A Gathering of Times - LetsWriteFanfics (2024)

Chapter Text

Our story begins in a world outside of that of Earth. Where within a nest a vault holds a scroll that illuminates, revealing a change within multiple times, converging into one.

Super Timeline

Ever since the ordeal with Black, things had quieted down. At least in the sense of no villains popping up and trying to destroy the world. Although other aspects have changed for some of the warriors. Specifically for Goku and Vegeta. For the Prince, he gained a daughter. A happy occasion for both parents. Although even with such happiness, a realization had been made by Bulma. After all that had happened with Black, she had noticed a change in Vegeta towards Goku. Something that perhaps has always been there, but was never given the chance to explore. Even if it was a hint, she could see in her husband's eyes, a fleeting feeling of pure content. A soft gaze was directed towards Goku, while the loving idiot coddled baby Bulla.

Deep down, Bulma has always thought there was more to simply a rivalry that her husband had towards Goku. She merely let the thought escape her what with life taking hold. Rushing into a single night of heated passion with not only just a man but a sayian man, who at the time was quite unhinged. Turning into a baby being born from it, and simply doing the best she could in raising a half-saiyan child, alone, for the longest time. It was all after defeating Kid Buu that Vegeta changed in a way she never thought could happen. He showed regret in his actions and love towards not just her, but their son.

He did care and she felt it was all thanks to Goku. Vegeta’s whole life had been a tragic story, but with Goku coming into his life, it’s like the sun shining down in a world where only darkness was had.

Vegeta now lived a life that was much more peaceful. He was a good father and though he didn’t like showing it, was much more loving towards her. The man was quite shy when it came to being intimate.

In saying all that, seeing Vegeta look at Goku like that made her realize, that maybe it was him falling for Goku, that made him wish to change for the better. For never having seen the sun, he became blinded by the other and wished to be closer to said light.

She and Vegeta had been doing fine obviously, as Bulla wouldn’t be here now. But with all that had happened with Black. Bulma felt that Vegeta had seen a darker side of Goku, that none of them probably could ever imagine. Even if it wasn’t Goku. Having to deal with the aftermath, she noticed how much he seemed attached to said rival. Even at night, he would be tossing and turning, calling out Goku’s sayian name.

She hadn’t said a word to her husband, knowing the man would simply deny such a thing. But she believed that now with Bulla’s party having passed from her being born and several more days going by, she could talk to the other and confront him in this sudden realization. Whether he wanted to hear it or not.

The saiyan, as always, was training in the gravity chamber. Rather than using the video phone, she decided to halt the other’s training by simply walking into the chamber. Vegeta growled in response as soon as the gravity reverted to normal, what with the sudden disturbance of Bulma walking in. “What is it, women!? I’m busy at the moment!” he cried out in annoyance. Something Bluma has been used to for a while now, whenever she tried reaching out to the other when training. “Vegeta, we need to talk,” she said in a tone that had no room for the other to argue with her. Bluma stared at him with a serious gaze. Vegeta was mildly bewildered by her sudden seriousness. His stiff demeanor softened as he turned to give Bluma his attention.

Bulma’s gaze became hinted with worry, as she was able to look at Vegeta fully. His eyes showed that he had hardly gotten much sleep and the built-up sweat that was falling from his skin, making it known he had been in the gravity chamber for quite a while. Pushing himself no doubt in rigorous training. Like she had thought, something was off about the other. Vegeta wasn’t one to talk about his problems though. Just simply tried to keep it in and train hard to forget about it.

“Look, Vegeta I feel like since the whole ordeal with Black, something’s been bothering you,” she stated bluntly. Vegeta suddenly became tense at her words, keeping silent as she continued to speak. “You’ve hardly been able to sleep properly. I’ve heard you at night calling out for ‘him’... Vegeta, please, just tell me. Are you in love with Goku?”

Vegeta looked at Bulma in shock. His face was flushed in either embarrassment or anger, she couldn’t tell, but perhaps both. “What the hell are you going on about women!? I’m married to you! I have no clue what have you thinking such daft thoughts, but get them out of your head!” Vegeta yelled out, shaking in fury. His reaction to her words had Bulma sighing in annoyance. She has long been used to the other’s rage when she managed to upset the saiyan. “I’m aware of that, Vegeta, but that doesn’t answer my question. I know you love me Vegeta, but for a while now, something has made me realize that I don’t think it’s me who is meant to be beside you.” She looked at him with a gaze of knowing. Even if the other didn’t want to say it out loud, she knew. “I know this is something you won’t easily admit. Maybe you don’t even realize it yet, but I feel that since seeing Goku Black, there’s something inside you that saw something so evil, so alluring to that darker side of you, that the light he brings to you, makes you scared of what it is you want Vegeta. I do this because I love you, but I feel we should take a break. Not that I want you to leave. You still have your room from back when you first came to Earth. I just think this is something you need to explore. For the last few years, I’ve so enjoyed us. But I think you deserve to know if it’s really meant to be us in the end.”

