5 Nutritional Needs for Parakeets - Parakeets Craving (2024)

Budgies are lovely and one of the most popular pets in the country. The best part is that you will easily care for their nutritional needs when you know them.

Before becoming a pet parent, you must ask yourself what to feed the parakeets to fulfill their dietary needs.

Providing your birds with a balanced diet will save them from malnutrition, which may cause long-term health issues.

Let’s check parakeets’ nutritional needs to enhance growth and prevent malnutrition.

Balanced Parakeet Diet

5 Nutritional Needs for Parakeets - Parakeets Craving (1)

When planning what your parakeet will eat, ensure that the meal doesn’t have a higher concentration of one nutrition requirement and leave others out.

Refrain from feeding your feathered friend with seeds and grains exclusively. Remember, even in the wild, the birds eat various food, from insects to grass seeds, for a balanced meal.

Feeding the birds with seeds adds too much fat to their body which can lead to obesity.

Additionally, pellets won’t stimulate digestion which may cause digestive imbalances or liver and kidney problems to your feathered friends.

Let’s check some nutritional essentials that will balance your parakeet’s meal.

1. Proteins

5 Nutritional Needs for Parakeets - Parakeets Craving (2)

When feeding your parakeet, include proteins in their food since they break down into amino acids that boost your bird’s immunity and aid in weight loss.

Some seed mixtures have protein content, but it’s healthy to provide other protein sources, which include cooked meat, boiled eggs, and tuna. However, limit the amount of protein; you should give a fingertip amount every two weeks.

Raw or cooked corn is another good source of protein, and you can mix small amounts with the seed diet.

2. Essential Vitamins

Your bird needs essential vitamins to grow healthy. B vitamins such as thiamine help develop the nervous system. Niacin is a cofactor for carbohydrate enzymes for fat metabolism.

Ask your veterinarian about the supplements to give to your parakeets. Vitamin B complex supplements in your older parakeets’ food or after a meal will build the nervous system. When given enough vitamin B, your bird will handle stress during mating and other hard times.

Vitamin A also helps prevent eye disorders by enhancing the mucus that lubricates them and preventing high death rates among young budgies and unhatched eggs.

Vitamin C found in vegetables, herbs, and fruits help in tissue repair, and the best part is most budgies source their herbs.

Don’t keep your budgie enclosed indoors since it will lead to vitamin D deficiency that comes from UVB light.

3. Minerals

5 Nutritional Needs for Parakeets - Parakeets Craving (3)


It’s vital for birds since it helps strengthen bones, feather structure, and beaks development. For proper synthesis, provide magnesium and vitamin D3 with calcium supplements.

Calcium also helps mood stabilization when your bird gets aggressive, and it’s best to provide the mineral to avoid feather plucking.

Feed your bird only a few leafy greens as a source of calcium since some have oxalic acids that bind the mineral. Consult your veterinarian before choosing a formulated calcium supplement for your budgie.

Trace Minerals

Your birds also need trace minerals to help in breeding performance. Iodine tops the list of trace elements you should avail in your parakeet’s diet, and it’s best served in water or soft food in the breeding season.

Ensure your parakeet’s food has trace amounts of copper, zinc, and iron for development.

4. Plant Oils

5 Nutritional Needs for Parakeets - Parakeets Craving (4)

Plant oils and fats are vital for body functions. They provide energy to the body and insulate tissues and cells. Additionally, they act as hormones and cellular signal pathways.

Provide fats in minimal amounts to prevent obesity in your birds. Some plant oils that work for parakeets include flaxseed, red palm, and chia seed oil.

These oils promote healthy living and prevent some disorders, such as vitamin A deficiency and cardiovascular diseases.

5. Water

5 Nutritional Needs for Parakeets - Parakeets Craving (5)

It’s a no-brainer that budgies need drinking water near their feeding points. Use efficient waterers to ensure your parakeet has enough water throughout the day.

Use filtered and purified water for your birds since tap water has chlorine which, if primarily accumulated, can be harmful.

Remember to clean the water bowls and waterers to avoid bacterial contamination harmful to the birds. A bird bottle will save you from constantly changing the water.

Should I Include Treats in My Parakeet’s Diet?

Fruits make good treats since they are given in small quantities in their daily diet. There are also commercial treats to keep your budgie singing in happiness.

Parakeets will only take commercial treats if correctly stored. Avoid giving your birds honey sticks as treats regularly since they contain too much sugar, and the seeds are closely packed into each other.

