Heroes coming together - Chapter 32 - Aragorn_II_Elessar (2024)

Chapter Text

King & Ashley" (TV-size Version) by MY FIRST STORY plays

The sequence starts with nothing but black, and then...BAM! The 'When Legends meet' title appears on the screen, lingering for a good 10 seconds.

A shot of the Heroes of Earth-1 is seen, consisting of Green Arrow, Flash, White Canary, Batman, Constantine, Static Shock, Vixen, Lucifer, and Ash Williams. Then the Earth-92 Heroes of consisting of Buffy and the Scoobies and Angel and the Fang Gang are seen. After that, the Heroes of Earth-21 which consists of Superman and his Justice League are seen. Next, Sam and Dean Winchester of Earth-205 are seen standing in front of the Impala. And then- Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin and Boromir of Arda-1 are seen standing very proudly. After them come Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka of Universe-208 standing side-by-side from each other with lightsabers in their hands. Finally, a shot of the Avengers of Earth-199999, alongside the X-Men, Blade, Daredevil, Agents of SHIELD, Team Leverage, Ethan Hunt and the IMF and Rambo is seen.

Then a shot of Cloud Strife and his allies of Earth-7 staring at the camera. Sora, Donald, and Goofy on Destiny Islands do the same thing. The Ninth Doctor and Jack Harkenss in front of the TARDIS on Earth-63 stare too. Optimus Prime and the Autobots of Earth-2010 also stare. Kratos, Atreus and Mimir's head on Universe-447 do the same. Aang, Katara, Sokka, Appa and Momo on Earth-125 stare too.

It cuts to flashes of more Universes as young Goku of Earth-84 shoots a Kamehameha at an unknown enemy, while Harry Potter fires a magic blast on Earth-97.

Then various shots of villains are shown, starting with Lex Luthor and his Injustice League. Then the Urban Legends of Earth-1, consisting ofMichael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger and Chucky are shown, with a shadowy figure looming above them. Next, Sephiroth of Earth-7 and Master Xehanort are shown standing side-by-side. After that, Doctor Doom is shown sitting on his throne on Latveria on Earth-199999, while on one side, the wasteland of Mordor is seen, the Eye of Sauron looming on top of the Tower of Barad-dûr, while on the other side, Emperor Palpatine is seen cackling.

Then a rocky wasteland is shown where several Heroes from the Multiverse battle a hoard of enemies. Superman, Iron Man, Thor, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and many other Heroes who could fly were seen in the air blasting away many Ultron-bots. On the ground, Batman, Captain America, Wonder Woman, Optimus Prime, Cloud, Sora, and many others fought as many HYDRA Agents as possible, while the Hulk was smashing everything that wasn't friendly, the Green Arrows, Hawkeye, and Legolas shot many arrows, and the speedsters, led by Bart Allen, sped all over the place. In the corner, The Ninth Doctor ran forth alongside Jack Harkness, holding up the Sonic Screwdriver, clearly having an idea.

Earth-1 Constantine, Ash, the Scoobies, Fang Gang, Winchesters, Blade, Selene and Michael Corvin, and various survivors of the Earth-1 Urban Legends fought their hardest against a bunch of Demons, Vampires, Deadites, evil Werewolves, and so many Supernatural creatures and monsters. At one point, Ash slips on a can of soda and fall to the ground, but that caused him to hit a Demon on the chin, making it fly backwards and then land next to Earth-1 Lucifer's feet, who forms a devilish smirk on his face, and then changes into his Devil form, scaring the demon.

Aragorn then stands alone, determined as a bunch of Orcs start rushing at him. And then, he whips out Andúril and starts to charge at the Orcs himself, before he does his first SLASH! causing the screen to go white.

The screen stays white for about 5 seconds, until there's a transition into a slow zoom-in shot of multiple Earths floating next to each other… until they are revealed to be under the palm of Thanos. He forms a smirk and then… SNAP!

Flash runs around the Singularity.

Eliot beats up Team Arrow.

Blade fights Dooku with the Darksaber.

Captain America beats up Krell.

Aragorn pushes away Earth-1 Michael Myers.

Ethan Hunt jumps off from The Bus.

Superman speeds at the Black Racer.

Sora fights Vampires.

Susan Storm motivates Ben Grimm.

Eliot and Rambo meet.

Cloud and Sephiroth clash.

The TARDIS appears.

Optimus Prime unveils his swords.

Lex Luthor and Zemo meet.

Thor fires lightning at Ultron.

Ahsoka starts clashing against Young Xehanort.

Angel cuts off Earth-92 Michael Myers' head.

Sam and Dean drive with Anakin and Obi-Wan.

Earth-8096 Spider-Man is shown swinging through New York City.

Earth-1 Static Shock flies through a portal.

Sam and Dean are faced by someone.

Chloe Decker aims her gun at something, while John Constantine, Maze and Trixie stand near her.

The sequence is about to come to an end as a slow panning shot of all of the various Heroes of the Multiverse is shown.

With that, the sequence ends with the "When Legends meet" logo accompanied by the subtitle underneath, "created by Aragorn II Elessar".

Earth-1, Star City

A throbbing pain in his head, blood coming from his chest, and ache all over his body like it was runover by a pickup truck. Sadly, this was not the worst way Matt had found himself waking up to.

That's when it hit him. The gunshot. HYDRA. Abomination. The dumpster. That…thing.

This was not New York.

Matt pushed through the pain to sit himself up but found a pair of hands pushing him back.

Heroes coming together - Chapter 32 - Aragorn_II_Elessar (1)

"Hey! Take it easy." It was a man, and slowly Matt's senses kicked back in. He was underground, computers, weapons, training equipment was all around him. The smell and taste of the medical supplies was strong but overpowered by the herbal scent beneath the gauze wrapped around his chest. Turning the focus onto the man, Matt found himself on edge. Tall, over six feet, muscled, and the scar tissue and callouses that the Devil of Hell's Kitchen could sense on the man told him, this guy can handle himself.

"Where the hell am I?" Matt questioned through a groan. Melvin's armor held up, but the bullets embedded into his chest, and even with them removed, it hurt. At least his ears stopped ringing.

"My base." Not very comforting, given the circ*mstances. At least Matt wasn't bound to any surgical tables.

Gingerly moving his hand over the gauze, his body stripped from the waist up. It allowed him to feel more of his surroundings, but also something else. "My suit?"

"Damaged. I needed to access your injuries; my only option was to remove it." Well, he's being honest, of course, the man could know how to control his heartbeat. Still, Matt can't deny his logic. Same thing happened with Claire. "I know how important secrecy is, but I needed to access the damage. I won't apologize for trying to help."

"Could've asked for consent."

Oliver snorted. All things considered; this was going better than he expected. "You were a little unconscious." He quipped back.

"Doesn't help your case."

"What are you, a lawyer?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Keeping things close to the chest, Oliver understood his reasons. A stranger saved his life but took his mask off, now he has no idea where he is. But Oliver needed to prioritize.

"Whether I do or not is irrelevant, this isn't your world, chances are you weren't even born here." Felicity did a facial recognition check and checked his blood in known databases. No match.

"What are you talking about?" Now comes the complicated part. Honestly, breachers have been showing up so many times, Oliver thought he'd get a routine ready by now.

"I won't go into the details, but basically, a while ago, tears in the Universes started opening up and people now have a tendency to end up somewhere in the Multiverse. Don't ask for the science of it, I couldn't help with that even if I tried." Barry, Cisco, and Felicity all gave explanations that required at least a PhD to understand the language that was used.

The confusion on his face was clear. "What, you don't have the Avengers or something?" Okay, THAT caught Oliver's attention.

The man was from the same world as Eliot and Clint. "You're from that Earth?" A hesitant nod came from the injured stranger. "This is like the third time now." He muttered to himself. Are their worlds connected? Or was this some kind of weird coincidence? Shaking his head, Oliver put those questions aside to focus on the breacher before him. "You can rest and recover here until you're fit enough to go back."

"I can't, someone else came through, there's no knowing what they'll do." Oliver sat back on the table and thought. Great, as if they needed more problems in Star City. There was already Prometheus, and a few more scum on the List. He'd taken care of one of them just before he'd found Matt. That problem though, reminded Oliver of the biggest question he's had since Dig picked them up in the van.

"And why is it a blind man with horns went after them?" Silence came from the breacher. Knowing he was pushing boundaries, Oliver took a tennis ball from behind him and tossed it at the man, and tried to contain his surprise when he caught it on reflex. "Super senses?"


"A blind vigilante...somehow, everyone from your Earth has managed to shock me for one reason or another."

"Feels nice to be part of a club." The sarcasm had Oliver smirk.

"Well then, I suggest you get comfortable. Have plenty of problems to deal with, but I'll try and find these friends of yours as well." Oliver extended his hand. The guest tilted his head questionably. "You're not from here and a vigilante where you come from. My name is Oliver, they call me Green Arrow. Figured if anyone else is to know, I'm better off telling you." That plus he had a feeling with this blind man, an understanding. And not like knowing his name would be a risk when he is not even from here. Lawyer is probably better at keeping a secret anyway, if he was one. A blind lawyer and vigilante? That was new. There was Laurel, sure, but she had working vision.

"And what about the five other people in the other room? They know too?"

It was Oliver's turn to be silent, but the man smirked knowingly, before he took his extended hand. "Matt." He said simply, sharing a strong grip with the archer until they released.

"Matt." Oliver tested the name. No surname or alias. Matt was on the backfoot, alone and surrounded by unknowns, Oliver would do the same. "It's a pleasure, even if our meeting began with me finding you behind a dumpster."

"Could be worse, I could have been in the dumpster." Matt joked and Oliver found himself grinning humorously. "It's happened before."

"That had to have stunk."

"I smelt mouldy cheese for days, trust me, it did." This time Oliver actually laughed with Matt, the self-deprecating humor must be common with him.

Oliver stood up and looked down at the "patient". "The herbs in the salve over your wounds should accelerate the healing process. You need anything for the pain?"

"Guessing whiskey is out of the question." The vigilantes grinned at each other. "Just rest, I'll be good as new." Matt inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled as he closed his eyes.

Oliver accepted it with a nod and made to move out of the room but froze and turned back. "I nodded-"

"I know." Matt said with his eyes still shut. Oliver nearly nodded again but stopped himself, the blind vigilante must have sensed it if the chuckle was anything to go by. Quickly getting out of there before he made another embarrassing mistake, the Green Arrow left the room and entered the main sanctuary, his team, minus Sara, watching through a monitor at the resting breacher.

"I've never seen you make a friend so fast." Thea spoke up, and Oliver had to hold back a scoff.

"That's pushing it."

Roy interjected. "I don't know, he reacted the same way I imagine you would in the situation."

"Except he's blind and has powers to fight crime…man, that Earth is crazier than I thought." Dig said to himself, yet loud enough the team heard him. Guess they were lucky Eliot, his team, Ethan, and Clint were normal. Well, normal-ish.

Oliver shook his head and turned to their technical expert. "Felicity, Matt said he wasn't alone when he came through."

"I checked the cameras, and I have our new blind friend on camera." Felicity typed several keys, and they crowded around the monitors and observed a SUV with Matt in his damaged red suit on top, while another car followed from the breach. The angles changed as they followed the struggle until a wide turn sent Matt's body crashing onto the street. "These guys went three blocks before they disappeared around Dabney Street. By "disappeared", I mean like Houdini." Felicity typed a key, showing the smoking ruins of the cars. "Found the cars but no guys. Tinted windows blocked anyway of grabbing a look at their faces, and they were good at avoiding cameras."

"Leaving no possible evidence while they're at it, and unless our handsome guest wakes up, we don't know what we're up against." Laurel summed up. Noticing a few odd looks from the team, Laurel shrugged. "What? He's good-looking." It took a second before she heard similar sentiments.

"He is."

"Can't deny that."

"I can see it." Raised brows turned to Roy, the younger archer rolled his eyes and defended himself. "I'm confident enough about my sexuality to admit it."

"Okay, if we can steer the conversation back to the potentially dangerous breachers, please." Oliver announced to the group, quietening the conversation. "Until Matt's rested enough to talk, we need to find these guys before they do any more damage than the city can take." His tone reminded them of the gravity of their current situation. Prometheus was already igniting trouble, the last thing they needed is for these new breachers to add fuel to the fire. "We check a five-mile perimeter of where their cars were found, hopefully we get lucky. Suit up." They left without complaint, Felicity delving back into the computer. The one who remained with Oliver, was Thea. "Speedy?"

"You warmed up to him pretty fast." Thea's eyes gestured to the wall where Matt rested on the other side. "Faster than Eliot even."

"Wouldn't say warmed up. We barely spent five minutes together."

"Okay, have it your way." Thea raised her hands in surrender before pausing as she was about to walk by him. "It was nice to see you smile again."

She walked off before Oliver could refute her. There was truth to that statement though. Ever since Mei, things have been…hard. And he wasn't the only one.

Freeing himself of those thoughts, Oliver looked to Felicity. "Contact Sara. She should know there's new players in town."

"Do you think she'll actually respond this time?" Felicity asked, doubt in her voice.

Knowing what she was going through, Oliver would say no. Still, she should be kept in the loop. "Let her know." It was all he said to the blonde hacker, then moved to put on his suit.

Unknown to them all, their new guest heard everything.

Ward, as both a SHIELD and HYDRA agent, had been trained to operate on the fly, take surprises and let them roll off his back. Driving through a portal with a street hero in red pyjamas on top of the car into a city that not one person on his team have ever heard of before, no training by Garrett prepared Ward for this.

"Nothing about HYDRA? SHIELD? The Avengers? The attack on New York? The Triskelion? The killer robot? The giant watermelon?! Nothing?!" Ward yelled at his team as they looked at their phones, pads, every device they had. The devices were slow, but the articles weren't false.

"Sir, nothing we've searched matches with what we know." One of his agents told him with trepidation. Grant rubbed his head and looked at the container in his hand, where the gamma mutated blood was kept. How did a simple snatch and grab lead to this?

"Alright then, so we've really been transported to another Universe…great." The ex-SHIELD agent looked at his team. "The eggheads in our Universe have already established research regarding the Multiverse. Right now, we need to find out if this world has made those same advancements. The situation might be different, but you were trained for this. Recon. Gather the intel and move from there. Understood?" Nods of confirmation all around. At least they weren't cowards and know what they're supposed to do. That just one last thing to do: morale boost. "Hail HYDRA."

"Hail HYDRA!"


Both Jedi had to refrain from recoiling in disgust as the Force allowed them to see the true form of this Demon. Along with its vile visage, the aura it gave out was foul and malevolent, it reminded Anakin and Obi-Wan of the Darker Sides of the Force they had witnessed, the feeling of unnatural powers. However, the sight granted by the Force also showed the Jedi of the female's true features. No wonder Dean had little trust for her, her aura was of the same as the other Demon.

Anakin glanced his eyes towards a wardrobe, where he sensed a…peculiar presence through the Force. It had to be the girl.

"Interesting friends you got, Dean." The white-eyed Demon smirked at the older Winchester. "Where'd you meet them, Comic Con?"

"You know this thing?" Anakin questioned as he stepped forward, raising his lightsaber towards Ruby and forcing her back from where Anna hid, putting distance between the Demons and Dean.

Seeing the difficulty in his face, the Demon within the older man laughed. "Oh we go way back, in Hell."

Obi-Wan and Anakin felt the fear rise within their comrade as Dean whispered the name. "Alastair." The Jedi shared a look before facing the two Demons.

"Take the girl, and GO!" Anakin swung at Ruby, who barely dropped down.

"NO!" Sam tried to stop Skywalker but he already spun his lightsaber to stab down, but the blue blade only passed through the wooden floor.

Obi-Wan swung his weapon at the Demon who merely raised his hand, the lightsaber froze. Alastair smirked, one that Obi-Wan returned to the Demon's confusion, until the Jedi let the Force flow through him and continued his swing. The plasma met flesh, Alastair grunted as half his host's hands were sliced off before a telekinetic push from behind him sent him forward into a kick from the older Jedi Master, the impact causing his body to flip before he hit the floor. Obi-Wan frowned as he stepped back, looking closer into this creature.

Dean opened the wardrobe and found Anna, he didn't stop for chitchat before hauling her out as Sam regrouped with them, watching as the two spacemen spun their laser swords and calmly surrounded the white-eyed Demon. In normal circ*mstances, Dean would have loved to crack open a cold one and watched, but circ*mstances weren't normal. "Come on!" He pulled Anna with him, Sam following as they jumped through the window scarface crashed through.

Seeing his prey escaping, Alastair threw his hands forward, but the Jedi only skidded back before blurring to a surprized the Demon. Obi-Wan ducked under a handless swing and sliced across the Demon's left side, while Anakin plunged the lightsaber into his chest. Alastair roared, from pain and anger, his right hand went for Anakin's throat, but his own right hand was faster and caught it. The Demon's white eyes flashed as he snarled but he paled when Anakin's glare deepened, and his hand squeezed until bones were about to break. "What are you?" Alastair hissed at the Chosen One.

That was when Obi-Wan found the answer he was looking for. His eyes widened. "Anakin! The man's possessed!"

"Pediatrician, to be precise." Alastair quipped before he telekinetically pushed Anakin away, but nowhere as effective as he'd have liked, only forced back a few steps before he raised both his right hand and the remains of his left. The Jedi made to attack again but found themselves halting. Obi-Wan clutched his chest and fell to a knee while Anakin bent over, dropping his lightsaber. Their eyes began to turn bloodshot while their blood boiled when Anakin raised his head, his teeth gritting before extending his right arm. Alastair scoffed before focusing on the hand, but could only stare as the material around it burned away, and unveiled a golden, metal arm.

Taking their chance, Obi-Wan channeled the Force through him and threw his hand to the side, the power grabbing Alastair and sending him flying through the roof, until Anakin, his anger fueling him pulled the Demon back through another part of the roof and through the floor, crashing down into half a dozen pews beneath. The torturer from Hell coughed blood, they're more powerful than he was, he could feel it, his thinking was halted when his body was raised back through another part of floor, back into the attic where he stayed, suspended in midair, his limbs spreadeagled while the entire body felt like it was being crushed by a compactor.

The white-eyed Demon looked to the Jedi, and for once in a long time, when he looked into the reddened blue eyes of Anakin Skywalker, he felt a feeling he rarely ever encountered in his long existence. Fear.

"Anakin, the Demon is possessing the body, but he's still human!" Obi-Wan cried out to his former Padawan.

"Then either he releases him or dies." Anakin snapped back, his eyes never left the Demon.

Worry took hold of the Jedi Master as he felt the rage in Anakin fuel his actions, and his power. "So does the innocent." That caused the Hero with No Fear to stop the Force from crushing the body.

Seeing his chance and knowing he was outgunned, Alastair teleported away. Leaving no trace.

Staring at the spot where the Demon once resided, both Jedi shared a glance. "Teleportation, that's rare for any Jedi, and Sith."

"The other one did it too." Anakin told his old master as he began to calm down. The power the Demon used on him and Obi-Wan, it felt like their heart was being squeezed and their bodies lit on fire from the inside. It reminded him too much of being electrocuted. Pushing those thoughts aside, Anakin recalled something else about the female Demon. "Sam tried to stop me."

Brushing off his robes, Obi-Wan stroked his beard as he stared at the spot where Anakin's lightsaber plunged through the floor. "It could be that this is the Ruby character they mentioned before."

