon RB
Complete "Transmaniacon MC" as a full band, with all band members on Hard or Expert
1 guide
This concludes the walkthrough for Rock Band Metal Track Pack. Hopefully, I have given you valuable information you didn’t have before which helped you complete the game. I liked the shift towards more band-oriented play which fits the Rock Band style, even though it can be annoying as you are just out of luck if you can’t find any friends to play with you. Happy hunting!