Final Thoughts

When giving food and other supplements to your bird, ensure they have health benefits. Plant-based nutrients go a long way in ensuring your bird’s health is intact. Include some mineral and vitamin supplements in the diet.

Balance the proportions of food you give to your bird to avoid obesity. Plus, occasionally include parakeet treats in the diet to keep the birds happy. Remember to provide water points in the cage or aviary for healthy living.

5 Nutritional Needs for Parakeets - Parakeets Craving (2024)


5 Nutritional Needs for Parakeets - Parakeets Craving? ›

This means the best parakeet food for them includes a mix of fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts; a mix of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and minerals & vitamins.

What is a parakeets diet facts? ›

Parakeets enjoy a range of foods, including pelleted food, seed, vegetables, fruits, and the occasional treat. Parakeets should always have access to fresh, clean water. Pet parents should never share food from their mouths or plates with their parakeet.

What nutrients do birds need in their diet? ›

Your bird also requires several different types of minerals in order to live a long healthy life. These minerals include calcium, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc. More birds die every day from calcium deficiency than virtually any other nutritional issue.

What do budgies need in their diet? ›

The aim when feeding your pet budgerigar is to emulate the birds' natural diet. This is readily done with a supply of good-quality seed, a mineral supplement block, a regular supply of fruit and greens, and the occasional treat. The seed element should always form the bulk of their diet, though.

What is budgies' favourite food? ›

Budgies can eat banana, strawberries, apples, grapes, oranges, peaches, blueberry, pear, raisins, mango, melon (all varieties), nectarines, cherries (ensure you've removed the stone) and kiwis. Tropical fruits are also a favourite. What salad vegetables can budgies eat?

What minerals do parakeets need? ›

Calcium is often added to parakeet feed, usually in the form of small shell fragments. Your birds will not overindulge on this, though, and providing some extra calcium is a must. The cuttlefish bone will safeguard your bird from calcium deficiency and also gives them a lot of pleasure.

What is a cute bird name? ›

In that case, think of food names and terms of endearment, such as Buttercup and Honey. This as an opportunity to give your bird a name that'll also give you the giggles. A parrot named Rooster or a parakeet named Pickles is pretty funny.

Can parakeets drink milk? ›

Things like milk and ice cream or heavy cream are those types of dairy to have too much lactose in them and they're not recommended for birds.

What are parakeets favorite fruit? ›

Parakeet Fruits

Offer two or three of the following in small amounts about twice a week. Apple (segments, without pips) Apricot. Banana. Bilberry.

What is the most nutritious bird food? ›

While birds will devour all three, black oil sunflower seeds are the best buy. They are smaller than gray and striped sunflower seeds, contain the highest percentage of oil (40 percent) and have the thinnest hulls. Ideally, 75 percent of the seeds offered to birds at your feeders should be black oil sunflower seeds.

What food is protein for birds? ›


- All birds have a protein need. This may be met by feeding limited amounts cooked eggs, cooked egg substitute, bean mixtures (legumes), tofu, whole grain breads, low or non-fat cheese and peanut butter ( in very small amounts).

How do birds get their nutrition? ›

Catching food depends on the bird. Some birds dive for fish while others hop around on lawns, eat insects that are attracted to lights in parking lots, run around on beaches with their beaks open, or hunt in other ways.

What is a parakeets diet? ›

In addition to a pellet diet, parakeets should be offered chopped dark green and yellow veggies as well as a variety of fruits, hard cooked eggs, and grated cheese. Remember to remove fresh foods after two hours to prevent them from spoiling.

What do budgies need? ›

Offering a variety of perch sizes, shapes, and textures will also help keep your Budgie's feet in good shape. A nest to sleep in, dishes for food and water, various toys, and things to chew should all fit inside the cage.

What can I feed my parakeet if I run out of food? ›

Parakeets have eclectic tastes, and can eat a wide variety of readily-available seeds, greens, vegetables, and fruit.

Can parakeets eat vegetables everyday? ›

Pet bird owners should feed their birds a variety of vegetables with a small offering of tropical fruit every day - in addition to a base diet of commercially available, nutritionally complete pellets formulated for birds. Fresh vegetables offer a good source of carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.

What should budgies not eat? ›

Dairy products should be consumed in moderation, as birds are lactose-intolerant. Very salty foods (chips, pretzels, popcorn), chocolate, products containing caffeine (coffee, tea, soda), and alcoholic beverages should never be fed to your budgie.

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