"How could they trust something like that?" Anakin had a hard time believing something like a Demon could be trusted, then he actually met the thing. There was no good, in either of them, no light a living being possessed, except for the one belonging to the human Alastair controlled, one that, Anakin was ashamed to admit, he nearly killed in his outburst.

Watching as his brother-in-arms recalled his lightsaber to his hand, Obi-Wan thought hard on the nature of the beings they just met. "They can't see the same things we can through the Force. That Anna girl, however-"

"She saw that thing's true face."

"Correct." Kenobi looked out through the broken window, the "Baby" as Dean referred to his vehicle, was gone. "These Demons may not be of the Dark Side of the Force, but they would belong to it, possessing living beings, I have only read of Sith Lords trying to defy death doing such a thing."

"Like Darth Nihilus bounding his spirit to his mask." Anakin rolled his eyes when Kenobi turned to him with a look of surprise.

"You actually did study the archives." The padawan of Qui-Gon teased.

"A few things may have caught my eye. There was a lot of interesting people during the Old Republic." Anakin defended himself, and the Jedi had many opinions on them. Revan, for one, both Jedi and Sith, a hero and a threat.

Shaking his head, Kenobi focused, reaching out his senses to the strongest aura in the Force within the area. And he found it, or her, he should say. Among others. "We need to go."

"I was just starting to like this place." Anakin sarcastically said as they both dropped out of the window with ease. As they did, they heard a loud crash from inside, dust exploding out the window.

Obi-Wan looked back up. "Someone's going to blame us for that." He said dryly.

"Then we should get out of here before they can."

A sigh left the older Jedi. "And here we are without a vehicle."

"Well," Kenobi found Skywalker pointing with his mechno-arm to another car not far from, "we could always take this experience to learn more of this Earth's technology."

"…I know I'm going to regret this."

Earth-21, Washington DC

Hades walked towards the Lincoln Memorial with Felix Faust, looking up at it with a smirk. "Though the ages have passed, how fascinating that man still aims to achieve godhood." Helicopters were heard whirring above them, while a SWAT team was running up behind the two.


"Advancements came with population growth, Lord Hades", Faust informed the God of the Underworld, then unleashed a powerful, purple shockwave, sending the entire SWAT team down. "Humans continue to belegion!"

Hades tilted his head with a smirk. "That's why I've brought a legion of my own."

Heroes coming together - Chapter 32 - Aragorn_II_Elessar (2)

Arlington National Cemetery

A guard heard a creaking sound, then turned around, seeing a grave having been opened. "Um…"

At that moment, an army of living corpses all came out of their graves, overwhelming the poor guard.

Heroes coming together - Chapter 32 - Aragorn_II_Elessar (3)

Up in the air, Superman and Thor hovered, looking down at the undead army that had surrounded the vehicle that Lois, her father and Trevor were in.

Thor clutched his fist in anger. "This…..is wrong."

Clark heard Lois call out to him, as did Thor due to his own super-hearing. "Sweetie, if you can hear me, give me a sign."

Thor then twirled Mjolnir, causing a powerful wind that sent half of the zombies flying into the air, scattering them in various directions, as Clark used his arctic breath, freezing the remaining half.

He then pressed his earpiece. "Watchtower, do you copy?" There was static as he continued. "If anyone back in Metropolis oranyof the Watchtower hubs is receiving this message….?" Clark sighed and looked down. "Pretty sure I'm going to needback-upon this one."

Thor smirked. "That is why I'm here, my friend."

"Let us hope we're enough", Clark replied.

A helicopter fired at Hades, who commanded. "Loyal Faust….deal with this nuisance, won't you?"

"Let us make better use of theliving!" Faust said, glowing purple as he aimed at some of the SWAT team, and they transformed into harpies, flying towards the helicopter, destroying it as its wreckage landed on the ground.

That was when they saw Superman and Thor in the air, flying towards them.

"It would seem the humans have new champions", Hades commented, looking up at a star. "A being not quite of this world or any I've known."

"They call him "Superman"."

"Of course they do, dear Faust. He seeks to undo my work." Hades looked up. "Who is the other one?"

"Thor, the God of Thunder."

Hades smirked, walking forth. "Let us test that, shall we?"

With that, he raised his hands, lighting spewing out from them as the wind picked up, an enormous storm being created around the Washington Monument.

Martha Kent had taken her dog, Shelby, for a walk, when both of them saw the storm in the distance.

"Oh my…." Martha trailed off as Shelby barked.

Heroes coming together - Chapter 32 - Aragorn_II_Elessar (4)

Heroes coming together - Chapter 32 - Aragorn_II_Elessar (5)

Heroes coming together - Chapter 32 - Aragorn_II_Elessar (6)

Thor smirked and raised Mjolnir, twirling it. "You are a fool to use a storm against me, Hades!" The storm dissipated, going into Mjolnir, alongside the lightning. "For it is mine to control!"

Then, he aimed his hammer at Hades, and an energy blast made out of Hades' own short-lived storm spewed forth, striking Hades as he held out his hands in an attempt to resist, only to be thrown back as he crashed onto the ground, shattering it and forming a crater upon impact.

Groaning, Hades stood up once more and smirked back, liking the challenge, as Thor glared at him in rage. "You woke up the dead, when they should rest, especially those who have earned their place in Valhalla."

"Perhaps you wish to join them", Hades smirked, all of them getting ready for a fight.

DEO Base, The Black Room

Hippolyta was trying to get out of bed as a female doctor tried to say. "Miss, if you'll just lie still-"

"I believe your people have done quite enough for me!" Hippolyta cried out, looking at Diana. "Daughter, let us begone."

But Diana had other plans. "Happy as I am to see you again, my Queen, I am afraid my work here isfarfrom done."

"The affairs of this land…..are not of your concern", Hippolyta tried to implore.

"Hades has been unleashed", Diana said, picking up the Lasso, Hippolyta looking down. "Do you not think he will razethe Earth itselfto seek vengeance on Zeus and the Gods of Old?"

She put bracelets on her arms. "Do you not think hiswarwill land on the shores of our paradise?" She put on a red corset. "The shores ofourhome?"

Hippolyta turned back to her daughter. "So what will you do?"

Diana put a tiara on her head. "Just asyouonce did, mother…." Diana now held a shield in her left hand, and a sword in her right, having completely suited up, "….I will fight."

Heroes coming together - Chapter 32 - Aragorn_II_Elessar (7)

Heroes coming together - Chapter 32 - Aragorn_II_Elessar (8)

Thor was about to fly at Hades when he glowed with power, chanting something, and another fiery portal opened up.

"I can use this only once…..and I cannot think of a better reason to do so!"

Out of the portal leapt a tall and muscular man, dressed in ancient green garb, his muscles literally bouncing due to how big they were.

Heroes coming together - Chapter 32 - Aragorn_II_Elessar (9)

Heroes coming together - Chapter 32 - Aragorn_II_Elessar (10)

The eyes of Thor widened in utter horror. It couldn't be!


Hercules, the Son of Zeus, the God of Strength, looked up at Thor with a blank, emotionless look in his eyes.

Hades let out a sardonic laugh. "Doors to more Universes were opened. I could not escape Tartarus, but I saw what lay beyond our world…..including other versions of me and the filth at Olympus!" He remembered seeing a version of himself that wore a horned helmet like his own, yet so unlike, as it had cavities in front of the face with what appeared to be 'flames' within, and numerous black spikes protruded from the entirety of his body. Then there was another version in robes with a bluish skin, blue fire lit up on his head.

"Then one of them landed in Tartarus by accident, the son of my filthy brother! He wasn't the son of my Zeus, but he had to do after all. Now he is nothing but my slave."

"Hercules, snap out of it!" Thor begged.

"Kill him!" Hades commanded, and with a roar, Hercules leapt up at Thor, decking him hard on the face as he was sent crashing to the ground, forming a crater.

Superman was about to go down and help when they saw harpies flying up towards the plane inside which President Martinez and his family were.

"Go!" Thor said, staggering back up. "I shall handle him!"

"Do you know him?" Clark inquired.

"I used to", Thor sighed. "I shall bring him back to his senses!"

Clark nodded, knowing the President and his family needed him more, and flew up into the sky.

Hercules marched towards Thor. "I shall show you what true strength is."

Thor grunted, then charged forth, punching Hercules on the face, making him spit out blood as he flew off and crashed to the ground, making another crater, while Thor walked forth.

"I have grown stronger since the last time we met, my friend", Thor told him. "Recognize the truth, Hercules! Open your eyes!"

Hercules huffed, then leaping up, grabbed Thor in a bear hug, making him scream in agony while the God of Strength boasted. "You are in thegripofHercules!These arms havecrushedthe skulls of Giants,powderedthe pillars of Kronos! This grip has never-"

He was cut off when Thor reared his head back, and launched forth, head-butting Hercules so hard he let go and fell down, growling. "What stone is thine head made of?"

Thor grasped his own head. "Blastedthick Greek head!"

Earth-199999, Avengers Compound

Steve, Natasha, Sam, and Rhodey rushed to find Clint and Banner within the Living Area, with a holographic projection of Magneto, the planet, and the surrounding satellites. "Sit rep." The captain ordered.

"Magneto," Clint pointed at the old man, "Mutant, manipulates metal. Was cured during the attack on Alcatraz Island, or so we thought."

"The problem is the speech." Banner spoke up as he zoomed in on a satellite. ""Our time is coming", "the world will be under our protection", "To those who have not yet awakened their gifts, fear not, the time has come". He's talking about turning the population into Mutants, and I think he's using the satellites to do it."

"Several of them have been hacked, each one pointing over a different continent. I am trying to find the source, yet it seems there is someone else trying to stop me." JARVIS informed them before alarms went off, the Avengers whipping their heads up. "The perimeter is breached."

"Onscreen." The AI followed the order, a new screen popping up to show a massive figure, as big as the Hulk in red armor and a domed helmet. The sight had Steve's eyes widen. "Oh my God."

"Juggernaut?" Barton expressed his shock.

"JARVIS, get everyone to the tunnels and contact Tony, the Four, and X-Men. Everyone else, grab what you can and stop this guy." Steve ordered as the team split off. Steve ran to his office, grabbing his shield and his blaster. A sudden shadow over his office had the First Avenger look outside, only to quickly throw himself down to avoid a stream of fire.

That same stream sprayed into the hallway, forcing Steve to run further down before jumping through a large window to get outside, a long enough drop followed before Steve rolled onto the ground and looked up to see a flaming figure blasting at the building. However, unlike Johnny's flaming body, this guy's hands and feet were shooting out jets of fire for propulsion. "We got a second attacker!" Steve called out as he set the blaster to stun and fired.

Pyro throw another handful of fire into the Compound before a leaning back after a blue ring suddenly whizzed by his head. "Woah!" He tried to look to the source, only for his body to suddenly seize up and glow blue before the fires at his hands and feet extinguished, leading to the pyrokinetic Mutant's body to drop from the sky, into the Compound.

Steve lowered the blaster as he lost sight of the target. "I got one down, pyrokinetic, keep an eye out for more…" As he spoke into his and started to run, Steve heard music before everything changed.

He was in a party…in the 40s. The people were all cheering and laughing, merrymaking all around, as some sang, others shared drinks, and some couples were dancing too. It was such a serene atmosphere.

Steve himself was in his old Captain uniform.

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Sensing something, he turned around, and saw Peggy Carter in a dress.

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"Are you ready for our dance?"

"Cap. Cap, can you hear me?!" Sam called out as swooped down and fired. The nine-foot tall behemoth though barely even noticed him before running through the Compound wall, smashing through glass, concrete, and steel before rampaging through to the other side. "This big bastard can move. Where's the Hulk when you need him?!" Falcon cried as he flew low again, circling the Mutant with a hail of bullets, jettisoning away when that large hand of his got to close to his wing. Missiles peppered the Juggernaut's body, earning a look from both him and Falcon to find War Machine flying in with his reared arm smashing into the domed helmet. Rhodey made to fly through, when his leg was grabbed and he smashed was through the ground, dirt and grass flying everywhere before Rhodey could regain his breath. Then the Juggernaut looked down on him.

"Oh sh*t." Rhodey wheezed, arms raised as a giant foot raised up to crush him, when a large green fist sucker punched the titan away. Rhodey looked to the owner and found himself grinning when he saw the jolly green giant before him. "Good job, big green." The airman complimented the gamma mutate before flying up with Sam, the three of them watching when Juggernaut pushed himself back to his feet.

"Is that all you got?!"

"I think he's talking to you." Sam said to Rhodey before Hulk beat against his chest and roared.

"RAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!" Hulk rampaged forward, creating craters with each step, the Juggernaut matching his pace as the two mountains of muscle met in an epic collision that sent a shockwave, sending both flyers tumbling back. Rhodey straightened himself, looked back from his spinning trip to find something horrifying.

The Hulk being pushed back.

"Sam, we're gonna need something bigger if we want to make a scratch." Rhodey waited for an answer, a suggestion, anything, but got nothing. "Sam?" Rhodey turned his helmeted head and found the Falcon gone in the distance. "Sam?!" His HUD showed his fellow airman flying farther and farther away at speed. He hadn't known Sam that long, but he was no coward. "JARVIS, what's with him?"

"Mr. Wilson is unresponsive to his comms, yet he seems to be calling out to his late comrade."

"Riley?" Sam told him about the guy, how he was shot down. A sick feeling entered Rhodey's gut. "JARVIS, where are the others?"

"I am unable to find Mr. Barton, Captain Rogers seems to be lost in some kind of a daze, and Ms. Romanov-" The AI was cut off by Rhodey cutting off his jets to drop to the ground from an incoming Hulk, his green body crashing through the Compound. War Machine twisted to find the Juggernaut making another run, his arsenal prepared itself when more missiles rained down from above, and the HUD alerted him to the Quinjet flying from above.

"You boys need a little help?"

"Nat, Sam's gone AWOL, something's messing with his mind. I think Steve-" Rhodey's HUD flashed red in time to warn him, his armor encased arms raised up as an energy shield formed in front of him, before a blitzing Juggernaut crashed his fist into him. The shield was broken under the Juggernaut's might, sending Rhodey flying through the building, through the perimeter wall, and into the trees beyond.

Juggernaut grinned madly from behind his helmet. "Here I was hoping for a workout." Bullets and missiles splashed against his armor and exposed arms, yet Marko felt nothing. He looked up in time only to see the jet suddenly swerve to one side and progressively fall until it skidded across the lawn, leaving a trench in its wake. He laughed again, spreading his arms. "Is this the best Earth's Mightiest Heroes can do?! I want my money's worth!"


Hearing that familiar roar, Juggernaut had to laugh at the sight of the big green beast running for him again. "That's the spirit!" Cain shouted gleefully as he returned the charge.

They ran into each other, causing a shockwave that slightly staggered Hulk back as the ground broke apart. Hulk punched once before Juggernaut decked him, then started getting smashed by the green fists, as he went to his knees.

He staggered up, Hulk trying to punch when Juggernaut punched him back instead, then decked his chest, and his face twice, before decking his chest and face quickly, staggering him back. Before Hulk could recover, Juggernaut charged him and kicked his chest, sending him flying off and crashing through multiple trees, before he grabbed the ground, steadying himself and damaging the ground.

"Now this is a f*cking party!"

From beyond the Compound's walls, Mastermind carefully walked within the tree line, focusing on the redheaded assassin's worst memories. And boy, did she have plenty.

Natasha looked around, seeing herself in the Red Room, with many women ballerina dancing.

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"You'll break them."

"Only the ones that are breakable", the madam replied. "You're made of marble. We'll celebrate after the graduation ceremony."

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"What if I failed?"

"You never fail."

Natasha suddenly fired at several targets, then at a man with a bag tied over his head, while finding herself being wheeled away on a stretcher.

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Such delightful despair they hide, Mastermind gleefully thought before getting alarmed by the Captain's thoughts.

Steve looked around, confused, then back at Peggy.

"The war is over, Steve", she said, grasping his arm. "We can go home."

At that moment, Steve ripped his arm away from her. The hurt on her face was so real. It didn't change anything.

"I am home."

The whole room faded away, Peggy remained the longest until she too disappeared in the flames. That was when Steve became acutely aware of his surroundings. He was inside the Compound, and it was on fire. How long was he out, Steve fearfully thought as he ran through the burning building.

"Avengers, report!"

"Cap, is that you?"

"Rhodey, what's the status?" Steve said as he leapt over a balcony to a lower floor, he nearly lost his footing when the Earth shook.

"Hulk and Juggernaut are going at it, but my weapons ain't doing jack. Natasha was airborne but crashed."

"Is she alright?" Steve asked worriedly before he could stop himself.

"Checking now, but Steve, Sam's flying off thinking Riley's alive, and Clint's MIA."

"I'll try to-" Ducking on instinct to avoid a fireball, Steve threw his shield to ricochet off a wall and towards his attacker. Said attacker pulled the flames around him into a large fiery limb and smacked the shield back at the captain, who flipped out of the way, upon landing, fired the DC-17's stun blasts. Pyro's feet blazed and propelled him upwards, out of the way even as the blue rings followed him.

"Those things suck, old man!"

"They're better than the alternative, kid." Captain America shot back, until he had to back flip out of the way of another fire blast, turning on his heel to grab his shield in time to block a fireball that sent him crashing through a wall.

"The name is Pyro! New and improved!"

"How the hell did he get out?" Mastermind wondered aloud. He tried again to enter Captain America's mind, but it was like hitting a mental wall. Every trick he tried to pull wouldn't stick. Black Widow and Falcon were still under, the former trapped in the fallen aircraft, and the other flying uselessly. The armored one, War Machine, on the other hand, he could not even detect his mind let alone manipulate it. It has to be a Stark thing. And the Hulk, Mastermind had reservations about meddling with that ticking time bomb, but he might as well try.

Hulk angrily punched Juggernaut twice, before Juggernaut punched him thrice in return, after which Hulk punched him back and managed to shove him backwards. Hulk charged back up to Juggernaut, decking his chest twice hard, before lifting him up and slamming him to the ground, forming a crater.

Hulk made to stomp his foot on the red, domed helmet, when something punched him back. Snarling in anger, the gamma mutate snapped his head to face what dared to hurt the Hulk. The sight made him freeze.

It's the Hulk. No, it WAS the Hulk. Glowing green eyes with teeth bared, a version of itself that the Hulk and Banner tried to push away. Something primal, dangerous. Savage.

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The sight confused the Avenger long enough for Juggernaut to regain his bearings and come back swinging with a fist fueled by his own rage, sucker punching the giant green man, the force knocking out a tooth and making green blood spit out of his mouth. Hulk was sent to his knees, but the Juggernaut did not stop.

Juggernaut then started punching Hulk on the face repeatedly, increasing his pace and drawing more blood, Hulk snarling, before Juggernaut grabbed the Avenger by the head.

"I thought you were stronger than this." Marko mocked into the bloodied Hulk's face, rearing his fist back for more when something glinted in the air above him. For a second, Juggernaut looked up, in time for an arrow to slide through the slit into his eye. The tip broke upon impact and barely caused discomfort, but then the arrow blinked red.