As she smiled at him lovingly, Vegeta stood there, not knowing what to say. He was still flushed and his mouth was slightly agape in shock. His breathing had gotten a bit labored, in disbelief.

“Bulla… and Trunks.” He lightly whispered, finding concern as to how this would affect their children. A part of himself was shocked that he wasn’t begging on his knees for Bulma not to do this. He knew, like her though, that something deep within him wasn’t so sure if they were meant to be either. It’s something deep inside him that he has questioned ever since he met the other saiyan.

It’s just with how everything had gone since landing on earth, he had wanted to prove not only to himself but Kakarot, that he could be better. Even if he had dipped into temptation towards evil, in the end, it had been because he wanted to show Kakarot that he wasn’t just second best to him. But that he was better than the other. Always wanting to be better than him. Always wanting the other to see him for what he was. That he was his Prince and that even if he was of third-class decent, he was to be under his rule, his alone. A warrior of his class was beneath him, but in the end, he had always, since they had first met. Vegeta wanted him. Wanted him in ways he wasn’t sure he could even define. Let alone something like love.

Bulma couldn’t help but kiss the other’s cheek, lightly caressing his cheek in reassurance. “They will be fine. If I’m honest with you Vegeta, I feel Trunks has even noticed. However, that boy has the same problem as his father. Not wanting to admit that the Son family boys seem to have quite an effect towards you princely boys.” She said giving him a wink and a cheeky smile.

Vegeta looked away with a tsk, face brightening further in red. The woman was always too smart for her own good. Perhaps the reason he wasn’t begging for this to be real, was simply because she didn’t deserve to be deceived. Plus, though he would never admit this out loud, the women tend to usually be right. He needed to figure out what he really wanted.

Bulma could tell she had broken through the other’s feelings and was glad to have finally pushed him into taking the needed steps toward this unexplored path. “Vegeta,” she spoke softly to gain the other’s attention. He looked toward her and couldn’t help but give her a small smile in return. “No matter what happens. I want you to know, you’ll always be a part of the Breif family.” Vegeta’s smile grew at her words. Unable to stop himself, he hugged her affectionately.

Bulma was surprised by the sudden embrace, but she happily returned it. She would miss this, but deep down, she knew this was for the better. Something inside her felt that even Chi-Chi knew the same.

Their husbands were always off training together. Plus having also shared in raising half saiyan children, their friendship had grown over the years. Especially when Goten was born. Vegeta at the time was still a bit distant towards her and Trunks. Trunks may have been a year older than Goten, but the two were practically raised together. Chi-Chi was such a huge help. Having already gone through raising one half-saiyan child, along with the loss of Goku at the time, the two women bonded in feeling alone and just simply making life work out. It had been Chi-Chi who gave her strength to push Vegeta onto this path.

Goku and Chi-Chi had gotten divorced not too long after Bulla’s party. Just like how Bulma had noticed something different between the two Saiyans, Chi-Chi had known for much longer, the feelings inside her husband had towards the prince.

Unlike Bulma, Chi-Chi had known since the aftermath of Kid Buu how different Goku was towards Vegeta. She felt Goku was simply too naive to notice said feelings. The saiyan had never known love, besides that it was his duty to care for and love her after their marriage. Chi-Chi was fine with Goku’s simplistic view of their relationship and Goku had always been a good father to their children, even if he did tend to train a little too much and how simply trouble just seemed to follow said saiyan, and he was happy to head fist first into taking care of said trouble.

She felt that their fusing at the time, changed Goku in a sense. At least he seemed more aware of how he showed affection physically. Goku wasn’t typically a physical person, but rather much more verbal when affectionate. It was like something had awakened his curiosity and she found him to be more physically inclined. Although a bit awkward about it, she found it to be very cute. Even then though, she had noticed a sort of distance created in him trying to understand this affection as if it wasn’t so much affection he wished to give to her, but someone else.

