Elden Ring: How to Get to Divine Tower of Caelid (2025)

In the journey through the Lands Between, Elden Ring players will have to face fearsome and omnipotent gods to collect Great Runes. Each Great Rune comes with great power, which can only be activated at its respective Divine Towers.

There are six Divine Towers spread across the Lands Between in Elden Ring. One of the first few Divine Towers accessible to players is the Divine Tower of Caelid. Here, players will be able to activate Radahn’s Great Rune, which increases the character’s max HP, FP, and Stamina. Reaching the Divine Tower of Caelid is no easy task, as it is located in Dragonbarrow, one of the most dangerous regions. Use this guide to find out the best route to reach the Divine Tower of Caelid and how to explore the tower to activate Radahn’s Great Rune and claim a powerful weapon hidden at the bottom.


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There are many places within this corrupted land that any Tarnished should visit before taking part in the Radahn Festival.

Divine Tower of Caelid Location Guide

Elden Ring: How to Get to Divine Tower of Caelid (2)

The easiest way to reach Caelid’s Divine Tower is by teleporting to the Bestial Sanctum and heading south to reach the minor Erdtree. From there, take the path going west behind the minor Erdtree and follow it to reach the Dragonbarrow West site of grace. The Divine Tower is located just a little northeast of this grace site.

Finding the Divine Tower of Caelid isn’t the tough part, as it can be seen from Limgrave. Players can also reach the location by riding Torrent from Limgrave towards the tower in Caelid. However, it will require a bit of parkour across the ridge to enter the Dragonbarrow region.

After reaching the Dragonbarrow West site of grace, players just need to head north towards the tower to find large roots growing outward. Ride on Torrent and use the roots as a bridge to reach the Divine Tower of Caelid. Players will have to use Torrent’s jump ability to safely land on the ledge with a soldier wielding a torch pole. Kill the soldier quickly to avoid the risk of getting thrown off the ledge.

Then, climb the ladder and go towards the left ledge. Hop back on Torrent and keep going left by closely sticking to the ledge to avoid falling. After two triangular ledges, there will be another ladder. Climb this ladder and go left to enter the Divine Tower of Caelid.

From the Divine Tower of Caelid grace site, players have the option to either go to the basement or the roof of the tower. To activate Radahn’s Great Rune, players need to ascend to the top of the tower by taking the stairs going up. At the end of the stairs, there is a giant door with a lift behind it. Take the lift to reach the top of the tower. Players can activate Radahn’s Great Rune by interacting with the dead Two Fingers. This part of the tower becomes accessible only after defeating the Starscourge Radahn boss.

The second set of stairs leads to the bottom of the tower, where players can engage in a battle with a Godskin Apostle to unlock the chest containing the Godslayer's Greatsword, one of the strongest weapons in Elden Ring. To locate the boss room, walk down the stairs to encounter two soldiers and a locked door. After defeating the soldiers, look down to discover a narrow platform. This is one of the few places where parkour skills come into play.

Carefully jump down onto the platform, and then take the ledge going north to find another platform. Jump onto this platform, and it will fall onto another platform. Fortunately, there’s no fall damage in this case. On the platform, there will be a lamp with enough space to land on just by walking towards it. From this lamp, sprint and jump to the short platform in front and then carefully drop onto the ledge.

From here, go south to find a soldier guarding a small lift. Defeat the soldier and take the lift. After coming out of the lift, players can see a ladder going up to the room with a locked door. Unlock this door to have a fast route back in case of dying to an enemy or fall damage. Then, go down the ladder and face the Blackflame Monk or quickly run past it.

At the end of the balcony, there will be another ledge and a platform. Jump onto the platform, and it will also fall down. After crashing, players can find a lift, which will take them to the bottom of the tower. At the bottom, there will be a site of grace, and the boss room is just beyond this point.

Elden Ring: How to Get to Divine Tower of Caelid (3)
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Elden Ring: How to Get to Divine Tower of Caelid (2025)
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