"f*ck!" Mastermind swore as he witnessed the explosion. All it did was make Juggernaut step back and wave off the smoke, but those few seconds of reprieve were enough for the Hulk to stand up and punch him to the other side of the front lawn. Mastermind struggled to stay standing as the Hulk jumped up, high, and descended down onto the Unstoppable with a force to create another earthquake. This was getting messy. He'll have to kick it up a gear if…if…

What's that falling from the sky?

Cap was thrown to the floor by a swing from the flaming arm construct, his blaster and shield dropped out of his grip. If he was in uniform, he could recall the latter, but he was just in his civvies, his burned, smoky civvies. Steve looked up and saw a large flaming orb above his head, ready to launch. His muscles were ready to spring and launch himself out of the way, before something descended from the roof between him and the Mutant. The Super Soldier watched in disbelief as the large form blasted Pyro with a whiteish energy beam that sent him through the burning base, before it finally turned to him.

And Steve found the glowing optics of a large, Hulk-sized, Iron Man armor.

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"Captain Rogers, I believe I can be of some assistance."

Avengers Tower, a few minutes ago

For Tony Stark, there was always good news to go with the bad. Good news he was rich and famous younger than he should have been, bad news was he lost his parents. Good news is he had a group of friends that he would die for, bad news is he lost one before they could truly band together. Good news, he developed an algorithm that can predict danger and protect them from it, bad news, an AI that he made from alien science went rogue and used said algorithm for its own agenda of wiping out humans, he was still glum over that. The current good news is that he is not in the Compound and coordinating with Reed to find the source of Magneto's broadcast, but the really bad news is, he's not around to fight off the bastards attacking the Compound. He had just fixed up the place! Don't bad guys have any decency?

"Reed, I have the hacking side dealt with, more or less, please tell me you narrowed down where metalhead is hanging his cape?" Tony said to the screen to his right while he worked on wrestling back control of the satellites, which, to his chagrin, was reaching a stalemate. He turned to his left to see an aerial view of the Compound. It made Tony's blood go cold. There was two, maybe three attackers, but a surprise attack by someone who is currently giving Hulk trouble, this was bad.

"I want to say yes, but the technology masking the signal is incredible. I'd be impressed if the circ*mstances weren't so-"

"Dude, save the world! Admire later! " Johnny yelled at Reed from behind.

"Have to side with flamebrain over there." Tony added. Before seeing the Hulk take a beating. Okay, that's it. "JARVIS."

" Sir?"

"Remember that trick I taught you?"

" I do, sir."

"Get Veronica down there and see how she handles the big guy…the other big guy." The Hulkbuster and the additional arsenal was made for the Hulk, but it was Tony's biggest gun against heavy hitters. "Where's Thor when you need him?"

"That's it !" Tony found Reed's smiling face on the projection.

"Talk to me, stretch."

" We based our search on technological or biological based powers, as you would from Mutants. However, what if Magneto found not only another way to get his powers back, but also to bring out everyone's powers? " Tony took a second to realize what Reed was getting at.


"Correct. Our research is limited but try to find a wavelength similar to the research on Thor's power."

"Worth a shot." Tony's hands and brain were working overtime, calibrating the scanners to find the biggest, unknown source of magic that doesn't show up on any other radar.

And they found it.

"Reed, how's that car of yours work in Space?"


Sam and Dean were outside a motel, having put Anna to rest in a room inside, and were discussing their next move when they heard a car skidding and driving into the parking lot. They turned around and their eyes widened.

It was a grey prius, and it looked like it went through Hell, broken headlights, cracked windscreen, scratched side doors, a missing side mirror, and the front bumper was gone.

The doors were thrown open, a grinning Anakin stepped out the driver's side, and a clearly shaken Obi-Wan steadied himself with the hood of the car as they got out. "We are NEVER doing that again."

"Where's the fun in that?" Anakin grinned as they walked to the surprised Winchesters.

"What the hell happened to you?" Dean questioned as they led the Jedi into the hotel, the receptionist giving the two Jedi a weird look due to their robes, but the look was ignored as they reached the brothers' room. Obi-Wan quickly found a place to sit and massage his temple.

"Anakin had his first experience in your land speeders."

"You criticize my flying, and now my driving, is there anything you won't judge me for?"

Obi-Wan gave Anakin a dry look that made the Knight grin. "We have to thank you." Sam told the Jedi. "Without you guys, things might not have gone down so well as they did."

"Don't thank us yet." Anakin told them as he crossed his arms and leaned against a wall. "Alastair teleported away. We couldn't sense where he ran off to."

"Yeah, sure, bad thing, but can we talk about THAT for a minute?" Dean's eyes were fixed on the metal arm, Sam joining him. "Are you a Terminator?"

"I lost my arm." He said simply. A standoffish tone was used, Dean backed off from questioning further. Anakin, and his master, briefly thought back to that duel on Geonosis, but they had more pressing concerns. "I'm more interested in how the Demon knew you." Anakin saw Dean's jaw clench at the question and felt the rising emotions.

"Dean?" Sam looked at his brother.

The elder Winchester look at Sammy, then to scarface, and the old guy before sighing. "Hell, we met in Hell."

Obi-Wan saw a few flashes due to Dean's strong emotions- Dean was burning and screaming in agony, then Dean felt broken, and was working with some torture crevice as someone else was heard screaming.

Recoiling from the visions, Obi-Wan released a breath before looking to find the brothers and Anakin looking at him. His blue eyes met with Dean's green ones, a knowing looked to the younger man made him freeze. Kenobi knew.

"Look, we know we can beat him, the problem is freeing the human Alastair is possessing." Anakin turned the conversation.

"Goldfinger's right." Anakin scrunched his face at the nickname. "But Alastair's bad news, he's too powerful to simply exorcise, not to mention, we also have to keep Anna covered." Dean told them.

"I don't suppose you guys have any magic power that can help us out?" Sam asked the Jedi but was taken aback by their answer.

"It's not magic." Obi-Wan and Anakin said as one. The elder Jedi, however, began to think. Recalling anything he could have read regarding a power through the Force, to free a person of a dark being's possession. Maybe…"I might know of something."


"But I have never tried it before."

"Less great." Dean groaned before shrugging. "Still, better than nothing."

Anakin raised a finger. "I think you're forgetting that we have two of those things to worry about."

"Ruby's an ally." Sam defended. Upon seeing Anakin's scoff, Sam started to glare. "What?"

Ignoring the hostility, Anakin told him bluntly. "That ally of yours is a monster drenched in the Dark Side. You can't see what we see, feel what we feel. She's evil, and she will betray you."

"I may not be a space wizard, but I know her."

"Why?" Sam turned to his brother. "Why do you trust her so much?"

Sam sighed. "Because…..because she saved my life."

Then, Sam started telling them- she'd saved his life in a new body, then hijacked a Jane Doe in a coma after Sam had called her out for possessing a living human body, before offering to teach him to use his powers.

"So….what'd she teach you?" Dean inquired.

Sam groaned. "First thing I learnt….I'm not a good student."

Then he told them more- he failed to exorcise a Demon, Ruby killed it, then their talk after that, and what that had led to.

Dean, Anakin and Obi-Wan all had disgusted expressions.



"Too much information."

Anakin added. "Agreed."

"How is this relevant?" Obi-Wan questioned.

Dean groaned. "I feel dirty. Okay, well, uh, brain-stabbing imagery aside... So far, all you've told me about is a manipulative bitch who, uh, screwed you, played mind games with you, and did everything in the book to get you to go bad."

Sam replied. "Yeah, well, there's more to the story."

"Just... skip the nudity, please."

Sam continued. "Pretty soon after... that, um... I put together some signs... Omens."

"Saying what?"

"Lilith was in town. And I wanted to strike her first."

Then he told them the main part- he'd tried to go after Lilith, and it was a trap, two Demons attacking him. Ruby had then come, killing one with her knife, and he'd exorcised the other one.

Sam finished his tale. "Ruby came back for me. Whatever you have to say, she saved me. More than that, she got through to me. What she said to me... It's what you would've said. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here."

Suddenly, Anakin and Obi-Wan snapped their heads up and drew their lightsabers, opening the door and pointing them as Ruby appeared, in a maid's body.

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"You…." Anakin snarled. "We were just talking about you."

"Guys wait!" Sam placed himself between the Jedi and the Demon on realizing this was Ruby, who fearfully backed away from the blue blades. "Just wait, give her a chance."

"Beings like this can't be trusted, Sam." Obi-Wan warned the younger brother.

"I'm only here to help." Ruby tried to appease, but a mocking laugh from Anakin showed her the futility of that.

"Like we would believe that."

Ruby turned to Sam as Dean watched the scene warily, placing himself in front of the door to the conjoining room where Anna rested. "Where did you pick these guys up?"

"They, uh, sort of just showed up." Sam weakly offered before turning to face her.

"Here, go to this address", she said, and on seeing Dean's look, added. "I'm only possessing the maid for a hot minute."

"What about the coma patient?"

"Rotting on the floor back at the cabin."

"If we are to fight Alastair again, we would need to be free of anyone getting caught in the crossfire." Obi-Wan wished he did not have to, but the Demon's offer could be useful.

"We can drive to Bobby's." Dean interjected.

"That could take too long."

"I think we should go", Sam said, Anakin and Obi-Wan deactivating the lightsabers, while the maind walked off so Ruby could vacate her body.

Anakin voiced his doubts. "This feels like a trap."

"Good thing we have you and Jesus, here." Dean patted Obi-Wan's shoulder before entering through to the other room.

With a raised brow, Obi-Wan turned to the taller brother. "Who?"

Earth-21, DEO Base

Cameron Chase was trying to load her gun as a man headed towards her. "Come on! Load!"

A lasso wrapped around the man and pulled him away. "Huh?"

Cameron peaked her head outwards. "This is new."

Diana then appeared, looking like a blur as she sliced or punched down all opponents, then knelt near Cameron.

"Whoareyou?" The agent asked.

"Sister, I believe we are about to find out", Diana said, helping Cameron up.

Hercules leapt at Thor with a punch, only for Thor to duck and grab the Greek God, lifting him up into the air.

"An impressive move", Hercules complimented, only for Thor to throw him away towards a pole, "….for a wrestler!"

Hercules flipped and steadied himself near the pole, ripping it off.

"Hercules, stop this!" Thor begged, only for Hercules to bring the pole down upon his head, smashing him into the ground.

"I shall stop after I have slain you for my master Hades!"

Suddenly, Thor's hand grasped his foot. "Got you!"

With that, he threw Hercules down, making an indent in his shape, before getting up and lifting Hercules, spinning him around with one hand, shocking even Hades at that.

Then, Thor threw Hercules high into the air, while Superman flew back in, punching Hades himself right in the face, making him bleed.

The God of the Underworld wiped his mouth, while Superman flew down on him once more, only for Hades to strike him down first. "You are no match for me, star child."

Hercules leapt back down, holding out his fist, as Thor held out his own, and then they clashed, causing a shockwave that made several cars fly off, shattering part of the road too, and the tops of buildings, even Hades staggering back a little.

"Danger approaches, my master", Faust said, using a magical barrier to defend himself.

"I will deal with Hippolyta while Hercules deals with these 'Champions'", Hades said mockingly.

"No…" Faust shook his head. "It is herdaughter."

Hades raised his hands, sending out a powerful wind as Superman staggered back, while the harpies flew up. "Then let us strive to better assure our safety."

The roof of General Lane's vehicle was ripped apart, a harpy grabbing Trevor and flying up with him.

"Son of a bitch!" Lois grabbed Trevor's foot, trying to pull him back down. "No! No! No!"

"Lois! General!" Trevor cried out, taking out his gun and trying to fire at the harpy, but it snatched him from Lois' grip and took off.


Superman was fighting some harpies again, punching one off before taking down another with his Heat Vision, and then he sped in the air, taking down many in one go.

"The Man of Steel is battling the harpies, Lord Hades, while the God of Thunder engages Hercules", Faust told Hades, as Thor rammed into Hercules, only for Hercules to spin him around and put him in a chokehold.

Suddenly, Diana leapt forth. "Hades!" The God of the Underworld looked down on her, various dead people around them. "Howdareyou defile these noble dead?"

"Ha! "Defile"?" Hades questioned mockingly. "I am simply giving them purpose once again."

"They deserve peace, not purpose!" Diana said.

Thor gritted his teeth, trying to get out of Hercules' grip, but it was too strong, his eyes drooping slowly as he felt it slipping away.

"And I deserve fealty, princess! Stand down and bow before your Lord and Master!" Hades commanded her, two harpies flying in, holding Trevor now. "Else your mortal love shall know oblivion…and join the ranks of those you now oppose."

"If you touch ahairon Trevor's head", Diana snarled, rushing forth and throwing off the dead people. "I will assume the role of a Fury myself and fly you back to Tartarus on the pointy end of mysword!"

"An Amazon defying one of her Gods to honor a man", Hades said in utter disgust. "Perhaps I have been away for too long."

"I do not fight for this man!" Diana yelled, charging through the horde of the undead. "I fight for all of mankind!"

"HERCULES SHALL PREVAIL!" Hercules cried out, making Diana's eyes widen at the name, before she turned around, seeing Thor in Hercules' grip.

"Hercules?" She questioned, narrowing her eyes. Was it really him? The defiler of the Amazons, including her mother? He was here too?

She was going to make him pay.

Hades smirked, then whacked Diana's head, throwing her down.

"I…am…..Thor….." Thor grunted. "Son…of….Odin…..Prince of Asgard…." He opened his eyes and they glowed with lightning. "GOD OF THUNDER!"

Thor: The Dark World- As the Hammer Falls plays


A giant bolt of lightning descended from the skies, blinding everyone briefly, and it struck Hercules full-force, making him yell out in agony as he let go, Thor falling forwards, while the God of Strength convulsed from the powerful bolt.

The power sent Hercules flying off by many feet, before he crashed to the ground, finally knocked out at last, while Thor stood up, holding out his hand as Mjolnir flew back towards him.

Hades crushed Diana's head under his foot. "Even with your mother's blood in your veins, you do not stand a chance of defeating me alone."

Everything shook as Superman landed on the ground, clutching his fists. "She is not standing alone."

Mjolnir flew at Hades, but he leaned sideways to dodge, smirking at Thor, only for it to hit him on the head from behind, sending him flying forwards into a punch from Thor, making him fly backwards and fall down, making another crater, as Thor caught the hammer on return, landing on the ground too. "For we stand with her."

Diana got up too, all three glaring at Hades, who staggered up, then raised his hands. "Defend your master!"

The harpies returned, Diana leaping and slicing at them as Thor smashed them with Mjolnir, Superman taking out more with his Heat Vision.

Thor turned to Hades and threw Mjolnir again, only for Hades to dodge once more, and this time, he turned around, catching the hammer before it could strike him, only for it crash to the ground, Hades grunting as he realized he couldn't pick it up.

Snarling, Hades grasped the handle, trying to pull Mjolnir up with all his might. Seeing it wasn't working, he used his magical power, increasing his strength, but the hammer didn't even budge, while his feet slowly started sinking into the ground.

Then, Mjolnir hummed, and Hades lost his footing as it flew back into the hand of Thor. "Nay, you shall have its THUNDER!" He twirled Mjolnir, summoning a small storm and gathering the lightning in his power. "FOR MIDGARD!"

Lightning then hit Hades as Thor increased its power and then fired a huge lightning bolt right on the God of the Underworld, reducing the area where he'd stood to a smouldering crater, Hades groaning as he felt pain all over his body, and tried to get up. Some harpies flew at Thor but he flew up, smashing three of them away quickly.

"We must stop Hades!" Diana cried out.

"No kidding", Superman agreed, blowing out some arctic breath to freeze more harpies. "My people at S.T.A.R. Labs have been working on a device that can transport 'unconventional' criminals to a place where they can only harmthemselves."

Thor twirled Mjolnir, forming a small tornado which caught several harpies, spinning them all and dissipating, taking them out too.

"A Realm like that already exists for Hades", Diana said, wrapping a harpy in her lasso and throwing it off. "Tartarus." They stood back-to-back, Thor hovering up in the air as Diana continued. "It is a Hellish Dimension to which he must be returned in order to keep the Olympian Realms at peace."

"How did your mother put Hades to bedlasttime?" Superman inquired.

Both of them held out their hands, Thor pointing Mjolnir upwards, as Diana explained. "To walk the Earth, Hades must have a blood bond forged to a mortal. My Queen did what she had to…she slew the Witch responsible."

"And the Gem? The Eye of Ares?" Clark inquired.

"The act, made manifest, shattered to release him."

Both of them did a thunderclap, as Thor too did one with Mjolnir, the former two taking out all the harpies in their respective directions, as the latter took out the ones in the sky.

Superman hovered in the air. "So the only way to send Hades home is to kill Faust?"


"No deal", Superman snarled.

"I will do what you cannot", Thor assured Superman, holding up his hammer. "For I am a warrior at heart." He added with a smirk. "But I must say, mortals do cower easily when shown a display of immense power."

That gave Superman an idea as he sped behind Hades, who'd just gotten back up. "I have another way!"

He wrapped his arms around the Lord of the Underworld, gripping him tightly, and flew up into the air, causing a small crater to be formed at the spot where he'd taken flight.

Thor and Diana watched as they disappeared into Space, before Diana turned to the unconscious Hercules, rushing towards him with a roar.

Before she could strike him, Thor put Mjolnir in the way of her sword. "Stop! Why do you attack Hercules?"

"He is a monster!" Diana snarled. "He subjugated my island once! He defiled my sisters, and my mother!"

Thor was nothing short of horrified! Hercules was brutish, but he had never known him to sink that low!

He looked down at his friend, who was groaning, about to wake up. "This is not the Hercules you speak of, Diana." Now she was shocked. "He is from another Universe….mine. You have my sincerest apologies for what your Hercules put your mother and the other Amazons through, but this Hercules is nothing like that. He is a brute, but he is a man of honor, and a friend you can trust."

"Then why did he attack you?" Diana inquired.

"He fell into the Tartarus of your Hades due to bad misfortune, and was brainwashed by him into becoming his slave", Thor explained, Hercules opening his eyes at last.

"Is it you…..Thor, Prince of Asgard?"

Thor smiled. His eyes were no longer blank, devoid of emotion. Recognition was shining with them.

"Yes, it is I, Hercules, Prince of Olympus."

Thor held out his hand, and Hercules grasped it, letting Thor help him up, as Diana looked him up and down, still confused.

"Lady Sif?" Hercules asked as he looked at her in bewilderment. "What is this you wear?"

"This is not Sif, my friend, she is Princess Diana of Themyscira, Lady Sif's doppelganger from this world", Thor revealed, Hercules' eyes widening.


Superman had flown with Hades into Space. "Killing Faust is the only way to send you back to Tartarus, right?"

"You lack the commitment of the Amazon and the Asgardian; else you would already have done so!" Hades cried out, confident that Superman did not have the guts.

"I don't have long before there isn't enough oxygen to carry sound, so I'll make this quick", Superman said, continuing to fly further. "Let's say I put Faust into suspended animation at the bottom of the DEO-"

"Ensuring my endless reign!"Hades boasted.

"At any point during that "endless reign", at any moment until I die, I can throw you out into those stars", Clark gestured at the many stars around them some shining very brightly. "Into the breadth of the28known galaxies!" He paused briefly, allowing Hades to absorb what he was saying, then continued. "Aneternitytumbling through the void…..no kingdom to rule. Only silence, only cold. An endless life, spent watching each and every light out there in the dark blink out of existence."