It was then that Chi-Chi decided to take it upon herself to divorce the other. She felt lately that the two of them together was more of a chore for the other, rather than just simply being her husband. Although that may sound harsh, she didn’t mean it so much in a negative way. She did love the man and she knew that Goku would do anything for her and their kids. But she felt it was time to let go of him. She had long kept the other bound to her and she felt it was because of this, that he never really got to experience just what it meant to fall in love with someone.

She didn’t want him to feel forced into having to be affectionate with her if his mind was on someone else. Even if the other was a bit dimwitted in realizing said affection was towards a certain prince. In the time the two would train and constantly feeling like Goku was seeking the other’s attention, rather than her own, she knew that with time, let alone time to himself. He would figure it out. So without much of a fight on his side, he signed the divorce papers and even moved out. Although not very far. He had made sure to let Chi-Chi know, that he would always be there for her and their kids if they needed him. He ended up moving back into his grandfather’s hut. Seeing as it was settled on the same property, but was still a distance from their family home.

Goku was confused for a while, he was a bit lonely at first, but still being close to his family, and even with him and Chi-Chi divorced, she was happy to have him over for meals and spend time with Goten. Though they weren’t married, they were still friends and he was still family. That wouldn’t ever change and after realizing this, he was happier in his time alone. Although something now new seemed to bother him. A feeling he wasn’t quite sure how to place. Let alone how the only thing he could understand from said feeling, was that he wished for Vegeta beside him.

Even though he had been married to Chi-Chi for so long, ever since Vegeta had landed on Earth, Goku had never quite felt a connection with someone as he did with Vegeta. Most prominently they were the same species. His whole life he had felt different from those on earth. Besides the tail, the simple fact that he wasn’t just abandoned by his parents, led him onto a path of finding out his saiyan roots. Though it wasn’t anything he wanted a part of at first, Goku couldn’t deny the pull he felt towards Vegeta after battling it out with him. Let alone when Krillin had almost killed him. Something deep inside of him roared in agony at the thought of him perishing. A warrior who fought not only to be the best but who simply thrived in enjoying it. Even if at the time Vegeta was trying to kill him, he could feel the excitement of each blow being matched as they battled. Although Vegeta may have never seen it the same as he did, Goku finally met someone who was equally matched with him. If anything, someone who could even surpass him. Such a statement was thrilling to Goku.

After time went on and Vegeta even crossed over to the side of good, Goku had never felt such joy in the rivalry he and Vegeta had. Having sacrificed himself in trying to kill Cell and save his friends and family had been easy for him to do. Though with how things had ended and even if his son did manage to defeat Cell in the end, having lost that rivalry with Vegeta left him feeling as if something inside of him was missing. Though he continued to train with those of Otherworld, nobody would ever match the pure enjoyment he would get from fighting Vegeta.

In the time he was able to come to visit Earth and once again gain the chance to fight Vegeta, things took quite a turn. Especially when Vegeta had let Babidi invade his mind. He hadn’t realized just how much it affected the other in losing his greatest rival. A part of him was saddened and even mad that Vegeta would go this far just to simply fight him. Though it seemed emotionally, Vegeta had changed a lot from who he once was before. Feelings of care and content, finding peace within having a family of his own. It was so foreign, that he couldn't help but wish to go back to the way he was before, simply so he could battle with the other like they once did when they first met.

Even if things didn’t turn out how Goku expected, to fight Vegeta once again was such a thrill. Granted he could have transformed into his new super saiyan three, but he felt it would have been like cheating. He wanted to enjoy his battle with the other and fight like how they did before. As equals.

Everything changed when Majin Buu came into the picture. Let alone when Goku realized Vegeta had tried to sacrifice himself to bring peace from such a chaotic being. It once again had him feeling empty inside. Though fate had brought them together again and though Vegeta was furious at him for not fighting him with his new power, he pushed aside his indifference and chose to fuse to help save their loved ones. Though the memory is vague, overall a feeling of acceptance washed over him. Everything had fallen into place and all was right in the hands of Vegeto. Vegeta and Goku were finally equal on a completely different level.

The experience alone had Goku desiring a physical need to be fulfilled. Though one on a level he didn’t quite understand. He tried to make it work with Chi-Chi. That was his wife and he was loyal to her in all aspects of their relationship, but even though it was awkward for him to try and fill that need, he still wasn’t satisfied. Now, since their parting, he could only think about how that need could possibly be filled by Vegeta. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that, but he couldn’t keep his mind off the other.

With the two saiyans now in a new role of freedom, Bulma felt that things might just start to get interesting for the two. That is if the two idiots could even come together to properly figure out said feelings of love they have for each other.

A Gathering of Times - LetsWriteFanfics (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

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Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.