Elden Ring: Divine Tower of Caelid and Radahn's Great Rune guide (2025)

The Divine Tower of Caelid is a fairly important location in Elden Ring. Trying to get there can be a challenge, since it will test how good you are when it comes to jumping around. Here’s our Elden Ring guide to help you with the Divine Tower of Caelid jumping puzzles, Radahn’s Great Rune, and the Godskin Apostle boss.

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Note: For more information, check out our Elden Ring guides and features hub.

Elden Ring Divine Tower of Caelid guide – Radahn’s Great Rune and Godskin Apostle

Elden Ring Divine Tower of Caelid (outer area)

You’ll find Elden Ring‘s Divine Tower of Caelid in the northern section of the region. The closest fast travel point is Dragonbarrow West and, once you approach the structure, you’ll see large branches that connect to it.

To be on the safe side, follow the branch as it leads to the lower area then eliminate the Redmane Soldier there. Climb up and take out the other foe, too. You can then use Torrent to double jump past the gap to the right to find a Stonesword Key guarded by a Knight.

Next, move to your left and follow the ledges going around. Beware because some of the parts here are already broken off, and you could fall to your doom. As usual, use Torrent to jump, but dismount and control your character if you need to turn.

When you reach the side, you can climb down the ladder that’s further away to get a Numen’s Rune (it gives a lot of dough). Then, head back to where you were earlier and climb the other ladder upward.

Elden Ring Divine Tower of Caelid (inner area)

You’ll then be able to tag the Site of Grace. There are two paths here, one leading up and one leading down.

If you already defeated Starscourge Radahn, then you can open the doors up top and ride the lift. Interact with the tree to activate his Great Rune.

Radahn’s Great Rune in Elden Ring will provide a boost to your HP, FP, and stamina for a temporary duration.

Next, you can head down, but watch out for the two Redmane Soldiers. Take them out and check the doorway. Unfortunately, it’s locked.

Now, look at the area in front of you. There’s a wide chasm here, and falling down means certain doom. However, if you look to your right, you should see ledges that you can use.

When you do make it a couple of levels below, the platform will crumble.

Don’t worry because there’s another ledge and your character should still be alive.

From here, you’ll want to check other kinds of platforms, such as circular ones, until you see another hostile guarding a lift.

You can ride the lift back up to grab a Rune Arc.

Likewise, you should spot a ladder on this level, too. Climb it all the way to the top and open the door from earlier.

This would help since, if you die, you can use the ladder after respawning at the Site of Grace.

In any case, forge ahead (there’s another crumbling platform) until you reach the second lift. Ride it all the way to the bottom and tag the Site of Grace.

Past this point, there’s one more enemy and, beyond, is a boss’ arena.

Elden Ring Godskin Apostle boss fight

The Godskin Apostle boss in Elden Ring has some quick moves, and it also lobs Deathscourge Flames at you. One of the more dangerous attacks, however, is its Chopper Blades. Just back away from it, since it will easily eat through your stamina.

Another deadly move is cast once it’s below 50% HP. It does a Deathscourge Nova that pulses several times before exploding. The pulses will cause damage, and so will the explosion (it actually killed me since I was attempting to roll away from it).

Apart from this, it will start to stretch its body when it lunges for melee attacks. This can be beneficial since it will sometimes completely miss you and be vulnerable to hits.

Defeating the Godskin Apostle boss in Elden Ring nets you the full Godskin Apostle armor set. The room at the back will also be unlocked, revealing a chest. Inside, you can pick up the Godslayer’s Greatsword.

  • Requirement – STR 20, DEX 22, and FAI 20.
  • Scaling – STR D, DEX D, and FAI D.

Elden Ring is available via Steam. For more information, check out our guides and features hub.

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Elden Ring: Divine Tower of Caelid and Radahn's Great Rune guide (2025)
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