Hades' eyes widened in terror, and even without looking at him, Superman knew he'd cowed the God of the Underworld himself.

"You have until the count of three to say "uncle" and go back to Hell with your tail between your legs." Superman laid down the ultimatum, then started counting to drive home the point. "One.Two."

That was it. Hades cracked.

"I yield."

Heroes coming together - Chapter 32 - Aragorn_II_Elessar (19)

Superman hurled him downwards with all of his strength.

Back at Earth, Thor was supporting Hercules as Diana supported Trevor, and then they saw Hades crash into a portal that led back into Tartarus, leaving a trail of fire behind him.

"Master!" Faust cried out in horror, only for Diana to wrap his throat with her lasso.

"Fret not, Wizard….for you shall share the Deity's fate!"

With that, she hurled Faust into the portal as well.


And then, with a loud roar, the portal finally snapped shut, Superman landing on the ground with a smile.

"Superman!" He turned to see Diana as they grasped hands. "Whatpowerdid you use to subdue him?"

"Words", Superman said, then turned to Thor, grasping hands with him too.

"That was a battle mightily won, my friend", Thor praised him.

"All of us won this", Superman told him, before Hercules looked around.

"It is all a blur in my memory, I do not remember what I was made to do", Hercules said sadly, then looked at Thor, Superman and Diana. "You have my apologies for my actions."

"It wasn't your fault", Superman assured him.

Thor gave Diana a look, noticing the change in her face. Hearing his genuine apology, she knew this Hercules was nothing like the monster she'd heard tales of.

"He is right", she finally said, giving Hercules a warm smile. "You need not blame yourself."

He nodded, before looking at Thor, lifting up his arm. "How have you been? I haven't seen you in an age!"

"Three hundred years ago, when we arm wrestled and knocked that planet out of orbit." Thor replied, both of them grasping arms, and then it looked like they were arm-wrestling in a contest of strength, Hercules having a slight look of surprise, for he realized Thor was giving him more trouble than he used to so many centuries ago, and he gave him enough trouble then.

Superman and Diana shared a look of surprise at the 'knocked that planet out of orbit' bit. Superman was powerful enough to push a planet easily, but arm wrestling and knocking a planet out of orbit?

Well….if he tried it with Thor or Hercules, he was sure something like that could happen.

Another thing on his 'not to do' list.

"Oh yeah. Too bad we couldn't finish, it's always nice to win."

"I know, I've won many times before."

"Welllllll, not so much against me, I mean, we both knew I would win."

"No, I think only you knew, because we all know I would have won."

"You and that Viking humor of yours. But we all know the truth."

"Yes, yes we do." Thor and Hercules held their stares as they increased the pressure of their grips, tensing the muscles as the ground beneath their feet began to crack.


"Oh right." The Asgardian released his grip and sheepishly looked at Clark and Diana, then back to the Olympian. "We'll settle this later."

"I'll bring the beer."

"Do you remember the last time we went drinking?"

"...I actually don't."

"Must have had a great time then!"

Superman and Diana rolled their eyes in amusem*nt.

Diana then hugged Trevor happily, lifting him up due to her strength.

"Sun's gonna be up in a few hours", Superman said.

"What happens next?" Trevor wondered, Diana putting him back down as all of them looked at the helicopters nearby, and the destruction, though it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

"That's a very good question", Superman had to say.

Earth-199999, X-Mansion

Storm gathered the available roster of the X-Men: Shadowcat, Iceman, Blink, Sunspot, Colossus, and even though she's depowered, Rogue. As soon as they witnessed Magneto's message, Storm sent the call and they all converged into the X-Jet.

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"Jones said that he can only determine what satellites Magneto hacked, not where he was broadcasting. He may have a technopath, or something close to it with him. If we take them out, it may force him out of hiding." Storm informed them as Rogue began to flip the switches, raising the platform for the jet to take off. "We have to nail this son of a bitch."

Bobby and Kitty shared a concerned look, along with the Mutants behind them. "Storm, I get it, Magneto caused a lot of pain for us."

"He should also be cured." Ororo twisted in her seat to look at Iceman. The look she gave him sent shivers down the cryokinetic's spine, which was a rarity. "The cure was his second chance; it was more than he deserved."

"Is this to save the world from whatever scheme he's concocted, or revenge?" Shadowcat asked their leader and headmistress.

Storm stayed quiet, looking ahead from just behind the pilot chair. "Both."

Ororo lost her closest friends because of Magneto. Jean died because Magneto revealed to Stryker the Cerebro, and then she saved them from Alkali Lake, only for to come back and kill Scott and Charles, and his manipulations on her dark side forced them to kill her. It was hard to accept but the thing that took over Jean had to die. They had no choice. Maybe she was placing all her anger of the past on Erik Lehnsherr, but it did not matter, as the X-jet took off, away from the school, they began their ascent-

Until the whole aircraft suddenly froze, lurching them in their seats.

"What the hell?!"

"I'm giving it all she's got!" Rogue told them as she tried to floor the gas. All it did was cause the jet to shake. "We're stuck!"

From below, Wanda's hands glowed red with psionic energy, gripping the X-Jet with some strain as her allies watched from behind. It was bigger than she anticipated, but the time on Asteroid M allowed her to strengthen her powers. With that in mind, with both hands, Wanda ripped her hands apart, and the X-Jet ripped with them.

While Quicksilver and Avalanche watched the two halves of the X-Jet fall, Mimic tapped the speedster's shoulder. "I'll be back in a flash." The slightly taller Mutant told Magneto's son, before speeding away in the same fashion as Pietro, who watched the transparent energy currents left in his wake, much like his own powers, but slower.

"That's rather disturbing." Pietro commented before watching a portal appear above one half, two people falling out, and then another, with a flaming man flying out after them, while the other wreckage had one woman fly out with another, and a man made of ice take another and slide out into the air, just as both halves of the jet crashed into the ground, creating a wide explosion. "Shall we then?"

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Heroes coming together - Chapter 32 - Aragorn_II_Elessar (22)

The other Mutant bumped Pietro's shoulder and walked forward, before twisting on his heel and walking backwards. "Keep watching, gorgeous, you might learn something."

Pietro wanted to run Avalanche down, had his sister's words not stopped him. "I think he was talking to you."

A surprised snort escaped the speedster. "Not my type." With that, Avalanche used his powers on the ground, causing a portion of it to break around him until a mass of Earth propelled upwards, granting the Mutant the power to fly.

Scoffing, Quicksilver took his sister in his arms. "Too slow." Pietro said before he took off.

Storm set down Rogue before looking at the others around her, Colossus suddenly appearing from a portal, skidding along the ground until he came to a halt, with Blink in his arms. "Everyone okay?" Bobby, Kitty, and Roberto landed just after her.

"We're more concerned with-"

"BOBBY!" Kitty grabbed Iceman just as a red ball of energy would have blasted through his body, had she not phased them both in time. The same could not be said for Storm, who took the blast to the chest and crashed to the ground.

The Scarlet Witch, as Erik had called her walked forward with an eerie grace, red wisps of energy flowed around her, her eyes reflecting that same scarlet colored glow. Roberto flew forward in his solar form and fired. A shield of energy blocked the flames, and a boulder was thrown into his flight path, the solar Mutant broke through it but his body careened to the ground. Avalanche landed beside Wanda with only a grin exposed due to the helmet.

Bobby stepped forward with Kitty and Blink, only to be thrown down by a blur, each landing painfully on the ground, just as Rogue pulled Storm back to her feet, and to witness the blur stop beside the other two Mutants. Colossus charged forth, steel skin on, barreling through Scarlet Witch's blast, powering through a thrown boulder, only to glow red and be thrown upwards. Piotr yelped when he was suddenly pulled down as if by intense gravity and sent through fields and a road. He pushed himself up, unharmed, only to find a young man with an "M" on his chest before him.

"Nice powers." Mimic grinned at him. Piotr watched in confusion until it turned to shock, the young man's skin turned to steel, just like him. "Mine are better."

"Nothing beats the original." Colossus leapt up and with a fist reared back, brought down on the Brotherhood Mutant, only for him to disappear. Piotr didn't have time to ponder before a sudden strike sent him crashing and tumbling through more field. Throwing dirt off his suit, Colossus watched as the other steel skinned Mutant appeared in a blur.

"Did I mention I can use multiple powers?" Mimic smirked before his hand glowed green and thrusted it forward, a green telekinetic blast threw Colossus even deeper into the field, closer to the wreckage.

Storm pushed away from Rogue and stood before the trio. Wanda tilted her head, her eyes flaring before Ororo clutched her head and grunted. Trying to take advantage of her mind, Wanda made to bring out the white-haired woman's fears, only for her glow to stop. "She shut me out."

A laugh left the older woman when a sphere of wind formed around her, slowly bringing her upwards into the air. Storm's eyes turned white and smirked down at Wanda. "My best friend was a telepath, bitch, and she was much stronger than you!" Storm raised her hands to the sky, thunder and lighting came from above, cumulonimbus clouds gathering above before she threw her hands down and lighting bolts arced from her hands. Wanda countered with psionic energy and met the more experience Mutant in a clash.

Quicksilver ran around, using debris from Avalanche to launch himself at Storm, but found himself blown away by the wind sphere around her. Similarly, Avalanche raised rocks and shot them at the X-Woman, but they were blasted away by the wind. Avalanche would have tried again, had he not seen Sunspot return with a flaming solar blast. Earth raised to defend him, but this time Sunspot broke through the shield and grabbed Avalanche by the throat, punching him through the air, denting the Brotherhood member's helmet. Using his vibrations to soften the landing, Avalanche then used his powers to send a wave of Earth matter that Sunspot easily flew over to fire back at him, only for the Mutant to send vibrations through the ground to open a fissure for him to fall through. Sunspot hovered above the fissure and sent a stream of solar energy through the ground.

With Storm untouchable, Quicksilver saw Iceman stand up and fire ice shards at his sister, ice shards that Pietro intercepted and destroyed before running at a too slow Iceman for the speedster run by and punch him down. Bobby tasted blood, wiping his lip to see the red liquid before he felt like his ribs were hit by a car, sending him skidding along the ground before the Mutant responsible walked by him.

"You didn't see that coming?"

Bobby threw his hands forward with waves of ice, only to hit air. Turning his body to ice, Iceman created a pillar of ice beneath him, sending him twelve feet from the ground before focusing his powers on the ground around him. Quicksilver made the mistake of running on the ice, and felt his body give way, slipping on the slippery surface, sending his body sliding before a portal opened in front of him and sent falling in the skies above. Before he could think, another portal opened, and Pietro felt his body thrown against a tree. Seeing a touch of purple, the same color as the portals, Quicksilver moved out of the way before the portal could touch him. He had to dance out of the way as in his vision, multiple portals began to open around him, making the son of Magneto bend, and maneuver out of the way.

Mimic leapt and punched Colossus, sending him to his knees, only for Colossus to get back up as Mimic punched again, and Colossus grabbed his fist. He twisted, making Mimic yell in pain, while Colossus decked him twice, before punching him two more times, then grabbing and head-butting him many times, after which he threw Mimic down, and slammed his foot on him, pinning him there.

"You may have my powers, but you don't have my strength." Piotr made to stomp again when Mimic's hand pointed up, and a blinding multitude of colorful sparkles hit his face. Colossus had to step back when Mimic rolled forward, grabbing the taller Mutant's ankle to sweep from under him, forcing the X-Man to fall to the floor.

"I get by!" Mimic bragged as he elbow-dropped the back of Colossus' head. He picked the student of Xavier up by the back of the collar to stand, only to feel himself sink lower, until he was only up to the Russian-born Mutant's abdomen. Movement to the left had Mimic turn to see Shadowcat rising from the ground, but he couldn't ponder or think of using her powers before steel encased knees drove into his head.


"The Demons seem to be keeping their distance." Obi-Wan told Sam as they left the room. "It may be because of us."

"You're welcome." Anakin said co*ckily to his old master's chagrin, the three walking outside.

Sam did not mind much for the slight arrogance. "We'll take any advantage we can get."

Dean appeared, leading Anna outside. Upon laying eyes on the Jedi, Anna froze. Dean stopped beside her. "Anna?"

"Who are you?" She asked, her voice breathless, like the mere sight of the two Generals changed everything.

"I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, and this is Anakin Skywalker." The Negotiator introduced them, Anakin nodding at her. "We are not exactly from here, but we promise to guard you with our lives." Obi-Wan finished with a warm smile.

Anna slowly walked forward, to the Chosen One, who eyed her questionably, especially when she raised her hand to his cheek. The Form V user would have removed it if not for the next words she spoke.

"They don't know you." Anna turned to face an equally confused Kenobi. "Either of you."

"…okay," Dean clapped his hands, "this has been fun! Now let's get moving." Dean hurried Anna to the Impala, where Sam moved his seat to let her in.

Both Jedi were slow to follow, merely continuing to eye the redhead. "You feeling that?"

"As if there's something there but missing at the same time." Obi-Wan explained as best as he could. It was a strange presence in the Force. If the Angels were the beings that Dean and Sam said they were, he expected to feel something more from this Anna Milton. Something akin to what he felt on Mortis.

"Yo, hairspray! Let's go already." Sam rolled his eyes at his brother.

"Dean, please don't piss off the big guns."

The Jedi shared one last look, before moving to the car.

"Wouldn't mind if he went missing."

"Please try to behave, Anakin."

Earth-1, Keystone City

A hook shot over the railing, securing itself over the bar. Soon after, a figure in a tight-fit suit resembling leather pulled herself over the railing and dropped down. Selina observed her surrounds and easily made her way to the rooftop door. "Your turn, hun."

"One second, and open sesame!"

Like magic, the door opened itself. A tug pulled on Selina's lips as she walked in, eyeing the cameras now rendered useless. "Nice job."

"Oh it was nothing…well not exactly nothing, but I don't want to bore you-"

"Easy, doll, don't want to talk too loudly." Selina cautioned the overexcited hacker.

"Rightrightright, got it." Alena's voice was fast and low. "No more talking. Unless, you know-I'll just stay quiet." The hacker abruptly cut herself off, letting Selina enjoy the peace of the steal.

Back on the same roof, the three former Rogues climbed up the deactivated electric fence. "Why am I even here?"

"A vague sense of charity?" Leonard supplied as he reached the top, helping his sister up while Mick helped himself over the fence. The three landed with their pyromaniac thinking hard.

"Charity…was she that stripper in Opal City?" Mick asked, but only earned an eye roll and scoff of disgust from the Snart siblings as they walked off. "What?"

"Why do we keep him around again?" Lisa groaned as they made it to the roof door.

Leonard adjusted the setting of his Cold Gun as he neared the fuse box. "Because we love him and cherish his muscles." He told his sister as Mick finally rejoined them. A narrow steam of bluish white flames froze the hinges and the lock, with one strong tug, the whole cover cracked off, exposing the numerous wires within. Carefully examining each one, Snart took them all in one gloved hand, and ripped them all out. "I think a lightbulb went out."

"Maybe two." With most of the building's lights gone with them. Lisa entered her fob, the device decoding the password for the door before the light turned green, and the three waltzed in.

The blueprints were rolled out onto the floor. "The security room's here, while I get into the vault's systems-"

"I bust some heads for us to make off with the loot." Mick "helpfully" supplied his part of the plan. Meanwhile, Snart looked up to notice a camera looking right at them. The light was off, as should some of their security features due to their efforts, but something in his gut had him feeling on edge. A bit early to expect the plan to go off the rails.

"And the guard station is one floor down." Lisa rolled her eyes. Mick at least has his priorities straight. "Don't forget to hide the bodies. And Lenny-"

"Hit the vault while you shutdown the systems."

Lisa glared at her brother. "Why do you always steal my spotlight?"

"It's an older brother thing, you wouldn't understand." Snart's grin had no effect on his sister, but the trio knew their roles and went about their jobs.

Unknown to them, Leonard's gut was right as the camera followed sight of them separating.


Crawling through her the vents, her slim body making it easy to traverse, the one dubbed Catwoman by the Gotham Gazette, the thief answered as while continuing to make progress to the vault. "What is it?"

"We may have a slight problem."

A security guard was making his rounds. Nothing to report, it was just another dull night.

"Hi there."

The guard heard a voice from behind and quickly turned. The last thing he saw was an intimidating looking bald man with a savage grim before a fist flew into face. All he saw after that was darkness.

Mick looked down at the rent-a-cop and groaned. "Glass jaw." Ah well, he's got plenty of more heads to smash, it was the only thoughts he had as continued down the hallway to the guard station.

Leonard made it to the vault dedicated to the Crown of Fire. Seeing the open space in front of it, Captain Cold drew his weapon and disassembled parts of it before holding up a glowing freon cartridge, and then pointing it forwards into the room. A cool vapor poured out of the cartridge and into the room, exposing green lasers crisscrossing in ways no one could hope to bypass.

"Tick tock, Lisa." Snart muttered as he reassembled the gun, only to have a steel door to drop down in front of him. Blinking once, the Rogue sighed through his nose. "We are so having a talk about this."

His thoughts of blaming his sister were put aside when from a grate from above the centre of the room opened and a leather clad figure repelled down, upside down. "I hope this isn't about me."

Leonard narrowed his eyes as he observed the woman, especially when the lasers suddenly turned off. "Haven't I seen you before?"

"Depends, you been in Gotham?"

"Not in a while, I tend to avoid bats. Bat for the allergies." Leonard snarked, but the question gave him an answer. "Long way from home for a housecat."

"I'm more feral than you know."

Lisa's fingers typed away on her pad, connected to the servers in the security systems. But no matter what she did, a red notification kept popping up every time she tried access the vault room housing the Crown of Fire.

"You are way too simple to be this hard." Lisa complained as she tried again, until a thought had her fingers pause. "Unless…"

An agitated Mick dragged the unconscious guard by the foot towards a supply closet. Upon opening the door and flicking on the light switch, he found, much to his anger, the knocked out and tied up bodies of the rest of the guards that he should have beat on. "Ah crap."

"It's at least common courtesy among thieves to announce what they're stealing. You know, avoid any awkward situations."

Selina turned her head over her shoulder as she waited by the vault door. "Is that even a real thing?"

"Not really." Catwoman nodded as the vault doors slid open without any need for the palmprint scanner. Watching and waiting, Snart observed the cat burglar, while also waiting for how long it took his team to know they weren't alone. "Either you're really lucky, or you have friends in not so high places."

"Can't it be both?" Selina playfully asked from within the vault.

Leonard had a feeling, and they seemed to be on a role tonight. "You wouldn't be here to steal-"

"The Crown of Fire."

"Of course you are." The mastermind of the Rogue's trio slumped. Well, this job got a bit more complex. Time to throw away the plan. "You know, I'm sure there's plenty of other shiny, colorful looking pieces in there."

"None with as much style." Catwoman walked out with the Crown in her hand, holding it up to her head as if wearing it. "What do you think?"

Snart shook his head. "Doesn't match your mask."


"Not really." Snart stepped back and fired a beam of absolute zero at the door. It would take more than a few seconds to turn steel so brittle in the cold, but this wasn't just regular cold. Selina shoved the Crown in her bag, making a break for her line when the steel door shattered, and a much larger and thicker body broke through frozen door.

The alarms began to blare and lights turned red in the vault room when Mick, raging at someone stealing their score, pushed himself off the floor and grabbed the thief by the leg and threw her down to the floor. He would have stomped down with his raised boot had she not rolled over and thrown a kick to Mick's…crown jewels. Heat Wave hunched over and grabbed his groin when the cat burglar then kicked his face before flipping back to her feet, only to have Captain Cold's arms wrap around her.

Rearing her head back into Snart's, Selina was free from his grip but then grabbed his head from behind her and raised her knee into his face. Leonard fell back, but Mick's meaty fist struck her cheek, the strength of it sending her spinning to the floor. Dazed, Selina got back up while clenching her gloves, and as Mick grabbed her by the shoulder, she lashed out with steel claws extended, with the Rogue barely having enough time to lean his head back, saving his face and especially his eyes, but got slashed across his chest for his trouble. Taking the chance, Catwoman kicked Mick's left knee, forcing him to kneel, allowing the female thief to roll over his back and quickly climb up the rope and back into the vents.

"Oh. Oh now you done it." Mick snarled. Drawing the Heat Gun, he made to pull the trigger, had Snart not lowered the gun to his fury. "What the hell, Snart?!"

"All according to plan, Mick." Snart told him when they heard someone running and turned to find Lisa finally gracing them with their presence. "Stop for drive-thru?"

"The Crown?" Leonard shook his head as they rushed out of the room, Lisa leaning away when Mick basically charged after her brother.

"Plan?! What plan?! That bitch nearly scratched my eyes out!"

"Who?" Lisa questioned; it was all getting very aggravating for the elder Snart.

"I have an idea."

"We just left the loot back there!"

"And do you want to explain to the cops why you decided to go midnight shopping?" Leonard glanced over his shoulder. Mick was nearly steaming, and not from any fires. "Take a note, boys and girls, we might get more than just a fancy headdress."

Star City

A night and day went by, no sighting of the other breachers. That worried Oliver for two reasons: one, they had enough problems to worry about with Prometheus, and two, the fact that they ended up in a new Universe yet managed to make themselves disappear from cameras and his team meant either they had powers, or they were good, really good. Matt was the only one able to provide an insight into what they're dealing with.

He entered the room housing their guest, and was surprised by what he found. Sitting upright, legs crossed in a lotus position, Matt was meditating. "Guessing there was no need to knock."

"Heard you pull in from above." Oliver had to keep in mind the range of these super senses.

"So yesterday, take it you heard everything."

The lips tugging up told him yes. "A little." Nodding, and then stopping, Oliver hid his annoyance at himself when he was interrupted. "I can sense when you're nodding, don't worry about it."

"Right." Oliver approached, observing the slow inhale and exhale, the steady breath. It was something he read about. "Meditating to help accelerate the healing process."

"The man who taught me to fight showed me how to do it."

"Must have been a good teacher."

"He was an asshole."

Oliver let out a short laugh as he thought about Slade. When they first met, the ASIS agent was definitely what Oliver would call an asshole, then came their bond, before it was broken. "Assholes usually make for good teachers."

Matt chuckled with him, Stick knew what he was doing, despite what he did to his younger self. "Can't argue with that." Uncrossing his legs, the blind man set his feet on the ground. "What do you need?"

"You know we've hit a dead end with your friends." Getting a nod, Oliver walked closer and sat on a stool close to the breacher. "While I check the wounds, you think you can tell me anything about them?"

"They're called HYDRA." Oliver slowed his hands when he heard that, before removing the bandages.

"A few friends of mine from your Earth mentioned them before. They're like anti-freedom terrorists or something?"

"Since World War II, they were on the same side as the Nazis." Matt winced as the gauze was entirely removed. The skin was scabbed over, the pain was there, but the worst of it passed. Those herbs of Oliver's did wonders.

"They healed faster than I thought."

"Meditation, not just an excuse to fall asleep." The joke was well received, Oliver grinning as he cleaned around where he was shot. "I was patrolling my city when I heard a door break open. The footsteps were coordinated, tactical, I thought it was a hit squad when I heard an old heartbeat. They barged into an old man's apartment, but turns out he was part of HYDRA too, he had something they wanted."

"Something important if they killed one of their own." Oliver reasoned as he placed a new, clean bandage over Matt's chest. Like the other night, he noted the scars on his body, the slashes by some blade he couldn't place, but they were deep.

Matt shook his head. "I don't know their inner workings, they're a global threat, spies and assassins. I just patrol the streets. But what they took from the old man was dangerous. It was blood from Abomination."

Oliver finished with the bandage when Matt said that name. It did not sound pleasant. "Not good?"

"Very not good. Abomination was a giant monster, mutated by gamma radiation and a super soldier serum. He tore apart Harlem, the Army's weapons did nothing. It took the Hulk to beat it, and he's an Avenger."

A squad of spies and assassins with the blood sample of a monster. This is not good, Oliver thought, this could be worse than Slade's Mirakuru army. Still, now they know. "Thank you. At least we have an idea what we're dealing with."

"I could help tracking them down." Matt made to stand, but Oliver stopped him.

"Easy, let the bruises heal. You won't do anyone any good if you collapse from the pain."

"Not the first time I did it at half strength."

"And how far did you get?" Matt sighed; Oliver knew he won that argument.

"This line of work, you rarely get a chance to catch your breath."

That Oliver understood. Bad guys have the worst sense of timing. "I hear that," nodding his agreement, the archer still stood up, "but trust my team. We'll find these guys."

"Good luck." Matt crossed his legs again and returned to his meditation, with Oliver leaving the room.


Ruby opened the door to the cabin, letting the Winchesters, Jedi and Anna in. "Glad you could make it."

"Yeah, thanks", Sam replied, Ruby closing the door behind them.

"You're not like the other Demons, you're helping us", Anna said to Ruby with a smile.

"I guess….." Dean turned to Ruby. "I owe you….for Sam, and I wanted….you know…."

"Don't strain yourself."

"Okay then. Is the moment over?" Ruby nodded. "Good, 'cause that was awkward."

Anna then inquired. "Hey, Sam, you think it'd be safe to make a quick call, just to tell my parents I'm okay? They must be completely freaked."

The faces of the Winchesters and Jedi fell. "Uh..."


Sam tried to break the news gently while putting a hand to her shoulder. "Anna, um... Your parents..."

"What about them?"

"Look, I'm sorry."

Anna was close to tears. "No, they're not..."

"Anna, I'm sorry."

Anna burst into tears, grabbing her head.

Anakin and Obi-Wan looked at her sadly, Anakin remembering when he'd lost his own mother, feeling his deepest sympathies going out to her.

"Why is this happening to me?" Anna asked in between sobs.

Sam shook his head. "I don't know."

Putting his flesh hand to her shoulder, Anakin assured her. "We'll make them pay."

Suddenly, Anna gasped and panted. "They're coming." The lights flickered too. Dean gestured. "Back room." Sam took Anna to the back room, then came back, as Anakin and Obi-Wan activated their lighsabers, Dean and Sam taking out their shotguns, while Ruby looked through the bag and found her knife, holding it up too.

"What is it?" Sam asked, a screeching kind of sound coming from the door's other end. "Demons?"

"No." Anakin shook his head, the door rattling loudly, before it burst open violently. "Something else." He walked, as did Obi-Wan, their senses alert.

Two men unfamiliar to the Jedi appeared, but the Force told them so much more. It was like staring into stars shaped into a humanoid form, with wings spreading out behind their forms. Beneath the surface, they gave off light, but there was something else as Anakin and Obi-Wan looked closer. A grey presence, only within one of them. The other, it was much harder to explain.

"What are you?"

"You can see us?" The one with light skin asked in shock, but the darker skinned one beside him frowned.

That was when Dean and Sam walked out, the former chuckling. "You're a little late to the party, but the help would be appreciated."

Dean's smile faded when he turned to the Angel who didn't pull him out of Hell. "Though don't want to get too crowded." Uriel looked back at him, unimpressed, especially at Ruby, whose eyes blackened.

"I'm afraid you misunderstand, Dean." Castiel informed them at that point. "We're here for Anna."

Dena inquired. "Here for her like... hereforher?"

Uriel demanded. "Stop talking. Give her to us."

Sam asked. "Are you gonna help her?"

Castiel dropped the bombshell.

"No, she has to die."

Sam, Dean, Anakin and Obi-Wan looked at him in horror.

Earth-1, Keystone City

A mug of steaming brown liquid slid across the table in front of a glaring Mick.

"Coco?" The target of said glare offered the olive branch, not that his fellow Rogue bothered to even look at it. Lisa dabbed Mick's wounds to clean them of blood. His offering ignored, Snart shrugged. "Your loss."

"No. Our loss." Mick hissed, in pain from Lisa's dabbing, and anger at what happened. "We got our score stolen by a crazy cat lady!"

"One with an impressive skillset, and equally impressive backup." Snart turned away from Mick to start dialling.

"Who you calling?" Lisa inquired but kept her eyes on Mick's bare torso as she applied the bandages. The cuts weren't deep, thankfully, would be a shame if their muscle lost his one use.

"Jacques. See where this kitten likes to hang her claws, who might be helping her, and who would buy the Crown."

"Doubt he'd know."

"He won't." Leonard pressed the dial button and waited for the ring. "But he can narrow it down while we get to work."

Within the vault room where the clash of thieves took place, a man of rather short stature wearing a white suit stared at the open vault. His stance went from standing straight to hands on his hips, then to crossing his arms, before taking one hand and scratching his head in frustration, before finally turning back to the guards that not long ago, were tied up and unconscious.

"Tell me, am I not paying you enough? Is that it?"

The lead guard nervously eyed the shorter man, and the much larger one standing to the side, bald, tall, and a thick moustache and soul patch, with a very visible gun in a shoulder holster. He quickly looked back to the see the suited man waiting for an answer. "N-no sir, it's j-just-"

Heroes coming together - Chapter 32 - Aragorn_II_Elessar (23)

"J-j-j-just what? You had your bell rung by a group of thieves? Thieves who weren't even working together?!" He screamed at the guards, all flinching from the volume. "The Crown of Fire belongs in the hands of great men! It was supposed to be safe here while I dealt with those whiny bastards!"

"There-there's nothing else I can say, Mr. Fairfax."

Abigail Fairfax's face was turning redder from the second, tension building up within and getting ready to explode. "No, I suppose there isn't." He stepped back and snapped his fingers. "Julian."

The lead guard whipped his head towards the taller bodyguard, only for his head to snap the other way and teeth to sail out of his mouth before his body hit the ground. The other guards backed away as Fairfax stepped over the unconscious man as his bodyguard followed, wiping away the blood from his knuckles. Fairfax suddenly stopped and jammed his finger into Julian's chest. "Get your Neanderthals together AND FIND MY CROWN!"

Star City

A day later, and still nothing. Oliver quickly answered his phone as it vibrated. "Ray."

"Felicity and I whipped a scanner to try and search for even the smallest trace of gamma radiation."Oliver hummed as he waited for the elevator to reach the lair.

"Any luck?"

"No dice. I would guess that these guys know to keep it in a lead container to prevent any radiation leak."

"Matt said these guys were smart." Oliver muttered when the doors finally opened.

Ray's tone turned excited. "The new blind breacher guy? How did he lose his vision? Was it because of the super-"


"Sorry, sorry. Have to say this armor is impressive though. It's a synthesized fabric, it's light cloth but as tough as Kevlar, tougher actually, but lighter. There's some flaws, inconsistent protection in areas, but the man who made this was smart."

Hearing a familiar metal clang, Oliver's brow furrowed. "I'll let him know, thanks, Ray." He ended the call and followed the noise to find both Dig and Laurel watching their blind vigilante guest pull up on the salmon ladder, onto the sixth set of rungs. "Weren't you shot, three days ago?" Oliver spoke as he joined the lawyer and his old bodyguard.

"I've been concussed, stabbed, broke my ribs, and had a collapsed lung after falling off a building. Five minutes later," Matt pulled himself up, flexing the wrists as the bar reached his chest, and brought himself higher into a muscle up, "brawled with a hallway filled with Russians."

"Take it the argument wasn't about a disagreement regarding the taste of vodka." Dig sarcastically said as he watched the new guy do another muscle up.

Exhaling, Matt lowered himself until he was hanging with his arms extended. "They took a little boy to draw me out. They were ready the first time. Second time, I was pissed."

"Did you save the kid?" Laurel asked hesitantly, while enjoying the way the muscles in his arms and che-Laurel stopped and blinked. She was sounding too much like Felicity.

"I did." Matt strained as he pulled himself into another muscle up, before dropping down to his feet, a groan escaping him.

Oliver walked by Spartan and Black Canary to look at Matt. Dig replaced the bandages, and the bruises were turning yellow, the internal injuries would still take time. "You should be resting."

"Have you found the HYDRA agents yet?"

An agitated sigh left him. "No."

"Then the way I see it, the sooner I'm back in shape, the sooner I can go back out there and use my senses to help you track them down."

He was right, Oliver could admit. Matt can be an asset in ending this sooner. "How far can your senses reach?"

"Never really kept track." Matt admitted, before moving over to a wing-chun dummy. "Lot of factors with smell, and hearing, even taste. When I'm focused, I can track over twenty-five blocks."

That was a good range, but also specific. It must be approximately the size of where he usually patrols. Oliver nodded before watching Matt skilfully move around the wooden arms, punching, palm strikes, kicks. He knew wing-chun at the least. "Alright, as soon as you're healed up, we'll need you top side." Oliver consented; the blind vigilante slowed down his flow to nod. "But only until I agree you're ready."

"Your city." Matt said simply with a shrug. With them in agreement, Oliver walked away, Laurel and Dig joined him as they made for the monitors.

"You sure this is a good idea?" Dig questioned quietly as Oliver took a seat.

"Pretty sure he can still hear you." Laurel pointed out, to the former soldier's chagrin.

"Good idea or not, so far, the trail to find HYDRA has been cold. These guys are obviously trained in espionage and trained well. We haven't been able to find them, but Matt could track them down." Oliver was worried what these HYDRA operatives could do in the meantime. They needed to be ready.

Two days after Oliver agreed he could help, and four since he woke up in the Green Arrow's lair, a name he was not entirely sold on, Matt's wrapped fists struck the bag in front of him. Left hook, right hook, and ending with a roundhouse kick that send the bag swinging. Matt released a breath before taking a towel to his sweaty head. The equipment in the bunker is better than anything he had at Fogwell's gym or in his own home. Not just tools for martial arts, but conditioning too. Probably cost more than Matt could hope to afford just to keep the lights on in the place, even if he felt the wiring was faulty in places.

Though he felt the hacker, Felicity, watching him move, Matt did not really care, as long as he can work himself back into shape, she can ogle away. That was when he sensed the team return, and based on the tension in their bodies, it was unsuccessful.

"Petty crimes, no sign of HYDRA." Oliver expressed his frustration as he hung up his bow and removed his quiver. "We might need to expand the search to outside the city."

"I'll start developing a program to monitor anything suspicious leaving Star City. Or more suspicious than we usually see." Felicity rambled as Oliver walked by and watched Matt work the bag. His stance, how he threw punches and kept his other hand covering his head, there was boxing in there. Then he threw a low and high kick, followed by a 360 kick that had the bag straining against the chain.

"Matt." The man tilted his head but didn't turn. "You up for some sparring?"

"If you can make the time."

Oliver turned to his team, and decided to see how good Matt really was. "Laurel, gloves on."

"Come again?" The lawyer stared at her ex, then to the breacher walking over to the matted area.

"I need to know who I'm working with, and something tells me we won't find any leads tonight. Glove up." Oliver said with finality.

Laurel's face was incredulous. "Sure, I'll get ready to fight a blind guy from another Earth." She muttered but discarded her jacket and put on the gloves, Oliver watching her as she moved to the sparring area. Matt's fist was raised, and she bumped it. "Please tell me you're not afraid to hit a woman."

"Depends on how hard you hit me." Matt smirked, fully aware of Oliver, Dig, Thea, and Roy watching.

With that, Laurel struck forth, using some punches and knees, but Matt blocked those each time, then ducked to avoid her swings before decking her face, and upper-cutting her, which dazed her. After that, he spun and elbowed her face, before sweeping her feet from underneath her, making her fall down.

Thea, Dig and Roy were surprised at how good Matt was. Sure Laurel wasn't the best fighter, but taking her down this quickly while still in recovery? Matt had to be really good.

Oliver noted Matt's fighting styles again and how he implemented them, while Matt backed off, Laurel getting back up as she threw some punches that he blocked, before ducking to avoid some, and then he decked her face a few times, dazing her, before grabbing her foot and tripping her once more.

Groaning, she got up once more and tried to throw a spinning kick but Matt grabbed her foot and slammed her to the ground, taking her out again.

Thea, Roy and Dig had their eyes wide, while Oliver looked very impressed. Matt was still in recovery, but he'd finished this fight unscathed.

Laurel groaned from both pain and humiliation before a hand from her opponent appeared before her. Gratefully taking it, she felt herself raised up by the surprisingly fast and strong breacher. She wouldn't have even known he was blind if he didn't confess about it. "Are you sure you're blind?"

"Last I checked."

"You are scarily good for someone who can't see." Thea piped up.

"Sight is overrated." Matt shot back, earning a laugh from her boyfriend and friends. Turning his head towards Oliver's direction, the man from another world asked one question. "What's next?"

"Pretty sure you're bruising my team's egos." Oliver told Matt as he tossed the man a bottle of water as he flipped down from the salmon ladder and caught it. "Good reflexes."

"Thanks." Matt took a swig from the water and relaxed as he took a seat.

"Never did ask," Oliver started as he leaned against a pillar, "what do they call you on your Earth?"

"Besides Matt?" Oliver would have fixed a dry look on him, if he wasn't blind. "Daredevil."

A snort made his way out him. "Really? Daredevil?"

"And Green Arrow is a masterpiece?"

"Okay, fair enough." Oliver laughed with Matt. "Good name, I'm just wondering where the whole Devil motif comes from."

Calming down, Matt set down the water and took out wraps for his hands. "I was brought up Catholic, but my grandmother used to say the men in our family had the Devil in them, something in us would snap and we…change. A darker side of us would take over." Finishing with his right hand, Matt started on his left, Oliver watching his every move, listening to every word. "I saw it sometimes, with my dad, one hit in the wrong place, and he'd let the Devil out."

Oliver noticed his wording. "You weren't always blind then."

"No. I was nine, saw this old man about to be run over by a truck. Pushed him out of the way, but the truck crashed, and the chemicals splashed over my eyes." Finishing with his hand, Matt gestured around his eyes. "Haven't seen the sky since."

"And the Devil?"

"I figured," Matt got up and approached the punching bag, "I needed to be a symbol. What better way to put fear in criminals, than letting them know the Devil was after them." Fear was a powerful tool, Oliver understood his choice. "What about you? What made you decide to play Robin Hood?"

Part of Oliver was not sure he should answer, but another part, an instinctive part, led to him answering. "I was born rich. Had the world at my fingertips, no responsibilities, no reason to care besides for the sake of having fun. That changed when my family boat capsized, and I lost my father." Matt's practice halted. "I made it to an island, and after five years, I was trained, tortured, and educated in ways that I never thought possible. My father told me my city was sick before he died, and I had to survive to fix his mistakes."

"Sounds like a heavy burden." Matt sympathized. He knew what it was like when your home was sick.

"It was." Oliver nodded as he walked around to steady the bag for Matt. The man known as Daredevil continued his onslaught, allowing Oliver to feel the strength from the blows, his coordination was top notch. "How long have you worn the mask?"

"Ten months, give or take." Matt's answer blew Oliver away. Ten months and he already beat Laurel, Dig, and Thea. They had different sources of training, from Oliver's sessions to their own experiences, each one was a skilled fighter with at least a year on the streets under their belt.

"That asshole who trained you must have been good."

"He left when I was a kid." Matt said coldly. Oliver recognized that tone. "My dad died, I had no mom, I was an orphan who couldn't stop hearing everything. Then this old man walks in and shows me how to use my gifts, how to fight, then he leaves the moment he thought I was too soft."

"You were just a kid?"

"Didn't matter to him. He wanted a soldier." Matt finished with a spinning back kick that Oliver felt and grunted from. "But I kept up the training as best I could. Everything else I learned in the field."

"Experience is usually the best teacher." Oliver moved from the bag as Matt's head tilted. Recognizing the gesture, the co-owner of Queen/Palmer looked up and found Roy walking in, ready to train.

"So, we doing this?"

Central City

Looking at the partly damaged structure from the scope of his rifle, Ward checked each entrance while his team checked the perimeter for security measures. What he saw so far was a joke, he nearly laughed, and Grant wasn't one to laugh, not anymore. The security was minimal, cameras that can easily be blocked or avoided, door locks that were as sophisticated as what you see in a high school. Getting in will be easy.

But Ward knew otherwise. Pulling away from the rifle, Garrett's protégé called in. "Status."

"Thermal scope shows three individuals." Ward kept staring at the building, waiting, until his watch beeped. In the distance, the ex-SHIELD agent heard an explosion. Ten seconds later, a yellow streak rushed out of the structure. "Enhanced has left the building."

"Monitor all activity, with the Enhanced and the people inside." Ward ordered as he disassembled the rifle, packed it up, and walked off the roof.

Five days into their world hopping adventure, Ward's team discovered that a wormhole opened some months back in a place called Central City. Discarding the need to question who named these places, it felt like something you'd hear in a comic, Ward instead focused his attention on the Singularity, the whole reason why people and things were dropping into random universes. Central City caught his attention, as well as their local hero, the Flash. Honestly, this world was nearly full of local, costumed do-gooders, it was nauseating.

Once they made that connection with the Singularity, Ward and his team scoured the reports, the sightings, footage, and anything else they could get their hands on to explain what happened months ago. Apparently, the Flash ran up and did something, and the Singularity closed. No one stopped the Singularity on their Earth, so either something else happened, or this could be the place where it all started. If so, then he would like to have words with this Flash and his team for the headache this trip has caused him. But Ward thought as he exited the building and onto the street, he'll save his emotional outburst for later. They tracked Flash's movements, sightings, the connection to the Particle Accelerator that gave the Enhanced their powers, and STAR Labs was at the centre of it all. It didn't take much to put two and two together.

For now, Ward and his team of HYDRA operatives sit and wait and plan their next move. When the opportunity arises, they'll get back to work. As an added bonus, Daredevil will likely be stuck here, if he didn't die already.

Star City, Arrowcave

"I'm betting on Roy."

"Safe bet."

"He's got the experience and training."

"You know I can hear you, right?" Matt called out to Thea, Felicity, and Dig. The three had expressions akin to deer in headlights, something Roy had to laugh about.

Oliver was not laughing, instead he focused as Laurel walked in. "How was Sara?"

"Depressed. She's just staring at a corner most of the time." Laurel confessed her worries as she looked at Roy and Matt preparing to square off. "Oliver, I'm worried about her."

"I am too. I'll try and reach out to her soon." With that, they turned around and faced the next event. Can Matt beat Roy? It was a question Oliver was eager to learn.

The two charged each other as Matt leapt at Roy, who side-stepped to avoid, before trying to kick Matt, who blocked but Roy flipped away.

Matt then decked Roy's face and chest, before grabbing his chest to try and slam him down, but Roy freed himself with a flip, then decked Matt, who tried to spin and kick but he dodged, then flipped away himself.

The two walked back towards each other, trading punches, though neither hit the other, and Matt ducked to dodge a spin kick by Roy, before getting on his other side, as Roy tried to hit a few more times but Matt blocked, then leapt with a spin and kicked Roy's chest, throwing him back.

They walked back towards each other, as Roy threw a kick and punch that Matt blocked, and he blocked some more before throwing a spin kick that Roy dodged, followed by another spin kick that was also dodged.

But Matt threw a third one that pushed Roy back. Roy then came back with some punches and kicks that Matt blocked before Roy grabbed him and pushed him back into the wall, before punching him twice and slamming him down.

From the ground, Matt attacked as Roy backed to dodge, when Matt flipped and grasped Roy's feet with his own, throwing him down as well.

Roy twisted and kicked Matt off, as both stood up, with Matt charging and kicking Roy's face, then tried to punch as Matt dodged but Roy decked his face again, then got behind him, getting him in a chokehold, and hit his side a few times, before Matt elbowed his face, making him let go, after which Matt grabbed his arm while spinning, and lifting Roy up, threw him down.

Before Roy could get up, Matt leapt and flipped on him, striking him once more. Both then got up as Roy threw some punches but Matt blocked those before getting kneed thrice in the chest and kicked away, falling down.

Matt flipped back up, ready to fight, as Oliver threw them both escrima sticks.

With that, the two struck their escrima sticks against each other, then started clashing as Matt blocked, then backed to avoid, before Roy moved forth as Matt dodged again, but got hit in the chest once, before they clashed again, but Roy ducked and hit Matt's leg, making him grunt, after which the clash resumed, and Matt struck Roy's face.

They continued to clash as Roy struck Matt's abdomen, but Matt lifted him up and slammed him to the ground, before being kicked away. Roy got back up and tried to hit Matt's leg but he lifted it up to avoid, and then the clashing continued before Matt got onto Roy's other side, lifted him up again, and threw him down.

Roy got back up as Matt tried to strike but Roy blocked, struck Matt's chest, then kicked him away. Matt got back up and blocked Roy's strikes, before kicking his foot, then clashing again, after which he head-butted Roy and decked his stomach, then the clash continued. Matt again punched Roy back before they resumed clashing, but Matt managed to throw Roy to the other side.

Matt charged as Roy got back up, blocking Matt's strike before kicking him, after which he swept Matt's feet from underneath him, making him fall, but Matt kicked him away before he could strike again, and got up.

Getting up, Matt clashed with Roy again, and it continued for a bit, before Matt decked Roy's chest, grabbed his arm, twisted, snatched his stick, then kicked his foot and threw him to the ground.

Roy groaned, trying to get up, but feeling tapped out now.

Placing the second stick in one hand, Matt offered the other to Roy, who gladly took it. "You're good, man."

"Keep going as you did, then I would have been back on bed rest." Matt returned the praise before Roy patted his back.

"Damn." The trio that tried to bet on the fight said as one. "Remind me not to count out the underdog next time." Thea said to the others.

"Thank you for the faith, babe."

"Still my sister." Oliver deadpanned his best student, who at least looked sheepish. He turned his attention to Matt. "Roy's one of the best we have."

"I could tell." Matt spun the sticks in his hand, that was when an idea popped in his head. "How about this: we spar, and you finally let me out of here?"

"Oh this can't end well." Laurel muttered as they looked to see Oliver's face. To their surprise, he nodded.

"As long as you're up for another round."

"I've rested long enough."

Oliver looked at Matt and saw he was serious. That determination probably got him through those ten months with minimal resources and little time to recuperate. It had been a week, and Daredevil just seemed to get more eager to go back into the world. Walking over to take up two sticks of his own, Oliver settled across from Matt, both men readjusted their grips.

"I wish I had popcorn." Felicity said to herself.

With that, both began clashing their sticks before Oliver kicked Matt back. Steadying themselves, the two took positions again, before Matt ran forth and leapt, trying to strike Oliver who blocked, and they continued to clash on equal footing, Oliver spinning and trying to strike at one point, though Matt blocked.

Their clashing carried on at a stalemate for some more seconds, before Oliver got Matt's stick out of the way and struck his side, pushing him back.

At that moment, Matt joined both sticks and rushed, leaping to strike as Oliver blocked, but his sticks were pushed back. Matt continued his assault, Oliver barely managing to block the strikes, before one hard strike disarmed him of one stick, that Matt kicked away.

He charged forth once more, striking with his sticks as Oliver now blocked with just one, then tried to strike upwards with it but Matt dodged, and their clash continued. As Matt tried to strike, Oliver grabbed his hand and decked his face, sending him back.

Matt tried to strike with his other hand's stick but Oliver blocked with his own and head-butted Matt, staggering him back, and grabbing his right hand's stick, snatched it.

Now Oliver had two sticks, and Matt just one.

Oliver charged forth, trying to strike as Matt blocked with one stick, the clash carrying on for a few seconds, before Matt blocked a strike and grabbed Oliver's arm, twisting a little, making him drop the stick, then smacked his face, sending him back too, while the Team Arrow members watched in awe.

At this point, the only ones capable of fighting Oliver on equal footing were Sara, Slade, Prometheus, Ra's (if he was alive that is) and Eliot.

Now Matt had been added to that list as well.

Both of them held just one stick now. Matt continued trying to strike as Oliver blocked, then tried to kick and punch but Matt blocked, and as the clashing carried on, Matt managed to strike Oliver's face, before striking again as Oliver blocked with his elbow.

Then the two clashed again but Matt trapped Oliver's stick with his arm and threw it off, after which he put his own to Oliver's throat, pushing him back, then putting him in a chokehold with it.

However, Oliver elbowed Matt twice, making him loosen his grip, and throwing the stick off, he tripped Matt, making both of them fall down.

They rolled away and stood up as Matt flipped to strike Oliver but he dodged, then blocked and tried to strike but Matt blocked, before he tried to strike but Oliver blocked, after which he did a spin kick which Matt dodged.

Then, he decked Matt's chest with both fists, sending him back, before throwing a punch that Matt ducked to avoid, but he was hit by Oliver's next one, sending him back.

Then Oliver blocked one blow of Matt before being kicked on the face, and tried to strike as Matt got onto his other side and kicked his chest, while also receiving a punch to the face at the same time.

The two held up their fists, ready to fight more, before Oliver lowered his hands, calling it.

"That asshole teacher of yours knew what he was doing."

"Looks like you had your fair share."

Oliver and Matt shared a 'look' before they let out soft chuckles, then walked closer and clasped hands.

"What just happened?" Felicity was so lost.

"I think Oliver met his new best friend." Roy theorized.

"Oh, Eliot is gonna be pissed." Thea voiced her concern but did not believe Eliot would actually be upset. After Mei's death, Matt's presence seemed to bring a spark back in her brother. Sara was still drowning in depression, and Oliver was too, before the breach sent Matt and his "friends" to them. The added threat was a pain, but a new friend for her brooding older brother, she'd take that choice.

"Well, am I finally allowed out of here?"

Oliver didn't hesitate. "Something tells me we could use a man of your talents."

"I'm gonna need some kind of suit though with mine ruined."

At that, the Emerald Archer smirked at the Devil of Hell's Kitchen. "I think I have something that would work."

Central City

Silas Stone returned home, shutting the door with a sigh. His son Victor Stone's condition was getting a bit better, but things were still not 100% fixed.

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He might need some more of it.

At that moment, the lights in the house turned on to reveal Prometheus and Talia, both masked.

Arrow Prometheus theme plays

Seeing them, Silas gasped, backing off in terror. "Who….who are you two? Why are you here?"

He was about to take out his phone to dial the police, only for Talia to throw a fletchette that made him drop his phone to the ground. "Do not try to make a move."

"Even if you did, you will only be putting the police in trouble", Prometheus added calmly, before gesturing to a seat nearby. "Sit down."

Shaking in fear, Silas staggered towards the seat, and then sat down on it, as Prometheus and Talia sat on a couch before him.

"What do you want from me?" Silas inquired fearfully.

"To the point, just like a scientist should be", Talia noted, sounding impressed, or at least presenting herself as impressed. "You used to work at S.T.A.R. Labs until early 2014, did you not?"

"I did."

"Then your son had an accident, and so you had to leave to care for him", Prometheus noted. "It was really bad too, so you did something most of us did not think possible."

Realizing where this was going, Silas asked. "Do you…..want it?"

"We do."

"But its for my son!" Silas snapped, standing up now. "Please, you cannot take it!"

Immediately, a sword was at his throat, as Prometheus told him calmly. "This is not a normal sword. You're a man of science, so take this as you may- this sword traps the spirit of those killed by it inside of it."

"That….that is not possible!"

"Would you like to find out?" Prometheus asked, inching the blade a tiny inch closer to his throat, drawing some blood while he gasped. "I am sure you can be reunited with your son in here too."

"ALL RIGHT" Silas screamed, Prometheus now lowering his sword, the scientist putting a hand to his throat, feeling the little drop of blood, which made him gasp in horror, knowing how close he'd come to losing his life.

"Show us", Talia commanded, standing up too, while Stone walked past them into a room, revealing a vault. Looking at it, he typed in a code into a keypad, after which a beep was heard.

The door was then opened, revealing a box that contained something very rare on this entire Earth.


"Come on now", Prometheus held out his hand, as Silas shakily took up box containing the Promethium metal, then handed it to Prometheus.

With this, he would gain another advantage over Oliver Queen and the rest of his group, including any allies he had in other Universes.

"It seems your work is done now", Prometheus said, about to take out the Soultaker again as Silas gasped fearfully, only for Talia to put a hand to Prometheus', stopping him.

"If we need more, he will be useful", Talia pointed out. "He created this much, he can come up with more quickly."

Realizing the logic in her words, Prometheus lowered the Soultaker, both of them looking at the scared Silas.

The lights flickered and then both of them were gone, while Silas fell to his knees in sadness.

Star City

The nightlife in Star City was a lot like New York, and also like New York, there was a lot to listen to. Cars honking, people arguing, and one sound above all others.


A wall burst open as five thieves popped forth, having robbed a place. The leader smirked. "Well, this was easier than I thought. No Green Arrow or Whtie Canary nearby either."

They started running forth when suddenly, what looked like a Billy club grabbed one guy's leg, throwing him down, and pulled him away. The other four turned around, aiming in the darkness.

"What's that?"

Suddenly, the Billy club flew forth and hit the leader in the head, knocking him out as he crashed amongst some trash cans.

Then suddenly, a figure in red landed right on top of one guy, throwing him down, and kicked the other's gun out of his hand before decking his abdomen and uppercutting him, knocking him out too.

The last guy shakily pointed the gun at the vigilante, and that's when he saw what he looked like. Black and red, red eyes, and horns.

"W-wh-what the hell are you?!"

A smirk made him freeze.


Panic took over the thief, his trigger pulled, the bullet shot forward at the vigilante's head. Only for the Devil drop his body, dodging the bullet while his hand balanced himself, letting his boots to kick into the nervous criminal's chest and send him crashing against the alley wall as Daredevil flipped back to his feet.

A figure dropped from above and slowly stood upright beside him. Green Arrow surveyed the scene, the liberated bag of cash, and the five unconscious thieves. "Not bad, Daredevil." Oliver complimented the newer vigilante. "Now, let's go find your friends."


Sara leaned her back against the wall of her old hideout. It was obvious where she went for those who knew her, but for now, she didn't want the comfort of her apartment, she just wanted the quiet. Sin tried to get her out of funk, as did Laurel, Thea, her dad, all of them, but she could not get Mei's face out of her head. How she pushed Mei away to save both herself and Oliver. Again, Sara was part of Yao Fei's family's deaths. First Shado, now her sister.

When she felt that she wasn't alone, Sara only turned her head to find Oliver, in his civvies. "Thought you'd be looking for those breachers, or Prometheus."

"Both hit dead ends, but Matt's not giving up." Oliver crouched down in front of her.

"Matt, huh?" Sara smiled weakly. "Sounds like you made a friend."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?"

"With all that's happened, it's a miracle you trust anyone, let alone a stranger dressed as the Devil."

"He's good at what he does." Oliver defended. Honestly, the harmonious mesh of styles he used, his acrobatics, and his senses made Matt a perfect vigilante. He could clash with the best of the League of Assassins in Oliver's opinion, especially with the rate he was going in their training.

Curiosity piqued, if only to know how good the new guy was, Sara asked, "How good?"

"Techniques that took me days or weeks to master, he's doing it in hours."

Sara's brows shot up. "Damn."

Oliver shared the sentiment. "Matt's one of the most naturally gifted fighters I've ever seen. His rate of improvement is unbelievable."

"That's good. It's good you found more help."

Oliver was not buying it. "We need you back, Sara."

"Why ask for a canary when you have the Devil on your side?"

"The Devil is going home eventually." Oliver refuted. "It's not healthy to dwell on this."

"Shado died because you chose me." Sara snapped at Oliver, who blinked at her as he was forced to remember that night. "Her sister needed help, and I pushed her away. I killed a family, Oliver."

Oliver knelt closer to her. "None of that was your fault. Ivo spent time with you, there was no way he would have killed you over Shado. He was a manipulative son of a bitch. We saw plenty of his type, you know as well as I do that he was always going to shoot Shado. Her death caused the most damage, and that's what he wanted, to bring damage. That was never your fault." The almost-Mayor of Star City took a breath and allowed himself to rest against the wall with one of the few people who understood him best. "Prometheus is cut from the same cloth. He wants to hurt me, and he used Mei to do it. Even if I didn't shoot Mei, I couldn't save her from the bomb. It was targeted at me. None of this is your fault Sara. What I did to Justin Claybourne brought this on, and I have to live with the consequences." Sighing, Oliver turned to Sara, and found her facing him with unshed tears in her eyes. "It's not your fault."

"I don't think I'm ready." Sara confessed as their faces leaned closer.

"When you are, you know where we'll be." Oliver told her before their lips finally met.

Central City

A bank alarm rang out, as police cars arrived soon, with Joe, Patty, Lloyd and many other cops stepping out, aiming their guns forth, while a slightly overweight, dark-skinned man came out of the bank, holding a bag.

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"Put down the bag and put your hands in the air!" Patty snarled a him, but in response, he grinned.

"Maybe I can put you all in the air!" He declared, and suddenly, sonic waves erupted from his body.

"TAKE COVER!" Joe yelled, as the cops got down, but the waves sent some of the cars flying, before crashing to the ground and shattering.

Hawkins House

In his room, Virgil was scrolling through stuff on his phone when he got a news notification, and clicked on it, seeing the headline- "Meta-human criminal caught escaping Central City Bank. Currently in conflict with the police."

It was barely a few minutes old, so there was still time. Grabbing his bag, he made to run down the stairs, then stopped, remembering his father had grounded him.

"Oof!" He muttered, then ran back up the stairs, and rushed to the window, before leaping outside, then using his powers to steady himself as he slowly made his way to the ground, and finally landed, sighing in relief.

With that, he ran off.

At the bank, the meta-human was about to blast some cops directly, including Lloyd, when a red streak appeared, knocking into him as he was thrown off. He staggered up, seeing Flash standing before him.

"I think you can stop booming around now", Flash quipped to him.

"Boom, huh? Nice name, thanks", Boom said, then fired at Flash, but he dodged, then ran around Boom in circles, easily dodging any other attack by Boom, before hurling a lightning bolt at him that struck him and sent him flying off, before falling down, wounded.

Joe quickly ran up to him and helped him up, before cuffing him. He nodded at Flash. "Thanks." Flash nodded back as Joe led Boom away, reading his rights, and Flash shared a smile with Patty, after which the cops got into the remaining cars before driving off, calling higher-ups about the destroyed cars.

Flash made to speed away, when he looked up to see Static Shock flying to the area. Virgil then looked around, and groaned. "Looks like I was too late, huh?"

"Its all right, Static", Flash assured him. "What's important is that there was no real damage done, everyone's okay minus some ears still ringing, and bad guy was caught. This is a win."

"Still, wish I could have helped", Static sighed, when his eyes widened on seeing Ebon over Flash's shoulder.

"You…." Virgil snarled, and flew right at Ebon, who disappeared into the shadows when Virgil reached him, Barry turning around at the same time.

Ebon reappeared at a distance, then seemed to disappear into the ground, as Virgil flew to the area, and Barry rushed there too, the two finding an open manhole cover.

"He must be in there", Virgil said. "I'm going in." With that, he flew into the manhole.

"Static, stop!" Barry cried out, but it was too late. "Kids these days", he rolled his eyes, then sped into the manhole himself.

Star City

Ten days. Ten days both Prometheus and HYDRA had laid low, and Oliver was getting frustrated. Questions plagued him, what they were doing, where they were, none of which he could answer, and he didn't have time, balancing between both duties as a political candidate and hero was complicated. At least Ray was handling the company well. Not to mention, he owed him for fixing Matt's suit. Speaking of which, Oliver entered the lair to find the blind vigilante in a handstand, before pushing himself down, and up again.

"Anyone ever tell you to try out for the Paralympics?"

Matt exhaled as pushed himself up, and Oliver was vividly reminded of a similar setting years ago with Dig, with Oliver standing in his bodyguard's shoes. "Maybe once, but didn't seem fair. Plus, was too busy studying."

"Oh yeah? What was your major?"

A chuckle left the breacher. "Law."

Oliver couldn't contain his own amusem*nt. "You actually are a blind lawyer vigilante?"

"Summa cum laude, Columbia University." Matt slowly lowered his feet to the ground and stood up again. "Promised my dad I'd make something of myself, like to think I did well in that part."

"I'm sure he'd be proud." The depths of Matt's relationship with his dad were unknown to Oliver, but he assumed they were good. A man fighting to protect people, legally and illegally, well, it was something Oliver thinks he could relate to that now that he was going to be Mayor and wearing the hood. Despite his faults, Oliver hoped Robert Queen was proud of him too.

"He didn't want me to end up like him, fighting rigged bouts for cash."

"My dad just wanted me to be the man he thought I should be."

"Guessing majoring in parties wasn't what he had in mind." Knowing a dry look meant nothing to him, Oliver just rolled his eyes.

Unzipping his jacket, Oliver made to begin their next training session, when the monitors started beeping. "Doesn't sound good."

"It's not." Oliver rushed over to discover the source. Typing in the keys with a new practiced ease, Oliver's eyes widened. STAR Labs.

Earth-1, Central City, STAR Labs, 2 hours ago

Cisco crashed to the floor, spitting out blood before he was hauled back to his feet. Half conscious, he looked at the blurry image of a tied-up Caitlin in a chair with a bruise on her cheek before he was grabbed by the hair by the lead man himself. Tall, dark haired, built like a maxed-out athlete. He reminded Cisco of Oliver, if Oliver was an evil, pretentious dick.

"Now that we have your complete attention, allow me to explain how this will go down. You," he pointed towards a frightened Caitlin, "will isolate a specific substance from these vials." One of the other goons opened a box, revealing three vials of a dark liquid, not that Cisco could make out much else. "And you," lead dick returned his attention to Cisco, "Will prepare to send us all back to our Earth."

"How did-"

"Please don't insult our intelligence by asking that. Now, I know you people know about the whole Multiverse opening up crap, and that you're possibly the cause for it."

"We-" Cisco couldn't finish before the man's fist drove into his ribs. Yep, something broke that time.

"No questions, please. Only cooperation." He smiled in a sinter way that had Cisco stay silent. "Don't worry about your speedy friend, we're setting up a welcoming gift as we speak, and communications are jammed, so don't bother there, either. Basically, you have no other choice." He started walking towards Caitlin before pausing and pointed to the both of them. "Well, you could say no, but I only really need one of you."

"We'll do it."

Ward turned to the doctor that kind of reminded him of Simmons with a smile. "Thank you." He jerked his head to get the men to take her to the lab. He turned back to the shorter, long-haired man. "Keep him quiet, and make sure he doesn't do anything…unusual." Ward ordered as he followed the doctor. "You can never tell with people like these."

Star City, Now

"Okay, STAR Labs was invaded by a group of rather scary looking guys with guns two hours ago. The sensors we installed for added security were taken out by an EMP, but something must have been turned on to reactivate it." Felicity explained as Oliver and Matt stood on either side of her. She only arrived five minutes after Oliver got the alarm.

"How many men came through with you, Matt?"

"Eight." Times like this were when Matt hated he couldn't see images on computers. "Leader was 6'2, around 180 or 190lbs, feels like he'd shoot you and smile."

"He's there." Oliver looked at the man as he hovered over Caitlin in the lab. "And he's got Caitlin working on the blood sample."

"A scientist?"

"Bioengineer. Reworking a monster serum would be up her alley." Felicity supplied with some trepidation, looking between her, and the armed gunmen around Caitlin, and a bloodied Cisco in the Cortex. "They've got all doors entering the building rigged, and the hallways. They must know Barry hangs his mask there."

"I keep telling them to improve security." Oliver groaned before trying to plan. "Okay, there's no way we can get there in time, unless we can contact Barry."


Oliver didn't care at the identity slip by first Felicity and then himself, as he knew Matt was trustworthy, and not even of this world. "He's a speedster, he moves and runs faster than a flash." Oliver had to stop himself and turned to a slightly impish looking Felicity. "Never tell him."

"Probably won't matter if we can't get to them in time."

"Don't suppose you have a teleporter or something?"

Looking at Matt as if he turned on a lightbulb in his head, Oliver patted his shoulder as he rushed by him. "Good thinking." Running over to a compartment, he pulled out the extrapolator Cisco made for them and rushed back to the lawyer and hacker. "We use this."

"The extrapolator?" Matt raised his hand in question, and Felicity took it up.

"It's a device a friend made to open portals between different Universes, but we never used it to open a portal to somewhere else in the same Universe."

"We have no other choice." Oliver ignored her concerns and tossed the device to her. "Keep the others in the loop, Sara too."

"Shouldn't we wait?"

"Cisco and Caitlin waited long enough." Oliver put on his mask and hood while Matt donned his helmet, 'looking' at each other. "Ready?"

"Ready." Matt nodded, and Oliver in turn nodded at Felicity.

"Do it."

The former and temporary CEO of Queen-Palmer Tech nervously adjusted the setting and pressed the button, creating the blue portal at the center of the lair. With that, Oliver and Matt ran forth and jumped in.

Central City

Barry managed to find Virgil in the manhole, as he saw Virgil grunting in anger, but he put a hand to his shoulder. "Look, I know he is taunting you, but stop and think. I've been against such foes too." He thought of Thawne darkly, who did love to taunt him in such ways and make him lose all sense.

"True…..I guess I'm just frustrated", Virgil sighed, moving forth slowly, when suddenly Ebon came out of the shadows and grabbed him, taking him away, Barry's eyes widening.

"NO!" He cried out, before running forth to search for both Static and Ebon.

Ebon threw Virgil to the ground, making him groan, as Virgil braced himself for an attack, but it never came. Instead, he saw Ebon standing before him.

"You and I….we're better than the rest of them", Ebon declared, sounding quite sincere too. "Our powers, they make us different, and better. All of the rest…they're just weak swine."

"And who are you to decide?" Virgil inquired.

"Our powers decided it!" Ebon snapped. "Don't you see, if we got these powers, that means we are the favored ones. Let us take over Central City, together. I have my own group already, you can join us, ditch this superhero gig which is useless and harmful, and be with us instead."

He held out his hand. "Join us."

Virgil looked at his hand, then the image of his mother's face flashed in his mind. She'd been killed by a scumbag exactly like this one, even if he had no powers then.

These people were no different, their powers just made them even more of a threat to the people is all. Even considering joining them would do nothing but dishonor his mother's memory as well as what his father was trying to do for the homeless in the city.

"Not interested", Virgil said, picking himself up. "Powers or no powers, you people are all the same."

"How dare you?!" Ebon snarled, before grabbing Virgil by the face and slamming him down, dazing him. Virgil tried to get up to attack but Ebon decked him, sending him into a wall while bruising him and splitting his lip, after which Ebon grabbed his throat and slammed him into another wall, holding him like that, damaging Virgil more as he punched his face a few times, making his eye swell up. "No Flash to save you now!"

Virgil grunted, then lightning came off of him, making Ebon gasp in pain as he was hurt by it, and let Virgil go, who then decked his face, throwing him back, before kicking his gut as he doubled down in pain. Then Virgil was about to attack again but Ebon escaped into the shadows, before coming up behind Virgil and kicking his back, throwing him down, after which he grabbed Virgil and teleported away with him once more.

Virgil was thrown down in what seemed like a wide-open space, and opened his eyes to see Ebon, with several figures behind him, hiding in the shadows, though all of it appeared blurry to him because of how much Ebon had hit him on the face during the fight.

"Come forth!" Ebon beckoned, and the figures all walked out of the shadows, revealing their appearances to Virgil, whose eyes widened in utter horror.

"What….?" He muttered, his blurry gaze finding the figures pretty inhuman in how they looked.

Ebon shook his head, then raised his hands. "Meet the future of this city: the Meta-Breed."

One of the people looked like a strange bird/human hybrid, another was an oversized, human-like armadillo, another one who looked human was generating a light-based knife, and there was one more with really large, kangaroo-like feet.

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Ebon knelt near Virgil. "We got the gang here. After all, we wouldn't want to leave the big-time hero lonely now, would we?"

The Meta-Breed started moving towards Virgil, when suddenly a blur sped in, and all four of them were knocked down by it, before it threw Ebon off, and knelt near Virgil, seeing the bruise on his face.

"I'm a little more selective in the company I keep."

Ebon stood back up, glaring at Flash angrily. "This city could have been ours, Flash, but I shouldn't have expected anything else. You probably had everything given to you, a home, safety, security. I got none of that growing up, I had to take it. Put the fear of God into anyone who tried to look at me sideways. Now, with these powers, the whole city has a new reason to fear me."

"I know a few people who tried the fear thing. Didn't work out for them."

"Best not disappoint then." Flash surged at Ebon, but he flattened against a wall. Barry then saw him popping out of another and rushed him again, only for Ebon to flatten against another wall, before he came out of another one at the far end, but when Barry sped at him, he flattered against it once more.

"Can't beat what you can't touch, Flash. But me?" Ebon appeared behind Flash via wall and hit his back, making him stagger forth. "Not a problem." He disappeared into another wall and came up at Flash's side, kicking him as he was thrown off and fell down.

"L-light….Flash", Virgil managed to let out, as Barry listened and nodded, getting an idea. He waited for Ebon to come out of the shadows, and when he did to attack, Barry reacted first, as he began circling around Ebon, more speed lightning radiating off him and lighting up the space, trapping Ebon in the circle as he gasped.

Then, Barry ended up hurling the lightning at him. It struck Ebon, and threw him away by a few feet, managing to take him out at last, while Barry sped towards the wounded Virgil, seeing he'd a bruise, a bloody lip and a swollen eye.

"We'll get out of here after I get Ebon", Barry promised him, only for the bird/human hybrid to screech at him. As Barry looked up, he saw the other four had converged around Ebon, who was slowly getting up.

"Remember, heroes, I gave you a chance." Then a shadow covered all of them, and when it disappeared, they were all gone.

"Damn it!" Barry cried out in frustration, before looking at the wounded Virgil. "Let's go."


Ward paced back and forth. They were so close to getting out of here, and accessing the serum within Emil Blonsky's mutated blood was at their fingertips, if the lady knew what she was doing. It was the safest way to secure Ward's plans for HYDRA's future. "What's taking so long?"

Caitlin placed a vial with a sample on a centrifuge. "This sample contains elements and chemicals I've never seen before. I'm working with limited information, and not to mention, a stressful work environment."

"Then don't be so stressed." Ward said simply, as if she was being overly dramatic.

Back in the Cortex, Cisco was beginning to nod off. The way they cuffed him and beat him up, no way he could use his powers. There was also the pain, the horrible, unbearable pain. It sucked. What was taking Barry so long?

Just as he closed his eyes, Cisco snapped them back open when a breach appeared in the center of the Cortex. The two men left guarding Cisco were taken by surprise when an arrow and a stick were thrown at them, disarming them of their guns and leaving them open for a red-clad and green-clad men to give the beating the new metahuman desperately wanted to do to them.

With one final smack from the bow and a fast double kick, both HYDRA agents went down. Oliver quickly turned to Cisco, setting his bow down as he used a flechette to cut off the zip ties. "How are you feeling, Cisco?"

"I've been better." The scientist admitted as Oliver helped him to his feet. That was when he finally got a look at the other man. "Who is this?"

"Daredevil." The new guy said simply.

"Good name." Cisco said with approval before returning to the situation at hand. "They got Caitlin."

"I'll get her."

Oliver nodded. The leader was with Caitlin, Matt clearly had a score to settle. "I'll get the rest in the building."

"Oliver, wait." Cisco grabbed his shoulder before he could go. Taking a breath as deep as he could without pain overwhelming him, Cisco warned, "They have countermeasures in case Barry came back. I don't know what they are, but-"

"I'll be careful, you should find somewhere safe." Oliver told Cisco as he helped him stand on his own, then faced Matt. "You ready?"

"Always." Matt and Oliver left the cortex and ran separate ways.

Cisco walked as fast as he could while cradling his chest. "Oh yeah, forget about me, not like I got my ribs beat in by a sad*st." He groaned as he hurried to the Time Vault.

The centrifuge stopped spinning. Before Caitlin could touch it, Ward already removed the vial and examined it closely. A dark blue liquid came from the dark green blood. Considering the source, Ward was surprised by the color, but that wasn't important. "Is it ready?"

"…maybe." Ward looked at her sharply. "I told you, I don't know what I'm dealing with. It could make you as strong as Deathstroke, or it could make you worse."

"Comforting." Ward snarked at her before deciding they were running out of time. He didn't want to risk going up against a guy who could break the sound barrier just by running. He placed the serum in the bioengineer's hand and took off his jacket, exposing his arm while his other hand aimed his pistol at her. "Give it to me." Caitlin made to speak but Ward was not willing to wait. "Save the risk and danger speech, I'm running on a clock, which means so are you."

Oliver had his bow and one arrow out as he rushed at the remaining Hydra thugs, sliding to avoid one's shot and slicing his feet with an arrow, before getting to his other side and firing, taking the thug out.

As one more fired at him, Oliver flipped to avoid and fired again, taking him out too, and flipped to kick another thug before he could fire, managing to get him as well.

Then he fired at another rushing him, before spinning around and taking out one more the same way. As one more ran up to him, Oliver rushed him and grabbing his head between his feet, flipped him to the ground, before firing at another running up to him, and then as one more rushed him from behind, Oliver spun to strike him with his bow, throwing him down, before shooting him out.

The one he'd flipped was still conscious and pulled out a detonator. Noticing too late, Oliver quickly drew back an arrow and released, but not before the button was pressed, only then did the arrow hit the heart. An explosion further ahead into the corridor caught Oliver's attention. Smoke was coming from a room, a room, Oliver realized, was the doorway to the Particle Accelerator, where Team Flash use to keep meta prisoners. There'd be no point in blowing it up…unless…

Green Arrow's fears were not unfounded, as soon, a young man, not even eighteen yet, with spiked up blonde hair walked out of the prison with a co*cky smirk and fire in his hand. He turned his head to Oliver's direction, whose body tensed when the kid's other hand lit up with flames. "My lucky day."

He then threw a fireball in Oliver's direction as he leapt away to avoid it, then looked at the kid. "Look, you can stop this."

"I LOVE THIS!" Hotstreak screamed as he fired a burst of flame that Oliver had to duck and slide to avoid, though it got his shoulder, and he put the fire out, while Hotstreak started covering the entire area in flames, the fire alarms beeping now.

The flames inched closer to Oliver, who backed off to avoid them bit by bit, as Hotsteak laughed. "Killing Green Arrow is gonna do so much wonders for my rep. More like Burnt Arrow!"

Getting an idea, Oliver drew an arrow and fired. It managed to go through the flames, to Hotstreak's shock, and then the tip struck him. It was an ice-tip. When it struck him, Hotstreak stopped, shivering all of a sudden, as Oliver told him. "The temperature on that tip will be too much for you too bear. A normal person would be dead by now. You on the other hand….." The flames around Hotstreak subsided as he fell down, passing out.

Quickly running off, Oliver got the fire extinguisher and used it to put Hotstreak's flames out.

Ward carefully watched Caitlin as she injected the whole serum into his vein before retracting the serum. He knew enough medical skills to realize if she was trying to chance an attempt on his life, but luckily for her she didn't try anything too smart. With a wipe, he cleaned away the blood and pushed his arm back through his jacket sleeve. "How long before it takes effect?"

"You need someone who worked on the original serum, or the receiver. It could be immediate, or not, I can't tell for certain."

Nodding at the logic, Grant was about to counter with his own via his gun, when his phone vibrated. Glancing at the scientist, HYDRA's best killer checked and saw the failsafe was unleashed. He just hoped this kid didn't flame out like Scorch.

But if he was out, that meant-

Ward raised his gun, but a stick ricocheted off the wall and struck the weapon out of his hand. Daredevil rounded the corner at speed and vaulted over the workbench, kicking Garrett's pupil to the ground before rounding on Caitlin. "GO!" He tilted his head back to Ward as the operative stood, discreetly placing the gun behind his waist as he stood.

"This superhero sh*t is really starting to get really old." Ward moaned.

"Says the guy working for an organization that went out of style in the 40s."

Witty, Grant didn't know whether to smile, or to pull the trigger. He decided on both. "We're making a comeback." He said before pulling out the gun forward.

Matt quickly grabbed his hand and twisted, making him drop the gun before Matt kicked him away. Ward tried to strike twice but Matt blocked and decked his stomach, sending him back, after which Ward charged forth, the two trading blows. Matt managed to uppercut Ward, then deck his gut, before Ward grabbed Matt and slammed them both to the ground.

Getting on top of Matt, Ward decked him once, before Matt grabbed his head between his feet and flipped him away.

The two got up and traded blows, before Matt elbowed Ward back, then threw a kick but Ward blocked, before Matt tried to strike him, only for Ward to block again and knee Matt back. Matt stepped forth to try and hit Ward's knee but Ward decked his face first, sending him back.

At the same time, Matt grabbed Ward's throat while Ward decked him again, making him let go as he spun and tried to strike but Ward blocked and the fight continued.

Matt threw some kicks and a spin kick that Ward avoided, before dodging a flew blows, and then he pushed Ward off, before being elbowed on the face. Then Matt grabbed Ward while flipping to the wall and used the momentum to throw Ward off while he too fell down. Ward got up first as Matt rolled forth and tried to strike, getting back up, while Ward tried to kick his face but he blocked.

They battled again but Matt decked Ward's chest, then his face, then hit him with both fists, pushing him back, and then smacked his face so hard Ward was sent flying and crashing to the ground.

As Ward staggered up, Matt kicked him back, then tried to kick again as Ward blocked and decked him twice. Matt pushed him to the ground, and as Ward trick to kick up, Matt grabbed his foot, before slamming his foot on Ward's chest, only for Ward to throw Matt down, but he elbowed Ward's face, staggering him back.

Then he spun around and decked Ward's abdomen before slamming him into a wall, after which Ward kneed his face, then smacked him twice, before trying to punch but Matt ducked to avoid and hit his gut before uppercutting him, after which he trapped Ward's arm in a hold and continued punching him, and finally, he grabbed Ward in a chokehold.

Ward gritted his teeth, trying to free himself, but Matt's grip only tightened, until, at the end, he closed his eyes, passing out, and Matt dropped the unconscious former SHIELD agent to the ground.

Panting, Matt walked over Ward's unconscious body, when he heard Oliver walking towards him, smelling of smoke.

Quickly navigating the round hallway, Oliver, his suit blackened and scorched in places, ran to where Felicity reported Matt engaged with the HYDRA team's leader. The meta, Hotstreak as he liked to call himself, was dangerous, but not nearly as dangerous as his ego. Having withstood the head, alongside his suit, Oliver had managed to use the ice-tipped arrow to take him out. After that, all it took was putting out the fire, then putting Hotstreak into another operable cell. The still living HYDRA team members closest to the pipeline were thrown into similar cells, now that left the two in the cortex, and the man Matt was fighting.

Any worries he had quickly went away when he entered the doorway of the workshop, he saw Caitlin working, and there was Matt, waiting for him. "Clear my end, despite some unexpected trouble."

"You'll have to tell me later-" Matt started smiling, but it quickly dropped, and Oliver saw why. Daredevil turned in time as the man suddenly sprang up with a gun in hand, but Green Arrow was already on the move.

Arrow nocked, and drawn, Oliver then released, the projectile sailing forward faster than the HYDRA agent could raise the gun in time, striking the heart, followed by another. He looked down at the two shafts in chest, then to the two vigilantes, before his body finally collapsed.

Matt looked faced the direction of the man who would have sh*t him in the back, then towards Oliver. "You killed him."

They never discussed morality towards killing, but Oliver knew Matt was not the type. He tried to refrain from going too far into the darkness that many like Ra's told him to embrace, but this was not darkness. The guy pulled a gun on his friend, it was instinct. "If I could have, I wouldn't have, but he was not gonna shoot you again." He saw the turmoil plague the exposed part of Daredevil's face

Oliver just hoped this did not shatter the goodwill built up between them.

Later, Star City, Arrowcave

They were back in the lair, Cisco personally bringing them back as a thank you and a promise to upgrade Matt's gear next time they saw each other. Barry was busy with whatever by the time they finally disabled the explosives, finding out what happened while he was gone should be fun for the speedster. Meanwhile, the drugged and unconscious HYDRA agents were thrown through the breach, along with the body bags. Oliver sent a message through the phone Hardison gave him to text Eliot, letting him know of the situation, and where to pick up the neo-Nazis.

Now, after a little over a week, it was time to say goodbye.

"It doesn't even feel like ten days." Thea complained as she hugged the lawyer.

Chuckling, Matt told her as they separated. "Try spending a few of them stuck down here, they'll feel like ten weeks." She moved back as Laurel stepped up, hugged him, and kissed his cheek.

"Don't be a stranger." She told him with a wink as she moved aside.

"I'll try."

Diggle walked forward with a hand that Matt gladly shook. "Take care of yourself, man. Though if I'm honest, I'll probably never visit your Earth."

"I can't blame you, with the giant watermelons, kaiju, and killer robots walking around, it's not the best time."

"…did you say kaiju?" Felicity asked in shock.


"…nope, never." Dig shook his head and walked away, making the others laugh.

"So, blind, ninja, lawyer, man, what's next when you get home?" Felicity asked as she pulled back from Matt.

A shrug came from the breacher. "Back to work."

"No rest for the Devil?" Roy said jokingly as he clasped hands with Matt and pulled each other into a one-armed hug.

"No rest for the lawyer whose partner is likely to have a heart attack when he gets back." With a light-hearted touch to a serious topic, Roy shook his head as Matt finally faced Oliver. They did not talk about what happened much, and conversation was muted. Oliver felt giving him some space was warranted.

However, he was surprised when Matt offered his hand, and smiled at him. "Thank you, for saving my life. Twice."

Smiling back, Oliver happily took his hand and shook. "Thank you for being such a good student and guest."

"That's the Catholic in me."

"I bet it is." Oliver nodded as they released their hands. Matt returned it as he turned around and walked to the breach but stopped mid-step. Oliver furrowed his brow when Matt turned back and faced him, helmet off.

"My name is Matt Murdock."

Surprise filled Oliver before shoving it away to make room for appreciation at the show of trust. "Oliver Queen. It was a pleasure."

"It was." Matt said before donning his helmet again and walking through the breach. They watched him go before the breach finally closed behind him.

"I liked him." Thea admitted. "He was funny, and not overwhelmingly broody like some people here." Oliver fixed her with a dull look.

"He definitely seemed like fun."

Team Arrow looked to the source of the voice, and found their missing member returned. Sara smiled back at them.

"Miss me?"

A soft look was adopted by Oliver. "Welcome back." He said as Laurel and Thea engulfed her in a hug.

He hoped, despite everything, that this meant things would turn around for them.

Central City, STAR Labs

Barry finally sped back in, taking his mask off, as he saw the wounds on Cisco, while Caitlin had a bruise. Guilt filled him as he said. "Sorry I was not here. I was in the sewers as Static had followed Ebon there. Took a while to find them, and couldn't hear the comms there."

"Even if you could, those people jammed the comms from our end", Caitlin told him, but Barry's guilt wasn't easily assuaged.

"How is Static?" Cisco inquired.

"I patched him up before sending him back", Barry told them. He wasn't a doctor like Caitlin or his father, but he'd picked up a few things, so he could treat injuries like those. "Either way, I should have been here, I'm sorry guys."

"Its fine, I'd have been madder if you were having fun or something", Cisco assured Barry, standing up with a groan as Barry sped forth and helped him too. "Either way, Oliver and that Daredevil guy helped out just fine."

"Daredevil, huh? Cool name", Barry said, Cisco nodding in agreement.

"And that's another one I owe Oliver."

Hawkins House

Virgil knocked on the door, his father opening it, looking down on him sternly, but the anger faded a bit when he saw that his son was patched up.

Putting an arm around him, Robert led him in and closed the door. "What happened?"

"Ran into some rough people, dad", Virgil told him an abbreviated version of the truth as Robert helped him sit down on the couch. "Flash saved me and patched me up."

"Thank God for him", Robert sighed, then looked at Virgil. "You're going through stuff, and I get it. This is that kind of age. But you don't need to go through this alone, all right?"

Virgil nodded, as Robert smiled at him, then said. "Go to bed now." Getting up, he added. "You're still grounded though."

Virgil sighed, as Robert helped him up once more, to help him get to bed.

Earth-92, Los Angeles, Hyperion Hotel

Team Angel had just returned from watching the 'Blinnikov World Ballet Corps', and it was….interesting, to say the least, considering what Kurskov was up to, and that poor Prime Ballerina. Plus the time when Angel and Cordelia had been possessed and nearly done it.

Now, in the lobby, Cordelia was brushing at her dress. "Do you think I can still return it? Because otherwise we're gonna have to take on a lot more cases."


Cordelia said. "You know, we should probably just not talk about - our little adventure. Anything that might have been seen, anything that might have been, oh", she let out a laugh, "perky."

Angel turned away. "I just wanna pretend it never happened."


Angel agreed. "Wipe it from my memory."

Cordelia asked. "What? - Was it, like, disgusting?"

Angel assured. "No! I, ah... I would, I would just want... If we were to... - I would just want it to be... - new. Start at the beginning."

Cordelia shook her head. "Lost me in the middle."

Angel started. "Cordy - you and I, we've been working together for - a long time."

Cordelia let out a short 'duh' kind of laugh.

"What I mean is, you've become a truly extraordinary woman."

Cordelia grinned and chuckled.

"And I know we haven't always gotten along but… I think that we… you know… we…"

Angel trailed off.

Cordelia was confused but before she could say anything, Angel continued. "We… grew closer together and I think… I wanna give it a chance. See it through, you know, what we have, if you want to too."

"Angel…" Cordelia blushed, readjusting her dress. "Well, you know how to sweep a girl off her feet."

"So, what do you say?" Angel asked.

"Well, we've been through a lot… and… I…" Cordelia took a breath. "If this was five… six years ago, I'd probably jump at you straightaway but well…" She considered.

When they first met, she had a crush on him before seeing the truth about the supernatural and considering his infatuation with Buffy, Cordelia would never have considered being in relationship with him but both of them had moved on from each other long ago and Cordelia realized that no matter what, her and Xander would not last for long either way.

And she knew deep down, she had feelings for Angel a long time herself. "Maybe we have a chance. You've been there for me, when I needed you. And I want to be there for you too, Angel. I'd like to be with you, wherever it may take us, but we must see where this goes-

Angel nodded, knowing that they couldn't rush into it like he had with Buffy. Even without the perfect happiness clause, rushing into a relationship that fast was unhealthy, and his relationship with Buffy had proven it. "So, I guess we'll take it slow?"

"One step at a time." Cordelia promised as she held Angel's hand.

The Realm of the Powers That Be

"This has gone off completely sideways", Behmen was saying in a Council meeting with the other Powers That Be. "That plan that we'd made for the Champions….it is not being followed anymore!"

"Indeed, this Singularity and these portals have made a mess out of everything", Balial agreed with a sigh.

"I know!" A Power That Be by the name of Dushan ranted. "They all deserve to be punished for not following our plan. Especially that Cordelia for ditching someone as great as Xander and getting together with Angel instead!"

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No one paid him any heed. He wasn't really very pleasant to look at, or listen to, for the matter, since he'd an obsession with Xander, and even suggested to make him Champion instead of Angel many times. The only reason he was even a Higher Power was due to his powers and skills, his personality wasn't something the rest of them liked at all.

"Should they be punished, though?" A female Power That Be by the name of Adila inquired. Balial turned to look at her, as did the rest. She was Balial's sister, a High Minister in the Council, and the best warrior amongst them all, even if she hadn't taken up her weapons for a very long time. Not since the rogue Power That Be had been defeated, by her personally at the end of the battle against her.

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She hadn't supported her brother in becoming ruler because he'd been blinded and she did not think he could the best ruler he was capable of being if he could not see where his enemies lay. Not to mention he was only the top candidate because the rogue Power That Be had killed all others in the battle.

Because of that, he'd only been made acting ruler….and he was still acting ruler for many centuries now, not having given up his power, and he wanted Behmen to be his successor due to Behmen's strength, as he was the strongest of them all. And he thought Behmen had a strong personality too. He was just trying to think of some sort of test to gauge Behmen's overall capabilities before making it official.

So many good people, good Powers, had lost their lives due to that rogue Power That Be. She might have been defeated and banished, but her actions were the reason why the Powers That Be were still suffering, not even close to their former glory and greatness. Now they were just powerful beings residing in this Higher Dimension.

They were not worthy of being called Higher Powers anymore, as they did not guide, just manipulated things, and got angry when their plan wasn't followed, as this meeting was proving.

"They are our Champions", Adila continued, trying to appeal to the rest. "Who will care for them if not us?"

"To be cared for, they must follow us first!" Behmen snapped at her rudely. "You'd do well to remember that, Adila. This softness does not befit a Power of your stature."

Adila glared at him as he continued. "Or do you want to be human like them?"

"Silence, Behmen, get back to the matter at hand!" Balial silenced him. "If you want to succeed me one day, get to the point."

"Forgive me, Lord Balial", Behmen apologized to him, but not to Adila to whom he'd been rude. "For now, I suggest watching this play out a bit more, but if things get out of hand…"

"We will have to interfere", another Power That Be named Slate spoke up now. "They have gotten it all easy….decent lives, friends, family. The least they can do is follow us." Slate looked at Behmen. "Otherwise, I do think we will have to pay them a visit and tell them to get in line, my friend."

Heroes coming together - Chapter 32 - Aragorn_II_Elessar (33)

"Right you are, my friend", Behmen agreed, the two sharing a smile. "And I am sure you can defeat the best of them in a battle."

"I can!" Slate said. "Just because they became Champions while alive does not mean they're better than me. Even before you made me a Power That Be after my death, friend Behmen, my competence was always divine."

He had been poor in life, his family having had quite a few lepers, a very long time ago, and so he'd never received any opportunities in life, in spite of his competence, making him very bitter. He would have been a Champion otherwise.

However, seeing his competence and skills, Behmen had made him a Power That Be after his death, and the two had been great friends since then. And both were confident that Slate was capable of defeating these living Champions if he wanted to.

"I look forward to seeing you defeat all of them", Behmen told Slate with a smile, happily imagining such a sight already.

"If it comes to something like that", Adila said, Behmen glaring at her again. "We cannot interfere unless absolutely necessary."

"But I'd say it is necessary, won't you, Behmen?" Talzin asked, and Behmen nodded with a grin.

"Yes, very soon", Behmen snarled.

"I can't wait to teach them a lesson!" Nigue said happily with a chuckle of his own, having some dark thoughts.

"Oh yeah, I have quite some punishments in mind for this lot", Jossetta smirked vindictively. They should have just followed the plan. They didn't, so they deserved whatever happened to them now as consequences.

"Besides, I have a way to contact them anyways", Vasoros pointed out with a smirk of his own. "If they go too far, we can talk to them and tell them exactly what will happen to them at any time we want."

"If they do not follow our plan eventually, we will interfere", Balial finally declared, as Adila looked down and sighed sadly.

Some Higher Powers they were. Getting angry because their plan was not being followed, when it wasn't even the best plan to begin with, considering how hard the lives of the Champions were, how much they struggled, and still didn't get much in the way of happiness.

She hoped things could be better one day, but that day wasn't in sight as of now.

Earth-1, Star City

Prometheus and Talia entered the rundown apartment they used to rendezvous, the former putting the box of Promethium down, but both were immediately on alert, realizing they were not alone in the room.

Exchanging a look, they nocked their arrows, only for a speeding blur to disarm them of all their weapons and throw them to the ground painfully.

At that moment, the lights finally came on, revealing a bald man in a business suit, another dark-haired man in casual clothes, a man with long hair and beard holding a knife in his hand, having a very sinister grin, Zoom in his usual speedster attire, having only a new and improved version of the Satan's Claw, and someone Talia instantly recognized, causing her to growl.

"Malcolm", she snarled, glaring at the current Demon's Head, who just smirked at her.

"Pleasure to meet you, Talia, I hope you are more pleasant and reasonable than your sister", Malcolm Merlyn greeted her in his usual pleasant manner, hiding his sinisterness underneath.

"She has grown into a foolish woman by all accounts", Talia scoffed, picking herself up, Prometheus doing the same. "But you were a fool to come to me."

"Except it is not just him", the bald man spoke, both now looking at him. "We made this decision together after observing the two of you for a bit."

"Why did you all come to us then?" Prometheus inquired. "Who are you all anyways?"

"My name is Lex Luthor", Lex revealed to the two of them.

"You don't look like him", Prometheus noted.

"I am not the one of this Earth", Lex revealed, to their surprise. "I am from a different Earth, and I am making a team of like-minded people, who share the same goal as me."

"What goal is that?" Prometheus asked.

"The defeat of people with super-powers", Lex spoke in reply, then smirked wider. "Simon Morrison."

For once, Prometheus was shocked. He had been ten steps ahead of everyone so far. No one even knew who he was, and outside of Talia, everyone was unaware of his true plans at day's end.

Yet this businessman from another Earth, who clearly was the leader of this group of five, knew who he was already.

Reaching up to his face, Prometheus took off his hood and pulled down his mask, revealing his face, causing Talia to uncover her face as well, both of them staring at this group of five.

"I only want to make Oliver Queen suffer, I do not care about other super people", Adrian said matter-of-fact.

"But that is the thing, my friend", the dark-haired man now spoke up, before holding out his hand. "Turkish Delight?" Adrian looked down at the Turkish Delight in slight confusion, then shrugged and took it anyways, before he offered it to Talia, who took it too.

They knew for one it wasn't an attempt to poison them. Otherwise, why even visit them and make this pitch?

"I am Zemo, by the way", the man gave his name while sporting a pleasant smile of his own. "Anyways, as I was saying- you want to make Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow suffer, but I ask you….why be so short-sighted?"

"Nothing else really matters to me", Adrian snarled.

"Wait Adrian", Talia held up her hand, liking the sound of this. "Let us listen to them."

"We can make things better, you see", Vandal Savage now spoke up, before revealing his name. "I am Vandal Savage. I am sure you know of me."

Talia's eyes widened as she stared at him, taking in his appearance. "Father said you were one to watch out for."

"He was right, as you will soon find out", Savage told her, approaching her, Talia actually shaking a little as he stood right in front of her now, giving a sad*stic smile, before he backed off. "When you join us and see what I am capable of."

Talia released a breath she did not know she was holding, this being a sigh of relief. Adrian noted Talia's composure had cracked, and that never happened.

He did know of Vandal Savage himself, from her, and if she was scared of him, and all that he'd been told of Savage was true, even with his chip, he would not be able to take down Savage for long.

And that was not in the question, since they had Zoom with them! A speedster!

"As I was saying, we can make things better", Savage continued. "Show the people that there is a better way than looking to these masks for their protection."

"You have one with you", Talia said, gesturing to Zoom.

"I do not protect", Zoom said in his usual guttural tone.

"People think these masks are like Gods of Old, and they behave as such", Lex took it up once more, looking at Adrian. "You call yourself Prometheus, don't you?"

"He took away the fire from the Gods to give to humanity", Adrian said in reply. "I shall take Oliver's power over this city away the same way."

"Here is why you're thinking small- Oliver alone is not the problem. He is just part of the problem", Lex pointed out, standing up as he started pacing now. "All of these masks, they have taken all the attention away, making people look up to them like they're above it all. We must show them they're not. And a few of these, on your Earth, they're Oliver's friends, or are inspired by him in some way or the other."

"If you target them as well, it indirectly hurts Oliver, because his sorry crusade inspired their own sorry crusades", Malcolm added from his end. "So really, why target only Oliver? Let us target them all, and make our worlds better." He looked to Talia and showed off the Ring of the Demon's Head. "You're not getting this though."

"I left a long time ago to forge my own path", Talia told him. "I do not desire that anymore. However…." She looked at him, then Lex. "What you say is not wrong. I feel that…." She turned back to Malcolm, "our faction can align with the League of Assassins if this is to be done."

"What sayyou?" Savage looked directly at Adrian, who looked back at him, then Malcolm, then Zoom, then Zemo, and finally Lex.

"I say…let us target all of them now." Adrian gave a smirk of his own that matched that of Lex. "Like you said, Oliver is part of the problem. I will still focus on him, but the others will be taken down too, to show how worthless all of this is."

"Right you are", Lex agreed, looking out at the night sky. "Welcome aboard."

Now it was time to go beyond recruiting people.

Heroes coming together - Chapter 32 - Aragorn_II_Elessar (2024)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.